Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

01 Feb

Heya, you may have scared them and they hid it, but they no longer have any CODM videos visible on their YouTube. Looks to be all PUBG/Fornite. Appreciate you posting this and sharing, but do you happen to have a link to the video shown in your clip? We wouldn't be able to send over to our security team to enforce without some kind of direct and linkable proof of this.

Haha, this is great for a lot of reasons but one of the primary ones is that we immediately just think of a time when players here were making memes about how they expected the next BP to have an AK47. There was a good chunk of time there were every single BP had an AK47 in it and it became this joke. I think now we are still wary of putting that back in there and want to keep the variety rolling with different types of weapons.

30 Jan

29 Jan

27 Jan

If we hadn't already highlighted you we would want to do it again . Great design!

Hey, just wanted to hop in and say we see have also seen this issue. We are investigating options at the moment. Thanks for the post!

Originally posted by Demi-Fiend

There were many posts about this and big name youtubers even made videos on this, and yet codm seems to be unaware. And when I make posts about bugfixes it's downvoted and people tell me they are already know and are working on fixing them and these repetitive bug reports should be stopped.

We definitely don't see everything, but thank you for trying to report all the same. We'll never get upset about bug reports, they are always welcome. The only time we would discourage them is if it is about something we've already addressed multiple times and said it was being worked on already, like the sound issue with the most recent Peacekeeper MK2 - Artifact.

Originally posted by COD_Mobile_Official

Heya, we also love those one liners and have even highlighted them before in a community update back in early 2020. Surprisingly, we aren't aware of any purposeful plan to not have those. We do know exactly on our team who works on those though and we'll check in with them to see if we can get some information.

Well, we checked in and those are still coming!

Originally posted by CrazyAmount5

Please look into this. I've compiled 20+ bugs in battle royale

6 TPP-only bugs

17 battle royale bugs

There is some info in comment section that might help fix/identify the bugs.

You are a champion and thank you for those posts! We already went through your first one, TPP bugs, and our team found the majority of them. They are working on them now. However, we hadn't seen the newer post yet and we'll work on reporting all of those up to our QA teams. Greatly appreciate the massive amount of work you put into those and just generally making the game better as a result

Originally posted by AlexisnotGhost

Good to see this new theme on the season and a new marksman rifle.

I wanted to ask, any news about the black screen on BR fix? D: Will it come this season or in Season 2?

Heya, we had some fixes for that go out in this update, particular for Android devices, but there are more coming alongside Season 2 since that is when our next major update is (not just a new season). That release is much more jam packed on that front in relation to bug fixes and optimizations.

Originally posted by tripps_a_lot

Any word on the trophy system bug? Seems to be a pretty serious one can that cause trouble in rank games if people can get perfect hipfire or insane movement speed from what I've seen.

Yeah we just saw someone else share that too and we are working on sending it up to our teams to check out ASAP. Hopefully they already know about it, since it seems to have been around for a little while now, but we are checking.

Originally posted by Jarlii

Hey devs. Are you planning to do something about this

Heya, we hadn't seen that one yet but that's a great video with clear examples. We'll work on sending that over to our team to check out. We send over a similar thread last week that had a lot of great examples and our team was able to find nearly all of the issues, so that's promising for this one too. Appreciate you asking about that and sharing it.

Originally posted by rats4final

Can we have new modes in ranked???

Heya, those have changed around a few times throughout 2020 and various Ranked Series releases, but for modes we are a bit hesitant to change them since the current set is very solid and doesn't present any issues with matchmaking (like people not playing certain modes enough). We do have some plans to test that more though, both maps and modes, to see what people would prefer.

Originally posted by Logan_Pauler

Hey, this is a pretty minor query, but what happened to those savvy one liners in the description of Epic gun skins? I realise the definition of what constitutes as an epic skin has changed, but I always believed that skins that are either remodeled or animated deserve great description/one liners. There are some many great Epic skins coming out that I can't wait to check out in the news season in both Crates and draws, but it would be criminal to deprive them of their personality. Are there any consensus regarding this issue among the staff?

Heya, we also love those one liners and have even highlighted them before in a community update back in early 2020. Surprisingly, we aren't aware of any purposeful plan to not have those. We do know exactly on our team who works on those though and we'll check in with them to see if we can get some information.

Originally posted by h4ge

no there's a game breaking exploit involving the trophy system and fast throw grenade option that allows you to get an incredibly tight hip fire spread to the point where you can kill people from across the map just by hip firing. a lot of youtubers have already made a video on this. example

doing this glitch with the chopper that has the heavy handle equipped gives the player increased movement speed for each time they do the glitch

doing this glitch with shotguns gives the shotgun infinite range so you can deal normal damage on a player from across the map. it's insanely broken

Well that looks awful in so many ways. Thank you so much for sharing. We aren't aware, but hopefully our devs or support teams have already caught this one. Either way, we'll share and get them to take a look

Originally posted by ReaperAshura

Thanks for the response. And honestly I never encountered the black screen glitch before yesterday’s update.

Well that's weird and not great to here since that update was supposed to improve that situation overall, not introduce it to players who had previously not had any issues. Have you already tried do repair (via the login screen) or just reinstalled?

Originally posted by Downtown_Equipment

When will heartbeat sensor come

And good season so far

That one unfortunately is just a big unknown. No news to share on it at the moment.

Originally posted by Ghostsonplanets

BTW, will the Season 2 only arrive in 44 days? WOW, that seems such a huge amount of time and kinda of a outlier regarding the usual timeframe?

Always hard to comment on those timers we have in-game since they are always subject to change and the next season release date is not locked down until much closer. However, we are expecting this season to be a bit longer than normal, but 44 days sounds much longer than expected and doesn't match up with our current internal ETA.

Originally posted by AlexisnotGhost

Btw, will you talk about the fixes that each hotfix brings via community updates here on reddit?

We try to, but we definitely don't always mention them since they come at somewhat random timings that don't always match up with these updates.