
Dauntless Dev Tracker

07 Aug


Originally posted by Mannex29

Does various crashes include when you switch between sword in airship then 100% crash when you try to unsheeth?



Originally posted by Hauk54

I haven't been able to consistently log into the game since patch 1.3.3. Constant loading timeout errors. Sometimes it take 23 trys just to load into Ramsgate; yes, I counted. Loading a hunt is pretty much gaunteed to drop me. Are things like that being fixed in this patch, because right now I can't even play the game.

Thanks for the heads up. We hope some of our fixes address this.


Originally posted by AZG0WN

I think you all know that's your nayzaga fix don't work right? He still can't be booped after the portal attack so we have to wait until it ends....... anyway I'm glad for this crown stuff and the fact that if I use full bore my game crash so it's a very nice fix.

Thanks for the heads up, we're still looking into it and working on improvements.


Originally posted by _Patashnik_

100% this.

I'm 42. Work, kids, wife - I like online games but the toxicity of some communities is really off-putting and I just don't have the time to put in to some of the more competitive ones.

I played a lot of Paladins for a while, community is... okay mostly, but kind of got burnt out by it.

Dauntless has been a real breath of fresh air. Nice community (literally only one incident of outright unpleasantness in countless hours play) and the ability to dip in and out in short bursts around cooking, kids, time with my wife etc without feeling im missing out/falling behind. I love RPGs for example, but no way I can just sit there for 150 hours and see through a jrpg or similar (as much as I'd love to sometimes!)

Also cross play and cross save is SO useful. I play on Xbox at home. Switch in bed. On my laptop if I'm travelling for work in a hotel or whatever.

It also means I can play with my kids when I'm away, or all together on different pl...

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There are a lot of parents at the studio, myself included. I relate to this!


Thank you so much! Our awesome community is made better by having you in it.

06 Aug


Got me crying in my office over here <3 thank you. I needed this reminder today


This is too sweet. Thank you for sharing this with us <3 It may sound cliche, but this amazing community only exists because of people like you.


It's so touching to hear about the impact our game has had on people's lives. I'm incredibly proud of Dauntless and the way it's grown, thank you for these very kind words. My heart is warm, and I hope we can keep making amazing content for you for a long time to come.


Thank you so much for the kind words! It really means a lot. I'm so glad you're enjoying the game :)

Hey everyone, we have submitted our 1.3.4 patch for certification. This update will address a handful of bugs and quality of life changes. We hope to get it in your hands next week.

Fixes include:

Full Bore Chamber fix

Bounty progress not displaying properly

Various crashes

Airship unequipping crowns

As always, you can track our bug progress on our Community Issues Trello board: https://trello.com/b/o4jAMqEf/dauntless-community-issues

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