Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

06 Feb

Originally posted by Yea_idonthavealife

Black screen issue has reduced? People are done after writing the same bug report rather the issue going away. It has actually worsened in BR and MP. I can't play a game, no matter MP or BR, without facing the issue.

Heya, sorry to hear it actually got worse in your case . That comment was based on both community and player support bug reports about the issue declining after the update, but also our in-game data that tracks crashes. However, part of what we are testing above with the 64 bit and 32 bit versions of Android are some changes/improvements that should help further with this issue.

Originally posted by thervssian

Just wanted to ask if there’s any word on that Cordite Zero G frame for people who bought the entire lucky draw?

Heya, we are afraid not. That has been a challenge for the team in relation to triggering that same mechanism again for Redux draws. Hopefully it is still something we can find a solution to in the near future and find a way to give out frames for weapon set completion.

Originally posted by rajdeepmazumdar

Can we expect burst mode perk for fr.556 gun

Hey, we actually inquired into that before launch when we mistakenly labeled the weapon as a burst rifle, but it turns out that there is intended to be any kind of burst mode perk. At least not yet. It could always be something that comes in once a legendary version of the weapon arrives in a future season.

Originally posted by Insideus247

I play using a Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 and can't wait to check out the 64bit version to test! Thank you for the wonderful game and the continued support that keep us playing.

You are welcome and thank you for the kind words! Hopefully the test works out well on your device and you get to try out various new or updated aspects of the game.

Originally posted by Ishan2818

Is the armor plate health system there in this build? Will it come in the march update

Heya, no we don't believe that is in this build or the next update. That is one of those features we mentioned above (in relation to version differences between Global and China) that is still being discussed. It isn't clear yet which system is more desirable since they both seem to be just different options with neither being clearly better.

Originally posted by JooNayyyD

Can we get the option to stop picking up scopes from the ground in BR. It was available before but then removed for unknown reason. This little option causes alot of problems in gunfights.

Greetings, interestingly we've asked about that (assuming it was a mistake or bug since it was previously in the game) and it was intentionally removed after an older BR update. We are still planning to bring that up again with the dev team since it doesn't really seem to make sense why that option would have any negative effect.

Originally posted by AdityaAryan17851

Hey COD Mobile, day one player of the game here, what about Ghost's voice over?

Coming soon! He is almost in the game and we'll be able to announce that once we get closer to the next update.

Originally posted by playerTHEpoison

Any plans on releasing Frankensmith like in MW2019?👀People can get creative and it will be fun.

Heya, are you referring to that system from MW's Gunsmith that allows you to mix and match attachments from blueprints (Gunsmith Custom being the official name)? If so, no we aren't aware of any plans to add that type of system t CODM in the near future.

That is an interesting feature though, but probably tough to say the least from a weapon balance perspective. We'll see if the team has any plans for it though and if they do we'll share some info about it in a future update.

Originally posted by RD-JOEL

darkmatter camo It is one of the best camo in the history of cod and in codm we only had 2, ICR and razoback in crates, could you bring different weapons with that camo! like man o war, ak47 or any other weapons..

We also love the epic and well known Dark Matter camo. Traditionally it has been used more in a progression reward type of way, like Diamond or Damascus, but of course here we've had it used in different ways. We aren't quite sure on the future of that one as a result of that murkiness with it being an earned camo vs a paid camo. It may return in the future, but at the moment there aren't any immediate plans to do so.

Originally posted by maverickbluezero

codm devs, I keep seeing many people saying on YouTube comments about them moving to codm Chinese version. is this going to mess up our global version in play vs player multiplayer and br? is the global turning into player vs ai?

Heya, interesting question and concern, but no we haven't seen any negative effects of people trying out the China version too. Most players won't since that would require them to VPN and of course that leads to network and stability issues if you are jumping in from some other region or country. Not ideal and we expect most players to stick to the versions that are closest to them (at least for the sake of stability and performance).

Originally posted by DurtyDans

Any troubleshooting for "problem parsing the package"?

Might be a size issue where your device doesn't have enough free space to download and unpack it, but where in the process are you seeing that error and through which platform?

Originally posted by NOWAYItsJesus

Hello Call of Duty Mobile Dev, hope all is well with everyone but I am here to ask are you planning on fixing these top 10 major bugs/issues in BR Mode listed below any time very soon? Especially since the majority of these bugs/issues have been around for many many many seasons. u/CrazyAmount5 has posted many videos with examples of a lot of these bugs.

  1. Number one worst bug in BR is Desync, is very frustrating putting 30+ bullets into someone and only a few bullets register or the fact Im taking fire from one person and I dip behind a wall or building and on my screen it’s very clear I’m safe and out of sight of said enemy behind that building/wall but I still die because on the enemy screen I am actually still visible to them and still able to take fire and died.
  2. Trap Master Needs a Nerf or other Classes need to be fixed to counter Trap Master so it doesn't feel like it needs a nerf or both. Example De...
Read more

Greetings! That is an impressive list and thank you so much for taking the time to write all of that up. When we mentioned BR bugs in the list above some of the ones you listed are part of what is already being investigated or worked on.

However, the rest focused around feedback are a bit unknown to us and we'll have to check with the team to see if there is any information we can share back about any of those. Regardless, thank you for the dedication and for wanting to make Battle Royale better through these suggestions and reports.

Originally posted by COD_Mobile_Official

Thanks, we are seeing this too and working on it!

New and working links up!

Originally posted by L-O-A-D-I-N-G_CR

The links for Android doesn't work

Thanks, we are seeing this too and working on it!

Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! We are back today with your usual type of community update filled with info about recently released or upcoming events and modes, but this time we are also happy to share that the next public test build is here! We’ll have that in first section following the events schedule, but it is being released far earlier than normal, especially for one that is filled with content from the next major in-game update. However, for Season 1: New Order the biggest release this week is the featured event, Fight For Humanity.

Read more External link →

05 Feb

Originally posted by 2fort_champion

Actually yes. It's easy to get the purple one. Blue and green were just useless.

It was a good move to remove them and leave only purple.

Yeah, you are right and we basically removed them from all rewards for that reason. After Gunsmith the balance of those cards had changed significantly to the point where only the Purple XP cards were worthwhile. It may still be something we change in the future, but for now it seems like the Purple XP cards are worthwhile as a small reward and useful overall for leveling up weapons.

Originally posted by TraffledTroop

His acc ign:-YT-RXMODS also have the uid if needed ok

Yes please, would you mind sharing via PM? Also, the video you tried to share in the other link is private, but we'll still try to share to see if our team can find anything based on reports on their account.

04 Feb

03 Feb

Originally posted by TraffledTroop

Thanks for this! We'll do what we can to get our team to take action against their account and the videos themselves. Appreciate all of the info and links.