
Dauntless Dev Tracker

06 Aug


Thanks for the feedback everyone, sounds like most of you are enjoying the new sword quite a bit!

We've got our eyes on the damage being too low, as that's the most consistent feedback we've gotten. Playing the Sword optimally asks a fair bit from the player, especially compared to the old Sword, so we need to make sure the damage is correctly representative of that engagement. We'll have lots of hard data on this soon, and will be able to cross-compare that data with stuff like player veteran-ness, which specials folks are using, which mods, which cells etc. to see where the right place to tweak the numbers would be.

It was a blast to work on this revision and we learned a ton from it, it makes me happy to see a lot of you really enjoying the new sword.


Thank you all so much for your feedback. The devs have been reading over it and soaking it all in.

Keep it coming :D


Originally posted by sweetsugerapple

thank you very much <3 im glad you liked it

This one made the rounds at the studio this morning. Lots of big laughs!

05 Aug


Originally posted by thivid

to find and wipe out these particles, or guard against them,

"Or to influence their evolution, creating behemoths with a lower metabolism that consume less aether, allowing us to coexist." Quoting my slayer, who doesn't want to wipe them out

It takes all kinds, I guess, but don't let Doc Priyani find out you're soft on B's. She'll pull you from the rotation like that.


Originally posted by The_Real_Hefty_Trout

So behemoths are essentially a highly evolved, highly superior form of aether/archonite in a sense

So behemoths are essentially a highly evolved, highly superior form of aether/archonite in a sense

That's a really interesting take!


Originally posted by SkyHawkG

Thanks for clarifying. Personally, I think that P-UP should be the official term

I think that P-UP should be the official term

u/SpookyAesthetic-PHX I think we need to give the people what they want.


Originally posted by SkyHawkG

Not a dev, but the Farslayers are a group of slayers, who tend to be connected to aether in nature. It’s like how you have the ostians, they are just another group.

Aether is like a spectrum, umbral aether is on the extreme side of the spectrum, and so is considered unpredictable and more powerful. It also is an element that frequently shows the behemoth being able to warp reality, and even travel through dimensions, which no other elements have a feat that is on power with that.

The unseen cult may not be the original, which could control behemoths to their will, and use them to attack. The current cult only appears during the dark harvest, and their goal originally was to summon shroud, and maybe control it. They worshipped it, and failed to summon shroud, and instead brought riftstalker into this world. They aren’t open, they just let people know that they exist. They haven’t gone unnoticed however. The night hunters fight the cult, and were the theme of the prev...

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Great answer!

Fun fact: originally I meant "Farslayer" to be sort of like "mountain man" in the sense that it was just a Slayer who lived in the wild and didn't feel attached to civilization. They evolved over time.


Originally posted by Cavyspider

With the lore, could a neutral aetheric singularity exist?

Yep! Arguably there may be a big one (or many big ones) in the heart of the Maelstrom.


Originally posted by AzuriteRain

Is Markus Boehr a mistake or is it on purpose?

Is Markus Boehr a mistake or is it on purpose?

Mr. and Mrs. Boehr waited until they were financially stable before they decided it was time finally begin a family. They were fully expecting young Markus' arrival, although he was born almost two weeks after his original due date. At birth he weighed an impressive five-and-a-half kilograms.


Originally posted by SpookyAesthetic-PHX

Sure, these are great questions! Let me tackle the last one first: since joining the team, one of my first priorities has been to get out ahead of the story as far as possible. The biggest reason for this is to be able to better marry story to game mechanics, to create an overall tighter experience. I'm already most of the way through defining what will happen in Season 12 - which means this is the point where I shamelessly tease things: Kienan has shown me some early concept art from a new key character and faction, and they look amazing.

We'll be spending more time with these characters, as we work to bring more of an emphasis to building out the living world and our relation to it, and the other folks that live within it. So... consider yourself teased!

Now, on the subject of development! I'd say the biggest difference in the live environment for storytelling is the human element, and room for things to happen organically. More on th...

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John, I told you the thing about the Bosun in confidence. WTF man.


Originally posted by Ket-

What is the lore around zebko (wils "assistant"/actual smith?), and why does he not have a journal page, or at least a discovery entry like so much else.

Zebko is riddle cheese wrapped inside an enigma tortilla; slathered with mystery meat and top-secret sauce. Xelya's been trying to figure him out for years. Or not. Don't be weird. Jeez.

So yeah, I should probably go get lunch before I answer any more of these...


Originally posted by Dahvikiin

First, as a player of Blizzard games and The Elder Scrolls saga, I couldn't be more excited about the new focus on Lore, and what's to come based on that and that I can't express myself, nor ask all the questions I want:

1- First of all the HP: Relics and Ruins, to my taste is the best pass to date and the Uesca, reminded me a lot to Netherstorm (from WoW), for the purple, the ruins, the energies of the Void and the mysticism, however once inside the bioluminescent vegetation I remember certain dungeons in Northrend, like The Nexus. During Rogue Elements, we had the introduction to the following R&R pass, in which the majority of the events related to Uesca took place and Clear Skies were glimpsed, assuming that now they will prepare us for the events of the following pass and Tesca, based on the above, Is Tesca more similar to a place in the Outland like Zargarmash or is it more like the place in Northrend because it is the anteroom to Fresca?

2- When I saw the Voi...

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First, as a player of Blizzard games and The Elder Scrolls saga, I couldn't be more excited about the new focus on Lore, and what's to come based on that and that I can't express myself, nor ask all the questions I want:

1- First of all the HP: Relics and Ruins, to my taste is the best pass to date and the Uesca, reminded me a lot to Netherstorm (from WoW), for the purple, the ruins, the energies of the Void and the mysticism, however once inside the bioluminescent vegetation I remember certain dungeons in Northrend, like The Nexus. During Rogue Elements, we had the introduction to the following R&R pass, in which the majority of the events related to Uesca took place and Clear Skies were glimpsed, assuming that now they will prepare us for the events of the following pass and Tesca, based on the above, Is Tesca more similar to a place in the Outland like Zargarmash or is it more
like the place in Northrend because it is the anteroom to Fresca?

... Read more

Originally posted by kingofthelol

You guys really got my hopes up when I saw I could press x on hector only for it to be a lore note.

You guys really got my hopes up when I saw I could press x on hector only for it to be a lore note.

OTOH, there's a lore note because he didn't yet have any other interaction so that made him available. I would love to move that node onto some of his food or something else close by so that, for example, he could push his head up into your hand like my cat Macho does whenever I scratch him between his ears.


Originally posted by dumpdr

How many governing bodies/entities exist in the world of Dauntless? Is the Ostian Empire still relevant? Are there any political conflicts surrounding the shattered isles?

The two largest cultural influences are still Ostia and Avellainia, both of which grew up around large intact chunks of the old world. Simply put, those island states exist simply because they got a head start on rebuilding by virtue of still having buildings among other things. Ostia had a lot of surviving industrial facilities, for example, while Avellainia happened to be on a large, somewhat unstable island (at first--see The Artisan and The Savant for more on that) but retained most of what must have been a massive library or university. The Orrery takes its name from an actual surviving aetheric Orrery from the pre-Upheaval days that sits in a sacred hall in St. Avellaine.

Other cultures are all still around, but aren't generally as big. Andar is still up there in the higher, hotter bands of the atmosphere, training ninjas assassins and exploring some of the more exotic ways to manipulate aether. Krolach, which serves as a sort of breadbasket for a ...

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