@koty_paisley Not sure it is relevant for Survivor GameZ, since it's last player standing concept. However - not scratching it out.
@panuthod Check this out:
@TRIPPLE91522326 Yeah, kinda.
@KhaosAlchemy @Speakeasytrait1 Yes, during Alpha just PC
@EyesPiedGaming We don't have any requirements for participants, aside of request for the key :)
@OverlordOfLIFE It's closed Alpha, so you will need a key to access Survivor GameZ
@IBeastnn @SoupRP It is not what we ment. We have several very different options. One thing is certain - if GameZ become popular, there will be some monetization model introduced, since servers require financing.
@Zachary69900253 Survivor GameZ updates are not specifically scheduled, since there might be need in a lot of hotfixing during Alpha stage
@blakle1 It's closed Alpha, so you will need a key to access Survivor GameZ
@Con_Cuckle Leave your email here and wait:
@CountKaden Explosive collar only. Nothing different in items from the base game is planned during testing.
@NakedByo Not during Alpha, but rewards are planned
@JRBanter1 Very rough estimate, if no major changes will be needed - we plan to release it to open Beta in last days of August
@AkaBryso You need to leave your email here and wait:
@N2Deep16 Lockpick will be present in the game, but just to lock doors, no sea chest or other similar container.
@NakedByo Yes there is stamina, it's tweaked for the purposes of Survivor GameZ.
@snipermims If no major changes will be required during Alpha, we are aiming to go for open Beta in last days of August. It is very rough estimate. Future of the GameZ (including platforms) depends on player's reception very much.
@camcantrun It isn't out of the picture, but it is not planned. And not in Alpha for sure.
@N1ghtwolf1181 PC only during Alpha. You can request the code by leaving your email here:
@SoCleanImDirty Leave your email here and wait: