Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

30 Aug

29 Aug


it hasn't been removed - we just haven't had it for a while (as a challenge) but it still crops up in clan wars from time to time.

even though some people hate on it, we still love it!


it's the 'Crown Marathon' triple challenge in the challenges/events tab! should be easy to grind some 3 crown wins in there!


Congrats!! Getting to 3000 and then 3300 in a single session is wild! Just 300 more Trophies and you'll have all the cards available to unlock :)


Hey! Welcome to Clash Royale, figured I'd give you a few tips:

I'm guessing from the 25 cards found that you are roughly in Arena 4-5. The most popular cards in that range are Baby Dragon, Skeleton Army, Prince, and Witch. You have plenty of counter to Skeleton Army, but your deck has no Spells! Spells are important to remove defending Troops that are placed by your opponent. Most decks follow roughly this formula:

  1. Win Condition - this is the main Building-Targeting troop that your deck is built around. You have both Giant and Hog Rider in this deck, both are great but you might not need both.
  2. Ranged Anti Air - because flying Troops like Baby Dragon can be devastating, most decks pack one sturdy ranged attacker like Musketeer or Wizard
  3. Cheap Anti Air - as a safety/backup, it's good to have another anti-air card - usually a bit less expensive like Archers, Minions, or Bats
  4. Melee Damage - to fight high Health building-targeters like Gi...
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28 Aug


Originally posted by JoelBlasterM7

Seth meant that a small fish isnt able to hit air by logic, if it can then why not pekka too. When he mentions "countless", you gotta take his word for it

Also, visual bugs can be fixed but only with a client update. So we could fix the bugs on our side but that doesn't fix them for a September balance update. Maintenance changes only tweak numbers, but don't update game logic or change art files.

27 Aug


do you mind sharing your sons account here as a reply here or in DM?

AFAIK this should not be happening (we hardly get any support tickets about this issue) and so want to take a look! thanks


we actually have a cool witch rework planned to come in october.

we're currently playtesting it, it's looking pretty solid and changes some fundamental aspects of the card!

25 Aug

24 Aug

23 Aug

22 Aug

21 Aug


Originally posted by InfernoDragon203

Some people complain about trade tokens and prefer gold, because trade tokens have 0 value while these people (who are probably lvl 12s and 13s) need to gold to upgrade their cards or can’t find anyone willing to trade the card they want.

Others who are lower level want more trade tokens because they need to upgrade their deck and need to get rid of all the useless cards given to them in chests. Trade tokens are very hard to come by, and these global tournament rewards don’t help.

So it is hard for SC to please everyone. I personally prefer trade tokens as my clan offers many commons, rares and epics to trade. In my opinion, there should be more variety in the rewards to try and give a decent sum of gold and a few trade tokens.

Hey! This is basically correct - we have a variety of Tournament reward 'templates' and try to rotate through them. Some have a lot of trade tokens, and others like this one are purely gold. Just because we run this set of rewards for this Global Tournament does not mean trade tokens will never appear again.


Originally posted by GG_shi7head

Sorry, but this sounds like nonsense. How can he be sure that those things are correlated? Baby Dragon is a Golem staple and due to the Pekka buff both Golem and Baby Dragon winrates are affected.

Golem has only a 7% usage rate, so even if every single Golem deck ran Baby Dragon, it's still used in a variety of decks. At least some of those players have opted to switch from Baby Dragon in their decks (or changed decks entirely). Either way, a well-rounded support card at 21% usage isn't too crazy, that's about the same as Electro Wizard, Bandit, Mega Minion, etc.

With only a 49% win rate, you can assume a nerf would plummet both use and win rates - given that there aren't great alternatives for splash attackers yet that would leave decks with extremely few options for that role. We stated last month that we want to buff up all the underperforming splash attackers before making a call on Baby Dragon. We could nerf it this month - but if it just dropped so much without touching it, why should we nerf it?

19 Aug