
Dauntless Dev Tracker

27 Jul


Originally posted by GraveRobberX

Somebody literally boasted in the subreddit they finished the pass within 2-3 days of going live.

Like did 200-250+ runs of Raigetail and ripped all the parts for bonus pearls and finished it that way

I ain't here to yuck anyone's yumms


Originally posted by Heawanatroitago

I personally like that challenges aren’t too much of grind. It’s one of the main things I like about this games pass. It’s relatively easy to get through. It doesn’t feel like such a daunting task. I’m all for post pass end rewards though. For those who finish the pass very early. I feel the tier and a half per completion is rewarding and the length is easily doable.

Thanks for weighing in! Do you mostly rely on collectables, quests, or breaks?

Also, how often do you play?


Originally posted by Applejax92

They're good difficulty wise, keeps them open to all player levels but some weeks are just annoying. Take the past week for example, super easy basic tasks but with 3 of the 4 tasks being complete 10 hunts with x element type means that's 30 hunts in the run of a week where you have to use specific gear. An extra bonus for completing a week would be nice even if it's something like 10-20 ace chips if you finish all 4 (or Rams of course cause we can never have enough of them)

Great feedback!

We're looking at Hunt Pass challenges holistically, so we will definitely consider this feedback.

26 Jul


Originally posted by PSNChicken

They said with the released 0.9.0 patch notes that they delaying the loadout presets for 0.9.2, nothing said about 0.9.0

But yeah i'm skeptical too about the loadout presets as u because of the long time passed since it's been announced. Also skeptical that 0.9.2 will coming next week or so.

We are working on it - the truth is that it required far more foundational reconstruction than we had expected or planned, so it just took way longer than anyone wanted. We have a handle on all of it now and are still aiming for 0.9.2.


Originally posted by keithwolf

Awesome! Thanks for replying and generally being communicative with the fans. It helps make any bugs and stuff so much more bearable.

Thanks, we are squashing bugs as fast as we can :)

25 Jul


Originally posted by keithwolf

Any idea on when that patch will release? I had heard some whispers of this week or next. Any validity to that? It’s so hard to fight some of these guys without sound!

Should be really soon. It takes a little time to get everything lined up since we are on different platforms that all need to stay in sync due to cross-play/cross-progression, but it's getting close.


Originally posted by Khansfury

So when will this next update be? This bug is quite annoying.

I know :( We're pushing hard to get the next update out asap, but obviously we need to balance that with not making things WORSE by putting out an update with other bugs. I think they're in the final stages of packing it now, so it should be in the next day or so... but don't quote me on that, things change fast and I'm not actively part of the update pipeline. Hopefully sooner rather than later though!


Awesome run, congrats!
These bugged times have been removed. We're learning every day about what situations are causing them and fixing bugs to keep them from happening again.

Thanks for bearing with our growing pains here!


Originally posted by Impede

Out of curiosity, It was fixed on pc a while back, was it reintroduced with the change in unreal version in the last patch?

Actually, it looks like it was a knock-on effect to some optimization around memory usage that just slipped in. We did have some issues introduced in the UE upgrade, but they have all been hammered out at this point afaik.

24 Jul


Dauntless is full cross-play and full cross-progression so just log into your Epic account in the different environment and you are good to go!


It should be resolved in the next patch, we were also disappointed this one slipped in at the last minute :\


Hey, I know that Curiosaur already hit up this thread, but just wanted to chime in, too!

Performance is something we're continually working on and is a huge focus of the team. We'll keep working on it until we don't have to! We have really ambitious targets for console performance right now and we're making progress towards them every day.

Definitely agree on the teamwork front - we're digging into a major revision to some of the challenges and objectives that we present to players, and part of that will likely involve being more generous with when we give players credit (it stinks when I deal a ton of part damage but somebody else gets the break). Rewarding successful co-op play is always our goal.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


We definitely have heard the feedback that our icy boy isn't an encounter that players love yet. We have some changes we're testing internally that will hopefully make fighting him more fun -- I'd expect to see them in a patch or two.


Originally posted by Demionay

We need Gauntlets in this game

Best Weapon



Hey, great post! Thanks very much for your thoughts.

We're actually in-development for a mode that incorporates a lot of the mechanics you're giving voice to. We agree that a marathon-style mode would be a great addition to the game, and I personally believe it can sit alongside Trials in a complimentary way. I definitely recognize that a Time Trials style mode is not for everybody, and personally think a mode like we're talking about in this thread will be more relevant for greater percentage of players.

To give you an idea of what's going on behind the scenes, Trials was a great endeavor for the team because while building it, we were also building a lot of technology and content frameworks to enable us to start building mode. I think Trials should stay as a mode meant to reward and challenge high-end mechanical mastery, which has been a huge player request since the earliest stages of our closed Alpha. This *new* mode will have it's own rewards and challenges, a...

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This is a nice thoughtful reflection, thanks very much for taking the time to pass along the thoughts :) I can say that we have folks working non-stop to improve performance. We have some lofty goals there, and I know the crew will keep finding improvements there.

Your second point on cooperative play is a little harder to directly respond to as there are lots of lines of exploration we are looking at that has a meaningful impact there.

For the third point, Trials is just one thing we have been working on. There will be more things that line up with your style of play down the road.

Thanks again!


Originally posted by gayboicuminmyass

Doesnt help that audio still isnt working at all for me on ps4, i get it for like 5 minutes when i first start the game then its gone for the remainder of my play session and no i wont close and reopen the game after each quest thats ridiculous and i dont see how such a major issue is still in the damn game like christ man...might as well go back to mhw at this point.

This issue will be resolved in the next update - coming soon


Hey!! Just looked into this a bit and didn't see a support ticket from you. What is your username? And did you submit the ticket to support.playdauntless.com or to Epic's support?

For the issue itself - what is the error message?