Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles Dev Tracker

01 Sep


Some assets aren't showing up correctly on consoles, but it's a fix we're working on and getting an update for ASAP!

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bug Reporting Template

We’re testing out a new forum component that allows for drop down menus and forms. While this is not a perfect solution for bug report forms, the goal is to make bug reporting easier and smoother.

This is far from a final version and is subject to change or even be scrapped. Thank you!

Once you fill out the form, the information prints in a box at the bottom of this post. Please scroll down so you can copy and paste for your own bug report.

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    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bug Reporting Template

We’re testing out a new forum component that allows for drop down menus and forms. While this is not a perfect solution for bug report forms, the goal is to make bug reporting easier and smoother.

This is far from a final version and is subject to change or even be scrapped. Thank you!

Once you fill out the form, the information prints in a box at the bottom of this post. Please scroll down so you can copy and paste for your own bug report.

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Originally posted by nevaldus

It's mostly DLC stuff right? , i tried building with Turanian and Aquilonian and it was invisible.

Anyway, thanks for letting us know.

(also not sure if known but theres about 5 books that craft the transportation stone in the thaumaturgy bench, i cant seem to find the ice bridge spell. This is on Ps5.)

Heya! Regarding the books, are you playing with multiple people? It may be books belonging to others. If not lemme know. Feel free to make a bug report on the forums and reply to me here with the link. Screenshots/video help a lot! You should only have 1 recipe though.


Originally posted by ERROR_FAILURE

except its not just armors... its enemies, thralls, base parts..

You're right, but with the armor at least there's the workaround since not all armors are affected. But it is all being fixed!



We are aware of an issue regarding some invisible assets on consoles; this impacts certain armors, so swapping to different armor will help as a workaround for now.

The plan is to have this fixed in the next patch. 🔨 Thank you for your patience!

External link →

Holy crap that's impressive. It reminds me of those projects in highschool where you'd have to make the strongest bridge in the class out of toothpicks.


Originally posted by notmyrealnameatleast

yeah my head and arms are invisible.

There's a bug with certain armor. Swapping to different armor pieces should help for now while we work on a fix.


Originally posted by General_Esperanza

can't enter cave on Siptah?? is this a bug? everyone keeps dying as soon as we enter it

This should be fixed now!


It's an issue with certain armor but the plan is to get a fix in for the next patch. Swapping different armor will help for now. Sorry about that!


Originally posted by General_Esperanza

not sure if it's related but we're instantly killed when entering the cave to learn sorcery *message reads we died from falling through the world*. Is this intended??

~Siptah PC official server

Siptah bug should be fixed on official servers. For those on private, they should turn off the under mesh kill system.


Originally posted by General_Esperanza

not sure if it's related but we're instantly killed when entering the cave to learn sorcery *message reads we died from falling through the world*. Is this intended??

~Siptah PC official server

It's not, and also something we're putting high priority on.


We're currently working on a fix for the invisible body parts/objects. Something something roided out invisibility spell.

Edit: Swapping to different armor will help as a workaround for now.

Edit 2: Consoles have been patched so this should be fixed now.

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings @hippihater,

Can you share with us the version you see in-game?

You can see it in the main menu on the bottom right side of the screen under “Revision”.

    Kanura on Forums - Thread - Direct

What language do you have set, and what entries in the main and Esc menu were wrong? Please provide screenshots if possible.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bug Reporting Template

We’re testing out a new forum component that allows for drop down menus and forms. While this is not a perfect solution for bug report forms, the goal is to make bug reporting easier and smoother.

This is far from a final version and is subject to change or even be scrapped. Thank you!

Once you fill out the form, the information prints in a box at the bottom of this post. Please scroll down so you can copy and paste for your own bug report.

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    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Exile,

Thank you for your report. Can you share with us if it was the Yellow lotus potion?

We await your reply.

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Thank you for your report. We are aware of this issue and working on solving it.

Please keep an eye out for it on future patch notes.