
Dauntless Dev Tracker

01 May


im in love


Hey!! Oh man, that sucks. Please send a support ticket to us, we would be happy to refund your plat so you can spend it on something else <3


Hey! I totally hear your frustration on this. Please send a ticket to our support team so that we can refund you for the Inferno 9000 emote <3


awesome work!

also, this kind of looks like torgadoro made from chocolate covered croissants, and i am h e r e for that.


okay but why is this so accurate hahaha


Originally posted by Leviathan10

That's the thing I can't remember the name but I remember seeing three grips in the menu or was there two always? The marksman chamber is missing for certain though. Sorry for vague reply as I should have paid more attention and thanks for replying to my query.

If you could give it another check and please contact Support if you're missing a grip for sure. Thanks!


We're tracking an issue with the Marksman's Chamber - what's the grip you are missing?




Originally posted by Oinegue696

In this pic it's Torgadoro ultra armor set with

Iceborne, Discipline, Rage, Wild frenzy, Overpower, Conduit

But basically it happens with a base of

Iceborne, Discipline, Rage, Wild frenzy

And not only with the Torgadoro ultra armor, but with glowing armor pieces too, because they too loose the glow when discipline triggers iceborne (I bet it's Iceborne the problem, it all started after an update to its visual effect like 2 hunt passes ago)

Thanks! This has been super helpful and you're correct this surrounds Iceborne, we're on it.


Hey there, which transmog set is that, and what cells are equipped?

This info could help us get to the bottom of it.


If you're having any instances of your Strikers not connecting with Val, please let us know more information.
Which strikers, which map, which attacks, and any other information would be great.

🛠️Bug update🛠️

We are currently investigating the following bugs and issues:

Players can't craft Marksman chamber

Players can't craft Torgadoro hammer

Kharabak swarm not clearing

Smollusks are sometimes invisible

Snap targeting is unreliable

Strikers sometimes don't connect with Valomyr

Making H and M rebindable

Follow our progress on our community Trello board: https://trello.com/b/o4jAMqEf/dauntless-community-issuesIf you have any other bugs, please report them in the mega thread: ...

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