Conqueror's Blade

Conqueror's Blade Dev Tracker

15 Jun


Originally posted by RascistLibtard4th

i said moderator not cm

I know. The moderators are who I'm speaking of.


Originally posted by RascistLibtard4th

well good luck trying to find out who is doing that, you would be comparing every users IP forever, besides im talking about support not cm

You said CMs though? It's not something we go out of our way to police, or really can, as you said. But if an alt account is confirmed, it will be removed.


Originally posted by RascistLibtard4th

If you were a regular, paying customer, than yes.

you are right on the first part, he isnt entitled to shit, about the second part lets not kid ourselves, we KNOW support service can be shit, there is plenty of posts and complains about it, i know that by first hand aswell, some very inept,degenerate and/or abusive people are sitting on the moderation position there at CB headquarters and paying customers get a taste of it at least once a week

I'm not sure what you are referring to when you say "degenerate and abusive", but the moderation team on Discord aren't employees. They are players who have volunteered their time to help with CB communications, engagement, and reporting. They are required to provide receipts when disciplinary action occurs in any form. This is to ensure that moderation powers are not abused. If you feel you were punished unfairly, you can always reach out to a CM to review it.


Originally posted by aksam1123

Only one way to find out but try it with a smurf account if u must .

No, you won't be banned for simply saying "I want more violence in the game". Feedback is not met with bans. Now if you are disrespectful with your feedback in some way then you'll most likely get a warning...Asking a player to create an account just to see if he will get banned isn't really helping your case for an appeal...


Originally posted by SjoerdTheEmperor

You also cant say anything about WereRabbits because all the community managers are in there. I said: "WereRabbits are lag abusing" and I got banned.

I'm fairly new to the CM team, but if you were banned for anything in regards to "WereRabbits" it was probably for spamming the channel after being asked not to. I doubt it was simply for saying that one thing.


Originally posted by RascistLibtard4th

CM are pretty useless out of discord, if i was you and like you, i was only banned on discord, i would just conect with a diferent account and leave it like that

I'm sorry to hear you find us useless, but on another note; it is against our Code of Conduct to create an alternate account in an attempt to circumvent disciplinary action.

14 Jun


Hi there, North American CM here. Were you banned from the game or Discord? Or perhaps both? We CMs don't really have any control over in-game bans, but it is something that can be discussed with support. Sometimes they are willing to appeal the ban if a good amount of time has passed...of course, it also depends on the severity of the ban.

As for Discord, that is primarily the CMs domain. Normally we do not appeal bans on Discord, as multiple warnings are considered multiple chances to correct your behavior before a ban occurs. I'm happy to listen to your case, but I can't make any assurances about overturning the ban.

11 May


Originally posted by Musaks

Thanks for the answer, great to see officials being so interactive with players (and potential players).

If i understood you correct, all modes are 5vs5 and have matchmaking? Are there any restrictions on teamsizes that can queue together or that get thrown into one match?

The maximum group size is 5 people in field matches actual team sizes for Field matches is either 8v8 or 15v15 depending on the map and for Siege Battles, it is always 15v15. If you have more than 5 friends you wish to play with I'd recommend splitting the group in half and counting down and joining the queue at the same time for the same kind of match.

While this doesn't guarantee you will get into the same match it does increase your chances even if you end up on opposite teams :)


Be sure to go to and login using the steam button option you should have the battle pass there to send it to your character, if its not there you will need to contact our support team to investigate this further.


Originally posted by sevay70

Hi. I don't suppose you could give us any insight as to why the most recent patch completely removed shortbow's "press F to stun enemy" ability instead of bugfixing the animation and cooldown so it couldn't be chained back to back?

The patch notes called its existence a bug, but clearly it was originally intended to be an extra ability but wasn't properly implemented.

The ability was a bug, it was only available on the male characters and was not meant to be implemented which is why it was removed.


Conqueror's Blade is a pretty heavy PvP game and you can start pvping pretty quickly after completing the tutorial. Once you hit level 60 you have gained all the attribute points for your character that you can gain which doesn't take a long time to reach either.

There are several modes to queue for AI battles (basically just fighting against bots) and then there are Field Battles and Siege Battles. Siege battles as the mode suggest pits 1 team against another 1 trying to defend the other attacking castles to capture points in order to win the match. Field battles are open battles with objectives to capture and run the enemy team points down to 0 in order to win.

You can make groups of up to 5 people and queue together for all 3 modes and while in cities you can also duel each other or queue separately at the same time and hope you end up on different sides of a match.

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I can confirm that I do actually play this game a great deal in my free time. I play on a separate account in my free time so I can enjoy the game without the target of being a CM on my back on my free time. Also, short bow is the weapon I play the most of the time and well aware of the shortfalls of the class however I find it the most fun weapon to use :)

19 Dec


Hey guys,

We're aware of the current feelings from the community about the changes made to the unit tree and the honor for units. While I cannot give details right now I can assure you that we are in the process of sorting out compensation for players that already had the T5 units before the changes were made.

Kind Regards

04 Jun


Hey there!

Conqueror's Blade is indeed free to play starting today, there is currently an issue with our Steam version not being available for download right now, however, we're in talks with Steam and working to resolve this as quickly as possible!

Kind Regards


23 May


Originally posted by skilliard7

They picked the absolute worst day to start early access. Why would you start it AFTER the 3 day memorial day weekend? Those not working will have a solid 4 days of time to get ahead of those that do work.

It should've started on this Friday or Saturday :/

The main reason to start it early in the week is that it gives the most coverage from our team during the weekdays so if any issues arise with early access we can resolve them quickly without it affecting Early Access all that much.


Originally posted by Mageofsin

What date is it out or is this out today?

Open Beta starts on the 4th of June with Early Access beginning on the 28th of May

17 May


Hey there!

CBT started yesterday at 16:00 CEST. There were some issues with our login authenticator though this has since been resolved, if you're still having issues logging into the beta please contact our support team who will be able to resolve the issue for you!

16 May


Originally posted by Paragon203

HELL YEAH! I was literally just checking before going to bed

maybe a key for being early to give to friends? ^^

Your friends will be able to play for free this weekend as we're opening up the servers to everyone for one final open weekend!