Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

16 Sep

Originally posted by Mastroid

Good day everyone. I was hoping for a reply from the developers in the past but they just allowed everyone to own the items given from the giveaway. I chose option 2 because I owned all items from option 1 (excluding the emote), I really wished to own Manta Ray but I just had to scrap that idea because of the bug. I brought it up again since people wanted players to speak up of bugs. So I hope you could upvote in hopes of receiving a reply or something from the developers. (My Username is Mastroid and my UID is 6839431021310967809)

Heya, sorry but what bug are you talking about here, it looks like you just one item twice on accident from that set of items from the giveaway?

Otherwise, are you just saying you asked for the other set option 2 and we didn't give it to you correctly? If so, where did you win at and under what username? I can take a look at all of that to see what option was requested originally.

Heya, thanks for this video and for calling this one out. We honestly never seen anything brought up here in the community related to Simple mode since the majority of people use Advanced. Anyways, we'll check that out and see if we can reproduce it. Are you seeing it on any specific maps or scenarios, like only with people laying in doors, or basically any map and on any map geometry/layout?

15 Sep

We are too and it is just our mistake. We accidentally put it behind instead of in front. We just noted the mistake and hope to avoid anything similar in the future. We always appreciate the call-out though and sorry for any annoyance it may have caused.

We love this style and how it is essentially harking back to old-school video game art (8-bit). Reminds us a bit of the original Metal Gear Solid. Well done Skyfire!

13 Sep

12 Sep

11 Sep

10 Sep

Originally posted by HeitorValero100

It happened to me too,two times.Both were with the Skin from Daily Rewards-Season 9

Oh, Tian Zhao? If so, that explains that bug. We are already looking into that one and just that character skin being all out of wack. Hopefully we'll figure that one out quickly and fix it.

Hey hey, our player support team sent this one up and it looks pretty straight forward. Like others have said, it looks to just be an error with the text and it is still tracking correctly at 50. However, let us know if you get there and it doesn't unlock or it is actually tracking to 100.

Originally posted by FL4SHB4NGZ

I have the same problem. I was about to post the same thing but good thing i checked the new posts. Im gonna upvote this so many people will see

Hey hey, we thought the same originally took after entering the game after the update, but we checked with the team and they were just waiting to drop a specific featured playlist for it. You should see that now alongside Terminal 24/7 and Small Map Slayer.

Originally posted by Downtown_Equipment

Hey devs of codm!

I just wanna say nice work for season 10. But I wanna ask, when are thermal and hybrid scopes coming to the game?

We are sorry to say there are no news on those types of scopes. Hopefully they'll be part of any kind of 2.0 upgrade we do for Gunsmith. Also, thanks for the support!

Originally posted by Demi-Fiend

Remove frontline lol. Most braindead gamemode.

Edit: Guess people really like to spawn at the same spot with protection so they can hold a headglitch the entire match in peace.

Haha, Frontline has been popular ever since the game came out. That would be a hard one to remove.

Originally posted by Shackel9

Terminal was worth the wait, thank you for finally adding this map into the game and including destructible glass along with it!

Can we expect destructible glass being added into other maps as well? Highrise immediately comes to mind as one map that needs this feature

Heya, glad to hear you are digging that nice little feature that isn't immediately obvious to most people (although we hint at it heavily in the trailer). We probably won't do that retroactively, but hopefully it is the type of thing we'll be able to do more often on new maps.

Originally posted by blownawaynow

Hey u/COD_Mobile_Official, love this season and I'm excited to play! Wanted to ask if it would it be possible to get a Black/dark skinned female character next season or soon? I haven't been able to get one yet if there was one released in the past. I know a lot of players would appreciate it! Not a political thing, would just like to play a character that looks like me. Thanks for all the hard work!

Heya, thanks for the love and excitement! Also, that's completely a fair request and we don't believe we have had any black or dark skinned female characters in the game so far. We generally like to bring over popular characters, sometimes with entirely new designs, from different Call of Duty titles and there are some potential female POC from recent titles, like the newest Modern Warfare, that could help fulfill that request.

We don't have anything we can call out right now, but hopefully we can bring in someone like that soon. We'll try to keep an eye out for that and call that out in a future update if possible.

Originally posted by DecayableRadiologist

Thanks for the timely update and hard work. The content is amazing. I just had one question: when using the Ak117’s base model skins (i.e. anything that isn’t legendary), my red dot and laser line up at the same point. When I use the legendary version with the same attachments, the laser is above the red dot by a lot. It makes aiming very confusing. This also happens on some other guns too. Any fixes for this in the works?

Once again thanks for the awesome update, just wanted to report this as I feel it is very annoying to see.

Heya, thanks for the support and for the kind words! We have seen a few reports of that one and it is something we are still looking into. Similar to this thread right?

Originally posted by ilovesodaa

Where is the ghillie suit?

You are probably referring to Grinch from some of our art and he will be available later in the season in a lucky draw!

Originally posted by tripps_a_lot

Any chances of seeing 10v10 in the rotation more often (or even permanent)? Its a really fun game mode, and even though 10v10 Shipment is great, I also really liked the "Ground War" feeling of the larger maps like Takeoff. Would love to be able to play 10v10 on those maps again!

Heya, yeah 10v10 is pretty popular so it will definitely be back. Making it permanent is a bit complicated though since it requires us to see consistent and high levels of engagement each time it is available, but we don't want to ever have too many permanent modes at the same time since it would dilute the matchmaking pool so in some cases we may switch out one permanent mode with an older one.

Either way, the best thing anyone can do is just play it a lot every single time it is available. Constantly seeing positive comments about here on Reddit help too.

Originally posted by Quiet_Lengthiness423

Any news about zombies

Sorry, nothing we can share on that front.

Originally posted by Luzicarious

Amazing stuff from you guys these past few seasons! can't wait to get more into this season specially in BR. I wanted to report a bug that I've been having since the gunsmith update came out. Everytime im inside a building in BR in TPP my character starts shaking uncontrollably and only stops once im outside. Any chance you guys can look into this? Device: One Plus 7 Pro, Android 10

Heya, that's an interesting one. Sounds like the third person camera is clipping with the building geometry and trying to refocus (but failing). We haven't seen that one reported up before, but could you grab a clip when you get a chance and send it over? It would help us try to replicate that exact situation in the same part of the map.