Thanks for the awesome content and are there any plans for night mode MP and BR maps.
Thanks for the awesome content and are there any plans for night mode MP and BR maps.
Hi u/COD_Mobile_Official! I just opened my game and there's so many surprises ready to be unlocked! On the title screen I see a white pony tail soldier, is she coming soon?!
Yeah, that would be Scylla and she is going to be available in a lucky draw that comes out tomorrow!
Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! We made it to September 9th and that means it is time for yet another brand-new season of Call of Duty: Mobile! Season 10 is called The Hunt is releasing right now at 5 pm PT and that comes with a wide variety of new content. First and foremost, just because we like making new trailers every single month 😉, let’s take a look at the Season 10 release trailer:
Read more External link →But I get to chat with people in my country in world chat. That is why I'm confused.
Basically what Xyrothegod said, your world chat and matchmaking are based on your location while your pricing is going to be based on your Google or Apple account. If that account was made and set to a different region, which many did during the beta, then it is going to still be registering the store prices for that region.
Heya, aren't you just talking about how many people with pre-release/beta accounts used VPNs and made accounts in different countries, so now their prices on those accounts are stuck at whatever that country was? Or are you talking about something different?
If it is that, we don't consider that bug and we aren't able to fix that. Your account was created in that region so it is will remain that way based on your Google/Apple accounts setting. We have no way to change that other than just suggesting a new account is made in the correct region. Sorry.
What day is the next bundle going to be released?
Heya, one should have released yesterday and the next one should be releasing next Thursday (PT), like normal.
Y’all said y’all wouldn’t change the bp price until season 10 so if I’m correct will this be the season y’all change the price🥺?
Haha, we aren't sure why every season people ask if we are going to change the Battle Price after not changing it for many seasons now, but nope no news about any price changes there.
Hey devs! Can't wait to see the next season! But are there any news on the "final" grindable camo? (The one that comes after Platinum)
Heya, nope nothing we can share back on that one yet. Hopefully we'll be able to give some hints or info on that early in Season 10, but it isn't part of that Season 10 release.
Any hits about next season's new weapon? Will it be a shotgun?
Sure why not, it is a shotgun! A potentially very powerful one. We'll have some news about it early next week.
Any comment on why you’re re-releasing the AK47 - Wrath Black & Gold as a lucky draw that would cost me 11,830CP (137,98€) if I were to pull for it? Obviously I’m not pulling for it because I bought it in a bundle back in April (S5) when you were doing the “bundle test” for merely 2400CP (27,99€) <- as shown on the attached link. I think it’s very ridiculous, to say the least, that you’re releasing it for such a steep price instead of releasing it in a bundle as it was for me, but for everyone. Because you cannot possibly, in any way, shape, or form justify its cost when it was for 2400CP. There’s no way. Care to comment?
Heya, one of the main differences between those two is that Lucky Draws offer far more items than a bundle and usually all at epic or higher rarity. To our designers that make and value those items, they are all some of the highest value items in that season.
So, if you are going for the AK47 - Wrath Black & Gold it isn't that the AK47 alone costs the entire lucky draw just for that one item, but all of those items together are valued at that price. Obviously, that doesn't help if you are just wanting that single item, but that's why we occasionally offer items directly through the store or have bundles in the first place.
If you want to look at it as that AK47 alone costs 2400 CP that might be fair and similar to how we look at it too, but saying it costs the entire lucky draw is ignoring every single item in the lucky draw, including characters which we may place a higher value on.
- Add epic gun skins that we already possess to the br. it makes no sense to not be able to use a product that I bought or earned in the game, limiting me to an airdrop which after all doesn’t contain all my weapon skins.
- Make 10v10 permanent and for gods sake remove the vtol from it. I can’t do anything if I get spam trapped all the time by some skill less blokes who think spamming vtol in a grind -wise map will suddenly make them gods of the game.
- Please update championship phantom voice to match the original skin voice, just like you did with the going dark pmc, it’s the same skin after all. Thanks for the content
Heya, some quick fire responses!
Read moreHey codm, requesting minor ui tweaks. 1. Have a "donot disturb" kinda button , so when on, no invites pop up. Gets really annoying when u r makin a loadout and accidentally click accept to an inv
Make the default lobby status "not ready" as soon as u join a lobby or return to lobby after finishing a game.
Remove The BP screens after every match. Maybe make it the same "auto-claim" like uve done on the events or seasonals.
The item scrolling , its tedious as of rn...maybe make it rows and columns instead of just a single row. Also new items go to the absolute far back, so maybe just rework that scroll thing entirely. Idk.
A "clear notifications" button. All those yellow exclamations in loadout.
The major problems and bugs are always spammed on the sub, so i won't mention those. But just wanted to say, appreciate all the good work. And when the bugs and problems are fixed itll be a masterpiece of ...
Heya, thanks for all of those and for the wonderful attitude. It is hard for us to respond to that type of feedback since we can't promise it will happen and the best we can do is silently share it with our team just to say, "hey look at this and think about the reasons behind why they are asking for this."
However, even if we don't always respond to these it doesn't mean our team, or other CODM teams who lurk on Reddit, don't see it. Appreciate you taking the time to write all of that up.
When do you guys post a trailer for what's to come in the battle pass? greetings from Ecuador 🇪🇨🔥
Greetings and that should be earlier next week! Just keep an eye out.
Any leaks you can share about what is the final tier camo gonna be?😉
Haha, no not yet. Hopefully that is something that will be in our next major update, which should be in October, but we won't be able to share anything until we can confirm that and there aren't any possibilities of it moving or changing.