Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

09 Aug


love the tat man! seriously cool


Originally posted by jetx666

can season pass get better rewards? Seems like less people are getting it.

When we developed Pass Royale and Trophy Road we made a few variants of the rewards. Each path has nearly identical value (when converted to a neutral economy value) but mixed up the spots where you unlock them. The reason we do this is to gauge feedback and learn. We learned a lot from the community reaction to the earlier Legendary this month, and will very likely return it to Tier 35 in future months. The only way to know is to experiment!


Originally posted by Mew_Pur_Pur

Any hints for an upcoming card? The recent card designs have been awesome and I can't wait for the new one

We are all super excited for the next card. It's a really fun design, has a unique mechanic, and challenges both players in an interesting way. Should definitely open up new deck archetypes too!


Originally posted by Wwoody123

Would you please ask the Lumberjack what the Rage spell tastes like? Will any troop ever be able to carry a Heal spell?

There was a very old prototype troop (Paladin) that cast Heal on himself every time he attacked! We discarded the concept for now but never say never :)


Originally posted by MindMaster115

I'm really interested in knowing what was the reasoning behind nerfing the barb barrel so it can't kill Princess, Dart Gob or Rascal Girls

I thought it was put as a shorter-ranged log that spawned a single Barbarian but I guess that ain't the case anymore

Things Barb Barrel can still do that Log can't:

- Play in the middle to pull a Baby Dragon or Mega Minion into the opposite lane

- Cycle in the back for a cheap Barb defender

- Counter Goblin Gang at the river and hit the tower for more damage

- Counter Goblin Barrel and provide a counter attacker

- Single handedly kill a distracted support Troop

Barb Barrel is still pretty versatile and strong - it can still kill Princess / Dart Goblin / Rascal Girls, you just rely on the Barbarian to finish them off and lose the ability to chip tower. Barb Barrel had over a 50% use rate in high level play for months on end, it needed a nerf for sure. Something had to be done to change at least one fundamental interaction and I think the Princess/bait type decks were the ones that suffered most from Barb Barrel's insane value. It has the same win rate as Zap and Log now, so let's see how the player base adapts to the change over the next few months.

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Originally posted by Jentrins

u/supercell_drew what about the top 10 accounts? the proof is all over twitter and isn’t that more of a priority than someone who creates content for you?

we don't consider tweets proof. sure, we can look into players from tweets, but they're not proof.

we wouldn't ban someone for saying "player X cheated - look at this screenshot". but if enough people report it or it looks legit, we would look into it.

whether someone makes content for us etc is irrelevant when it comes to enforcing fair play. just because you only hear of one case happening doesn't mean that it isn't happening elsewhere.

it takes time to do these things correctly (which is why a lot of companies including ourselves do 'banwaves' to ban a lot of players all in one go) and we would rathwer do things correctly and slow and incorrectly and fast. obviously the goal is to do them fast and correctly, but that's what we are working on.


Originally posted by 111Striker

What do you think about furnace? There has been a lot of post on reddit about its overuse and about the fact that it's too defensive. In my opinion also xbow is too defensive for this game and it makes some matches really boring, so what do you think? I truly hope that one of you will respond.

I go back and forth on Furnace. It's not OP (4%-49% in GCs, 8%-52% on Ladder) but it is annoying. Something I find frustrating is that even after a Fireball or Poison there's that last wave of Fire Spirits that burp out. We have discussed reducing the health so that the final wave doesn't come out, but Poison doesn't really need that buff and Furnace probably shouldn't be so easily countered by Spells. It's a design that is meant to be a little challenging to interact with, but I agree that frustrating gameplay should be addressed as much as possible.


Originally posted by Teto-

I am delighted to see you open a discussion post with so many replies already ;)

Would it be possible to get feedback on the latest balance ?
Especially on Pekka and barb barrel which are currently very controversial.
It’s a little early to draw conclusions, but it turns out that the "nerf" of the Pekka is not one and made it very strong.
For the the barb barrel, many shout at the "dead card" since it no longer one shot cards like princess/rascals/dart gob, it was announced and clear, but it no longer breaks the shields of the guards/ dark prince/ royal recruits what is a could be seen as a little hard for a nerf.

Thx ;)

this here is exactly why we wait a while for deciding on balance changes.

before the update everyone was 100% sure that pekka was a dead card...

turns out the range increase is potentially slightly too much, and we may be dropping it to medium range next season.

it is still too early to come to a conclusion on balances but we are keeping an eye on these two cards as we progress through the season.


Originally posted by iDetroy

We wanted to open up this thread as a bit of a Discussion Thread just to see what's on your mind, and to provide you with some of our thoughts as well.

I can only pretty much repeat my points I've brought up in my Current State of the Game Post and would really like to get an answer on your fishy Ban Policy as well as why the amount of Global Tournaments per Season got decreased to one per month instead of 1 per week.

Questions regards Card Balancing:

1. Pekka

Any plans on reverting the Pekka "Nerf" you've done with Season 2? It's obvious that the Nerf turned into a Buff, and the usage as well as Win Rate increased even further.

2. Mega Knight

Mega Knight has been sitting at a Win Rate below 40% in Grand Challenges since a couple of months already, and there are barely any Match U...

