Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

04 Jul

Originally posted by Ironjim69

Did anyone actually get the items or just credits?

Heya, so it depends on what tiers you had left. If you were at tier 50 it is likely you'll just receive credits since that is naturally what tier 51/52/53 would be. However, if you were at Tier 30 then you'll be receiving different types of rewards for what you should have gotten, whether that is a character, weapon camo, credits, or CP. It is just all coming in different batches with credits being sent out first.

Originally posted by COD_Mobile_Official

Heya, yeah that definitely seems like an error. Would you mind sharing your UID (not your player id since that is private) so we can share it back with our teams to investigate? Also, what tier were you at before? Thanks for reporting this.

Hey all, follow up on this but basically these rewards are going out in batches based on the type of reward you are missing. Credits are coming first with items and CP rewards coming later, but it is all dependent on which rewards you were missing based on what tier you were at in Season 4.

Originally posted by COD_Mobile_Official

Heya OP, thanks for reporting this. This looks like an error to us at a glance, it is supposed to be the rewards for those three tiers mentioned and not just credits. However, if you were at tier 50 that might be possible since it would just automatically pull what would have been tier 51/52/53. Could you please share your UID (not your player ID since that is private) so we can report this up if that isn't the case?

Hey all and OP, update on this but the team is sending these out in batches based on the reward type. So any credits are going out now, then items later, then CP later depending on what tiers/rewards you should have received.

Originally posted by Visible_Elevator192

I post the same thing like u did but it got hella downvotes for it

Were you at tier 50 already in the previous Battle Pass or lower than 50 and you should have received rewards other than credits?

Originally posted by Reaper_pbj

Thank you. Hopefully they fix it soon. A lot of people on reddit have been complaining about it

Did you all get your wins back hopefully? The bug was basically just visual, so it wasn't displaying your wins/losses but they were tracking and should have updated after our fix.

Heya OP, thanks for reporting this. This looks like an error to us at a glance, it is supposed to be the rewards for those three tiers mentioned and not just credits. However, if you were at tier 50 that might be possible since it would just automatically pull what would have been tier 51/52/53. Could you please share your UID (not your player ID since that is private) so we can report this up if that isn't the case?

Originally posted by CptOwO

I couldn't complete my bp because I was busy with work and when I tried to complete it I feel asleep because I got really tired, and just when I woke up I notice the bp was the new one, I couldn't complete the bp because you guys couldn't stick to the timer YOU have set for the bp.

Sorry to hear that happened and this compensation we are sending out is meant to help with exactly that. However, the credits received by the OP here is not intended unless they were already at tier 50. We are collecting these reports and sharing back with the team, so if you end up getting yours and it is only credits as well please feel free to ping us.

Thank you for this post and for helping validate our reasoning for wanting to make this type of video and more like it in the future. This one is essentially a test to see if there is interest, but we want to do much more along the lines of music in the future.

Well, that's very odd to say the least. How long has it been like this, just since Season 5 released? Is anything else out of date like this or just the comics? Lastly, what kind of device are you on?

Tag to u/Fandic_Cz, u/zBandolero, and u/Devsingh77 since you all seem to be seeing the same thing. Any info from you all as well?

Originally posted by botetta

u/COD_Mobile_Official sorry for the tag, but can you give some clarification on this?

Should I not claim these 100 credits and wait for this to be fixed?

Or if we claim these 100 credits will the extra 3 tiers of rewards appear in our inventory? Or what is up with this? (Edit: if you claim the credits the skins don't appear in your inventory)

Heya, yeah that definitely seems like an error. Would you mind sharing your UID (not your player id since that is private) so we can share it back with our teams to investigate? Also, what tier were you at before? Thanks for reporting this.

Originally posted by ashishnair07

u/COD_Mobile_Official. I've had it with this guy. I've lost almost 10 matches thanks to him. Also, it's so disappointing to see "TeamNXT" on the leaderboard in the ongoing stage 2 tournament. it's about time we stop this guy.

Heya, yeah we are well aware of the reports about this team and are working on enforcement with our security team. We are also discussing ways to help any team who ended up playing them during the tournament.

Originally posted by Arussassin

u/COD_Mobile_Official look into into this... These guys are also selling and buying Stage 2 and Stage 1 qualified accounts for money.All those accounts have been boosted by cheats.

Hey everyone, thank you so much for reporting this. Our security team has already been made aware of NXT Gaming through some other reports and is currently investigating them. Additionally, we'll take a look at the team overall. If any member of the team was cheating that will disqualify them from the tournament.

03 Jul

Originally posted by ElbronNeedsHELP

We are missing 2 matches we played.

Hmm, is that how many matches you were missing? Or did some come back but not all?

Originally posted by lucyrdjmsd7777777

My teammate's uids 6744737180633595905 6798080669567877121 6852493271525490689 6743126435122708481 6750569784859426817

Thanks! Just got an update from the team, are your missing games showing now?

Originally posted by ElbronNeedsHELP

Heres my UID:6747307518844207105 Our team Name is: The Presence

Hey u/ElbronNeedsHELP just got an update from the team. Do you see your missing games populate now?

Hey u/lucyrdjmsd7777777 and all, we're currently looking into this one. Can you please share your UIDs to help the team's investigation? Thanks!

Originally posted by Reaper_pbj

Even my team has been having this problem. Half our matches didn't get registered

Hey everyone! The team is currently investigating this one. To help the investigation, can we get your UID if you're experiencing this? Thanks!

Hey there u/ElbronNeedHELP the team is currently looking into this one. To help the investigation what is your UID?