Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

30 Mar

Originally posted by ExpressPack5584

My Account was linked to both Activision as well as Facebook Account I have been playing since Feb 2021.

I am unable to send direct message to you so I am replying you in public to let me know how can I PM you.

Thank You For taking Notice of my problem

Thanks for the reply as well! Sent you a PM from our end.

Heya, part of the confusion there is that some maps are shared resources and are used for multiple things. so even if you delete the map it may not delete all of its data since it is being used for something else as well.

Heya, thanks for reporting this. We've sent this along to the team to check out.

Hey there, thanks for the report! Based on everyone's comments here this certainly doesn't seem like a lag or connection issue. We'll forward this over to the team so they can get some eyes on it.

Originally posted by Uaagh

not sure if is intended or not. old voice is better.

edit: i think its intended since we are getting a legendary phantom.

Intended! Sorry to hear most of you in this thread seem to like it less though. However, to the point of the many of the comments here the old one was a bit off overall and this is far more appropriate for the operator.

Originally posted by RandomBla26

His voice is one of my favorite too. Sad to see him go default.

Sounds like a bug to us! Thank you so much for bringing this up. These types of issues are hard to catch since there is no clear reason the VO should have changed in the update. We'll check it out on our end and report it up to our teams to investigate.

29 Mar

Originally posted by EzKidsNoSkill

As I have said multiple times I will kill over that skin lol. I want the skin, and it’s still not fixed

We are able to fix it just a few hours after our last post. We are checking to see if we can extend the event but it may not be possible due to the seasonal change coming tomorrow. Regardless, hope it helps and thanks for reporting.

Originally posted by Perhonenx

Would be unfortunate If you can't find a solution to this, but good to know that you're aware and looking into that matter 👍🏻 thanks!

We were thankfully able to fix this one after just a few hours from our last reply. We are trying to see if we can push this event into Season 3 to help give some more time to complete it, but that may be technically a problem.

Heya, we can try to look into this for you. However, just to clarify was your original account a guest account? Some of your comments made it sound like that may be the case, in which case it could have been lost just due to not backing it up/syncing it up between app updates.

If that isn't the case though, could you PM us and let us know any details you might have about your old account, like UID, Player ID, or Username? We can check and try to confirm if it is a account deletion request.

Originally posted by EzKidsNoSkill

This sucks

Hey all, sorry for the lack of response while we are looking into this and various options in relation to helping both fix this and give more time before it runs out. We just wanted to say thanks for reporting and to let you know we are working on it.

Originally posted by Perhonenx

The Jack of All Trades Mission CANNOT be completed because the second mission won't Count any thrown lethals. The feed here ist full of it and I reported the Bug multiple times ingame. There's only so little time left for it guys!

Apologies for the delay in response, but we are aware and it isn't clear we can fix it in time before those events switch out for Season 3. However, thank you very much for reporting it and we'll see what we can do.

Originally posted by Grimsmiley666

Another community update with important frequently asked questions being completely ignored lmao.

Is it about zombies haha? Otherwise, feel free to ask!

The Season 3 pre-release update is now live! Just an FYI to anyone who wants to download and update the game ahead of the S3 release on 3/30 at 5 pm (PT).

28 Mar

Well this is fun ! We'll see if this is still the case once everything fully releases with Season 3. Thanks for the vid though and for calling it out.

Every time we see a music appreciation thread! Only a short while longer for all of you Global players until the update comes out and you can enjoy the updated loading screen, music, and more.

27 Mar

26 Mar