Bohemia Interactive has added a new hunting rifle: the "Sporter 22". The rifle uses .22 ammunition (added to the game via the 1.05 update last year), comes with various magazines, and has the ability to mount a hunting scope. And speaking of long-range engagements, the Sway and Hold Breath mechanics have been adjusted, which should make distance shooting a bit easier.
New base building improvements focus on the balance-of-destruction of various structures, such as fences, watchtowers, and tent objects, and the update also includes the addition of the Canopy Tent, Indoor Fireplace (oven), and Direct Cooking Slots (fireplace grill for meat). Additionally, the update comprises general gameplay tweaks, bug fixes, and UX improvements.
Finally, 1.08 will bring an updated Saint Roman Ski Resort, Biathlon shooting range, and a race track to the ChernarusPlus terrain.
For a full rundown of details and patch notes, check out the accompanying ... Read more
New base building improvements focus on the balance-of-destruction of various structures, such as fences, watchtowers, and tent objects, and the update also includes the addition of the Canopy Tent, Indoor Fireplace (oven), and Direct Cooking Slots (fireplace grill for meat). Additionally, the update comprises general gameplay tweaks, bug fixes, and UX improvements.
Finally, 1.08 will bring an updated Saint Roman Ski Resort, Biathlon shooting range, and a race track to the ChernarusPlus terrain.
For a full rundown of details and patch notes, check out the accompanying ... Read more