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We are still watching PEKKA, but yes the win rates and use rates have trended up slightly. If it holds, I think PEKKA would receive a small health or range nerf. The goal was a minor nerf and it ended up being a minor buff. For all the talk about how we don't listen to the community, the PEKKA change was reduced BECAUSE of the community. Originally it was -15% health, but we knew it would be controversial and decided to hedge a little bit because we didn't want to over-nerf it. We even warned the YouTubers about it before the balances were announced, but clearly we should have gone with our first instinct.

Mega Knight isn't that bad: 11%-46% in GCs (7%-50% in 8+ win games). There are no plans to buff him right now, but of course that could change any month. He's very popular on Ladder (top 5 played Troop from 4-5k) and Classics (20%-50% use-win) so we are putting priority on more pressing cards that need reworks.


Originally posted by 1337NoobSlayer

about requested changes (more capped modes

Any particular reason why this request has to wait till the great clan war rework? It's such a small change that would solve so many complains about collection day.

The monthly Classic Deck updates and introducing modes like Wall Breaker Party to Clan Wars has been our attempt to keep Clan Wars fresh in the meantime without contributing too much development time. Every day spent on Clan Wars now takes away from the update we would like to do, so hopefully those little changes keep it entertaining in the meantime :)


Originally posted by ThatRandomCeltic

Petition to add a “Yeet!” Sound effect for the fisherman. Please and Thank You!



Originally posted by Sajdnddndn

I remember hearing that you guys were working on a new way to play clash Royale and how the UI was designed. What happened to that?

this comment was most likely about the trophy road, which has indeed changed the way that a lot of people play ladder. the same is also true for pass royale however - we try to keep things fresh and exciting with each feature we introduce


Originally posted by reswin5

When are you nerfing golem. Inferno tower and pekka got nerfs and golem is stronger than ever. When will you accept golem is not a balanced card, it's too strong and easy to use. When can we expect a golem nerf?

Golem has actually dropped in use/win rate since the update, as Bridge Spam has gotten more popular. You can't really drop an 8-elixir tank vs. Bridge Spam, so that's a bad matchup for the big boy. We may change the numbers of death damage vs. normal attacks on them though, I agree a lone Golem is probably too threatening. The strength of beatdown decks should come primarily from the support troops and not an unsupported tank.


Originally posted by ThatRandomCeltic

Also, I would like to apologize if I have ever been too harsh in my criticism of you and Seth. I truly love Clash Royale and I would love for it to remain interesting for 10-20 more years. This year has been sort of frustrating for various reasons (bugs, some of the balance changes, clan wars becoming slowly boring) but I have not forgotten how much joy this game and my clan have brought me in the 2 years previous.

thanks for the message man! it's much appreciated


Originally posted by Creatories

u/supercell_drew is aware, they even replied to a post that had mentioned it but didn’t comment anything about that portion..

RE: win trading

i've replied specifically about it before - it just isn't one of these things where we can rush in and swing the banhammer wildly. the issue is being discussed

RE: acc sharing

we are still banning for acc sharing. a CR streamer was banned the other day for this exact thing, for example


Originally posted by Anonymous_0110

Have you considered a rework for Zappies and Night Witch?

Hang tight! We have a lot of reworks in the mix, and Zappies is definitely in the discussion. I think its important the game has a variety of stun-attacking Troops available to players to minimize the swinginess of Inferno or Charging cards. The goals of a Zappies rework would be to make them better at splitting lanes and making the first attack not nearly so slow. But we want to do more than just a faster first hit :)


Originally posted by jetx666

can season pass get better rewards? Seems like less people are getting it.

we heard the community's response to the less strikes issue and have spoken about it today in our friday wrap up sesh. going forwards we will be working to keep it at a consistent value.
for season 3 we are also thinking more about improving the free track somehow so that f2p players (who may have been feeling a bit left out!) will get something extra there too.


Originally posted by kidneypal

Dunno if this has been suggested or not. Even in tournaments, most players are trying to NOT play first because either opponent will just go the other side for wait til unit gets to tower. With this it is more of an elixir advantage for the player who played second.

Why not give 1 elixir boost to the player who played first? Whether he plays a skeleton or a Golem, he gets one elixir.



Originally posted by ThatRandomCeltic

Then play the fisherman away from the tower.

This! Fisherman at the river can yeet the Balloon away and apply a Slow effect with the hook. More unique counters to Air cards is something we have been looking at, because all-Air decks can be frustrating when they dominate the metagame.


Originally posted by King0llie

These posts are so welcome mate, communication is the key to keeping everyone happy and informed!

That executioner will be very similar to Hunter if you make those changes, but i guess they would excel in certain situations.

I think a better rework would be:

  • Now costs 4 elixir
  • Reduce HP slightly/Damage
  • Increase attack speed and projectile speed

This will then let him compete with the baby dragon, but he will be a ground troop. With the increase in attack/projectile speed he will be better at clearing swarms and be a bit more reliable, but reduced damage means hes less useful vs tanks (exe/nado doesnt rek everything)

What you think?

The original version of the rework was at 4 Elixir! But as we playtested and polled players, it became apparent that Executioner is played largely because of his toughness. If we made him 4 cost and lowered his health to die to Lightning, we would be betraying every existing Executioner player and that's not a good way to start off a rework. Ultimately keeping him Lightning proof at equal levels was a core pillar of the new design, along with needing to kill Barbarians with a single attack.