
Dauntless Dev Tracker

09 Feb


Woooh! I love how unique your style is, definitely not like anything we've seen before around here, keep it up! 😍

08 Feb


Originally posted by loss182

Beetle juice



Originally posted by NoelCZVC

I'm new. I know nothing! It was just something really pretty so I figured I'd share.

Valomyr blood is infested with aether bugs. Do not drink.


Originally posted by Parking-Addendum1911

I’ve done it like 8 times now

Do you know how by any chance?
If you could describe the steps needed to reproduce the bug, it would help a ton! πŸ™


Hey there! Thanks for reporting this, are you able to reproduce this consistently?
What were you doing when this happened, that kind of things. This would help us figure out what's causing the bug and hopefully fix it quickly. Thank you!

07 Feb


We're glad to have y'all! <3

06 Feb


Originally posted by kyoujikishin

No, xbox series s with its default controller. I've had it happen twice when attempting to type within moments of entering; i haven't tried it later into the lobby.

Very strange, thank you - going to pass your info back to our QA friends to take another look.

05 Feb


Originally posted by Amamoyoi

In-Game Name: Tutelation

Type of Bug: Gear

Expected behavior: To receive an aetherheart after reforging (Sword)

Actual behavior: No aetherheart when I went to hopefully power surge my other gear.

Screenshot/Clip: (will try to clip in case it happens again)

Reproduction Rate/Steps: None so far; will update if it happens again.

System Specs: PC, Intel Core i5 11400H, 3050 Ti

Geographic location: SEA

Session ID: (Optional). e12e124b73c840478920b3651bebbd72-g7eu4g2t

Please contact Dauntless Support - they'll be able to look into your account for this one.


Originally posted by kyoujikishin

While on xbox attempting to edit message even while the chat is selected while on the airship awaiting escalations brings up the join slayers club and then locks out controls until the start.

We've been unable to reproduce this our side - are you using any particular peripherals/keyboards attached to your console?


It's "or" in this case, I was curious on this myself and asked around. We're gonna get the grammar tidied up here for the future.


Originally posted by daltonfreebyrd

There will always be people who attack devs personally and on a true disrespectful level. Which is beyond unacceptable.

On the other hand, most of these people are passionate about the game PL have created and deserved to be listened to. Most of them are not being disrespectful but have harsh criticism with not understanding changes. Especially when they feel they aren’t being listened to while being told they are being listened to. But that never changes how appreciative we are for the endless work PL puts in.

Totally agree!

Just want to reiterate, we are definitely listening to this thread and reading the comments.

04 Feb


Originally posted by joshlhood

To update, we understand the cause of this issue, and are working on a solution to get a fix out ASAP.

This fix has now rolled out to the live game, and all players should be able to get the Sahvyt rumours. Thanks for your patience.


Originally posted by Mythicaldragn

wait, you dont even know if it will happen?

It will, we're just not sure exactly when it will happen yet. πŸ‘


We've shipped a fix and this should work now!

Might need to go on a hunt and back to Ramsgate for it to register.


Hey gang, there has been a lot of discussion on ForgedPixel's post about the recent Discipline balance change (and a balance as a whole).

First off, balance is always ongoing. We always take into player feedback and data, striving to find a balance between the two. We never want to rely on one or the other.

For this case specifically, we will be looking at this change and reevaluating our reasoning. This doesn't mean we will revert or alter it immediately. Last thing we want to do is submit a knee jerk change. What it means is that we will have discussions about it internally.

As a reminder, let's all remember that developers are people too. We're all doing our best to make Dauntless the best it can be. Let's treat each other with respect.


Saint's Bond Begins on the 10th.

We're currently investigating the Sahvyt rumours and why they're not triggering correctly. Sorry for the confusion!