Conqueror's Blade

Conqueror's Blade Dev Tracker

17 Aug


Originally posted by xKravalKar

how do you define fief trading?

1 house in EU1 just migratred and left all fiefs undefended, most got taken by enemies but if one gets taken by 1 ally is it bannable?

if the House is "defending" the fief and has another house join the other line, that would be considered fief trading.

So I'd say if the fief is undefended, it doesn't matter, as they aren't blocking anyone


Hey there Warlords. There was an earlier post regarding questions asked about certain actions that could be considered a punishable offense. I would like to post a more fleshed out response to these questions after having discussed with the rest of the Community Team:

* Is it ok to trade fiefs with your allies?

- No, this is not okay.

* Is it ok to hide inside a field camp by clicking past it than on it to stay exactly inside it?

- This isn't cool to do, but it is not a bannable offense.

* Is it ok to avoid pursuit by alt+f4ing away?

- This isn't cool, but it is not a bannable offense at this time. The community team has passed over feedback to our team about this internally and this may change in the future.

* Is it ok to avoid pursuit by switching lines?

- This is okay and not a bannable offense.

* Is it ok to attac...

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Oopsies. Looks like you made some mistakes here Squirell? From my end, it looks like these were not the answers you received. That's alright, I'll correct for you ^_^

* Is it ok to trade fiefs with your allies?

- No not ok

* Is it ok to hide inside a field camp by clicking past it than on it to stay exactly inside it?

- Is not cool but not bannable

* Is it ok to avoid pursuit by alt+f4ing away?

- Not cool but not bannable (we have been recommending punishment for this, however)

* Is it ok to avoid pursuit by switching lines?

- Is ok

* Is it ok to attack your own house with an alternative house?

- Not ok

* Is it ok to jump on roofs or places in-game where it's hard for others to catch you? what determines such an object? is jumping on top of a wooden box which makes it hard for melees to hit you allowed?

- Depends on how they get there. If they can get there without glitching in any way...

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14 Aug


Not gonna remove this post, as I feel you are all entitled to your opinions...But I would like to say that Kira is easily one of our hardest-working moderators and he has done a lot to help the community, EU and NA. I also do not feel that Kira "abuses his power". Whenever he takes disciplinary action against someone he documents it and provides clear evidence as to why he did so. All moderators are expected to do this, and We CMs are never in the dark as to his actions and he puts in a lot of effort to make that the case. He is not shy when it comes to enforcing our Discord rules, but that is not an abuse of power.

I for one am personally quite grateful to Kira. He has been a part of this game longer than I have, he really did a lot to help me acclimate when I started, and he continues to support me without fail when NA times are having problems, even when he isn't expected to do so as an EU moderator.

If you do ever feel like you've been muted or banned unfa...

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13 Aug


We apologize that it took so long for these sanctions to occur, but we do want to make it clear that our goal is for Territory Wars to be as competitively fair as possible, and that everyone can have a fun experience.

Houses that employ tactics that abuse the mechanics of Territory Wars hurt the experience for other players and will receive punishment for doing so.


Hey guys! We said we are committed to taking a stance against the abuse of mechanics that hurts the fairness and overall experience of the game. I know many house members might not participate in Territory Wars and still received the house-wide ban. I'm sorry if you feel this is unfair, but this decision will stand. If we don't draw a line in the sand against this it will simply continue. After 3 days, I recommend you join a new house that promotes a fair and friendly environment for both its members and its competitors.

I see the argument pushed around "The game makes it possible, so how is it cheating?" Just because the game makes this a possibility does not mean it isn't abuse or misuse of existing mechanics. The developers never intended for Houses to be capable of creating alt-houses to block lines and prevent battles from even taking place. The ability to do so is not something that can be easily removed from the game, but it is by no means how the system was intend...

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Well done! Happy to hear you are enjoying the game. We love hearing about these key moments =)


Hi! This has been reported and is being looked into! We want to fix this ASAP!


Hi! You can actually find skill pages in the open world by scavenging abandoned crates and huts, though they tend to be a pretty rare find.

I believe the best option for getting the skill pages you want is through completing the weekly quests. This will actually provide you with your choice of around 5 skill pages if you manage to complete enough quests. You can also purchase skill pages in the auction house, but they tend to sell for an expensive amount of Silver.

Welcome to the game by the way!


Oh, it took me a minute to understand what I was supposed to be seeing haha. If this hasn't been reported, I will be sure to do so.


Hello! Please be aware that slotlocking is considered a punishable exploit. I know it is taking longer than what would be preferred, but we do intend to punish those that use this exploit during Territory Wars.

If you do see a house doing this, definitely report them at


We do appreciate the feedback and want to do what we can to improve class balance, especially in regards to Ranked mode. We can work to gather data on the most used class in Ranked, as well as their success rate, etc. Hopefully the devs will be open to making changes based on data and feedback where necessary =)

You feel the Maul is too overpowered in ranked, correct?


If you guys wouldn't mind, the developers are requesting that I gather data from users affected by the severe instability that occurs during Territory Wars. One of the NA Warlords was kind enough to set up a form for players to enter this information.

Please feel free to do so when you have the time =)


Oof. You'd think they'd stop charging through when the bodies start piling up

29 Jul


Hi! Currently, there are some problems occurring with the new Doctrine system, but we have an upcoming patch that is intended to fix these problems.

24 Jul


Hey there!

I just finished reading your document on the issues with Cohorts and your potential solutions, firstly I'd like to thank you for taking the time to create such a document and in great detail. I like a lot of your suggestions and just wanted to say I have shared this with the rest of the team and we will look into it in more detail

Kind Regards


Hi there u/AdamZetti I'm sorry to hear that you've not had the best of experience with our support team.

I've brought this issue back up with the team and I'm pleased to say that we are re-examining this issue and are looking into further compensating those like yourself who didn't have the time to login and redeem your Bonds of Service.

Once again I can only apologise for the inconvenience this has caused and the ill will this has generated towards ...

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23 Jul


Hi just to be clear this is not from the MY.GAMES version of Conqueror's Blade and is for the SEA version we have not yet released a news about Ranked Matchmaking we will be sharing more about Ranked in the near future for the NA and EU servers.

15 Jun


Originally posted by RascistLibtard4th

you mean his case was solved? does everyone have to make a post on reddit flaming the mods to get a fix? thats the point

Solved? There is no case. He was banned from Discord and wishes to appeal the ban. I told him I'd hear him out. Do you have a problem you feel hasn't been addressed? Feel free to message me on Discord. That's what it is there for. I'm always around to respond on Discord during my work hours.


Originally posted by RascistLibtard4th

the degenerate etc comment was aimed at the technical support people of whom one see at least once a week a post of complaint here, about the alt accounts on discord and such i couldnt care less, if you guys go enough time for that you sure have enough time to take care of the Poster's issue and you know, avoid making people reach such lenghts?

Considering I reached out as soon as I was made aware of it, I'm not sure what you mean.