Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

27 Jan

Originally posted by ReaperAshura

After playing two BR matches post-update my screen went black. It happened three more times while I was playing last night. C’mon u/COD_Mobile_Official , that’s just ridiculous. I play on a ROG Phone 3, so my device isn’t the problem. Enough of always telling us you’ll fix the bugs next season, we want to see actual results!

Sorry to hear that is still happening to you . Have you already tried experimenting with the graphical settings to see if they lessen the severity of that? Not to say that is a fix, because it isn't, but others have reported that it helped when were doing a big push to investigate black screen issues a few weeks ago. We also have more fixes coming for this (particularly on Androids) in upcoming updates.

Originally posted by h4ge

please fix the trophy system glitch!!!

The one where you can use it glitch into areas? If so, yeah we are aware and planning a fix but couldn't fit it into this release. Still coming though! Although, if that isn't it please share the details.

Originally posted by PurpleMojito

Hi devs. How are you doing? Thanks for the new update. It looks dope as every season. The new theme is very beautiful. The colors are amazing. Reminds me of season 11. The BR feels smooth too. It seems that I can now enjoy playing BR on maximum graphics and FPS without lag, heat or fps drops. You optimized the gameplay from the graphical side. This is such exciting news. Huge W. I have some questions if you can have time to answer hah: 1) Do you think we could get more Completionist camos like Dark Matter, DM Ultra, Plague Diamond, Obsidian? 2) Is Ghost Plasma going to return? 3) Is there any possibility to see some Multiplayer maps from COD4 like Backlot, Bog, Chinatown, Creek? 4) Do you think there's gonna be Night Mode for Battle Royal? 5) Could you make Grinch light bulbs winking in TPP too?

Greetings, we are doing well and excited to see this first launch of 2021 successful (knock on wood) and out in the world . Thanks for asking and glad to hear some positive feedback on those kind of under the hood optimizations we rolled out. You are on an Android phone I take it? Most of the recent improvements were specifically aimed at Androids in general. Anyways, let's see if we can answer those questions

  1. It is definitely always possible, but just to be honest and straight-forward we aren't aware of any plans to add more soon. However, that just primarily means in the next season or two, but we have the whole year of 2021 to look forward and there is no point in ...
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Originally posted by Necessary-Writer-973

have the bugs been fixed?

We have some bug fixes in this update, others that were fixed through hotfixes prior to this, and undoubtedly more that will also be fixed via hotfix before our next major update right before Season 2. However, that next update should contain the largest number of changes, improvements, and fixes since it is a full update, not just a season update.

26 Jan

Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! We are thrilled to be here today to share and celebrate with you the very first season of Call of Duty: Mobile in 2021 – New Order!! This season of cyber-enhanced soldiers, neon signs, dystopian cityscapes, and future technology is ready to be explored and experienced. Get a glimpse of the action in the brand-new Season 1: New Order Official Trailer:


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25 Jan

24 Jan

23 Jan

22 Jan

Originally posted by tfGabrel

Please, I just want you to optimize the game for everyone. Kill the black screen and the loss of frames and improve the servers in Brazil. I love the game and the Call of Duty franchise, but it's hard to play with all these problems. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Greetings, we definitely want to do both of those things! We have some fixes coming that should help with the black screen crashes and we hopefully have some server related options in the near future to help support Brazil and SA. There are some servers already near you there, but we still want to improve them and make the overall experience smoother.

Originally posted by maverickbluezero

since we are close to next season could you please tell us the main color of the pilot asthetic operator skin next season? ( A while back you said this next season their are one or two operators that have a skin on with pilot-like asthetic theme).

Sure, so there is a mixture of Kreuger and one of the normal pilot skins. It is basically a solider version of Kreuger, but probably not as close to the pilot skin as you would like based on the discussions here. We'll see though!

Originally posted by WeedyBoii

hardcore snd?

There are some new hardcore modes coming this season! We are going to be rude though and wait until the update post to share

Originally posted by NickFromThe6

Did y’all make Damascus shiny? Any fixes to it? It’s so underwhelming for a completionist camo.

Heya, we have seen the requests to revamp it but we haven't made any changes so far. We know that one matters to a lot of people though, so we'll be sure to call it out if any changes/improvements are coming.

Originally posted by [deleted]

About overkill... Could you please clarify this situation? I mean, it’s almost impossible to balance all the weapons in a perfect level. What about wild cards? Maybe this could work better with overkill in this game. Or at least buff some perks and add more good perks.

Sure, it is hard to say much more beyond the basics of why we haven't released it yet, but we just keep pushing it back (the release of it) until our weapon designers feel like it is the ideal situation to throw that into the mix. That could be a bit vague as to when that will be, but someday .We haven't approached anything like Wild Cards though, not for CODM.

Originally posted by AironSimping

Is Menendez Coming?

Originally posted by locus39393

will the ranked mode be reset too? or will it continue in sequence? (i am DiamondYT)

It will be reset too so that we also don't end up with some alarmingly high Ranked Series numbers haha. The next one coming should be Ranked Series 1 (for 2021).