
Dauntless Dev Tracker

21 Jul


Hey!! Sorry about this. We are aware & actively working on a fix. ❤️


Hey there friends! I am sorry, I know this is frustrating. ❤️ We are aware & working on it!

20 Jul


Originally posted by Heijoshinn

Can you fix the pike (again)? Pike blast still shoots 2 shots once the aim cone is near or is completely straight.

Pikes also missing attacks arbitrarily. I think attack animation elevation on Pikes was unintentionally increased causing the attacks to "attack above" intended targets. Been able to hit rezas hind legs while he was in the air while I was on the ground.

Hi :)

So for the pike, is this just the AUDIO that you're talking about (which is my area of expertise)? I'm not aware of a pike double blast bug, so I'm not sure if it's specific to the sound or to everything.



Originally posted by BryanXVII

Thank you for the reply. At least we know this is being looked into.

It’s absolutely infuriating when you know you dodged the attack yet still get whipped to the ground by unseen forces. Lol It is even more frustrating when you fail high tier hunts because of it. I love the game but the shoddy dodging really makes me want to give up playing sometimes.

I hear you. Its a pain point we're hoping to remedy soon.


Hey!! We are actively working on this <3 Sorry for the wait!

19 Jul



Just a heads up this is something we are currently investigating.


It'll be fixed in the next update. We couldn't repro it internally, only once it went live. However, after much digging I think we found the sneaky culprit lurking in code that was hidden from the audio team. I'm not happy this went out but we shouldn't ever have this happen again now. Thank you for your patience!


Originally posted by Blackdiezo

While I don't agree with everything said here, I do agree that the leaderboard should be wiped! Those who deserve to get back will get back easily and so people who should be there don't lose out. Either that or they should just not hand out any rewards for this week. However I doubt that any of this will happen and so for me this has been a royal mess 😂 it is what it is tho

We are talking internally about how to best deal with this, whether that's a full wipe or seeing if we can see which hunts are bugged and removing those. Will let you all know as soon as we have a plan of action


Originally posted by Seikool

tbh im almost sure the devs havent played trials lmao

I promise that we have played <3 It is designed to be really, really hard though, so I get the frustration!


Originally posted by Chrollo009

I know i'm a good player, but this shit is crazy! It's almost impossible with axe. Beat it with chainblades though. I think all classes should be able to have a fair advantage, and what i'm seeing is that only repeaters are what's dominating here and i dunno how i feel about that, since repeaters feels like a "cheese" class and it's why i don't use it.

Thank you for the reply! I am interested to see how other weapons do vs the following weeks Trials


Originally posted by darknessinducedlove

I think trials is a step in the right direction and I love the difficulty. The biggest thing for me right now is replay value and finding a group outside of public matchmaking.

There needs to be some sort of reward outside of the usual trial currency to incentivize so people will continue to play the mode, wether that be rams, parts, cells, cores, etc

I love that you love the difficulty!! Have you managed to grab a win yet?


Originally posted by imsofaking

Regarding your edit, a bug was discovered that allows players to pause the timer. Did you see the 24 second time for teams? Lol.

Yeah, this is not intended of course! We are aware and working on a fix for both the bugged hunt and the leaderboard showing the bugged results.


Originally posted by Auron1992

Did the dev acknowledge the bug?

Yes <3 we are actively working on a fix


Hey!! Thank you for writing this all out. I totally get that it's frustratingly hard to beat Trials, but it is designed to be a really difficult challenge for end level Slayers, which is why you need to have the Reza/Shrowd quest in order to play it.

As far as the bugged hunts leading to really fast times, we are aware and working on a fix for both the hunts themselves & the leaderboard showing the bugged times.


This should be fixed now - please give it another go!


Originally posted by thorinthebear1

Do we have a time frame on getting pass character creation?

Hey! We are actively testing a fix for this <3


I wouldn't call this petty, it's just a UX mistake that we haven't prioritized a fix for. We will fix it though :)