@Corona_luwowo Great, now I'm questioning my own existence again.
@EHXCELSIORV3 Why anything? These are the questions that keep me up at night.
In cased you missed the stream today, use code "ENTITYSLITTLEHELPER" to claim this super cute reindeer charm ✨
We're live! 🎦
Okay, last call for this sharp stocking. They're really threatening looking and I want them out of my place.
Have 10,000 Bloodpoints while you're at it.
@AnthonyKongphan @DEARGRANNY @jasonsulli @JessicaBlevins RIP pants.
But the picture was totally worth it.
Join the dev team today on Twitch at 2PM EST for a Q&A Livestream. 🔗
Due to an issue with Hit Validation affecting interactions with Oni players, we are temporarily disabling the feature until the next hotfix.
@DbDMobile Well I was always a survivor, so I would have say either Trapper, Wraith, or Hillbilly.
@VaIeficent Absolutely not. We have a very strict no poptart rule on streams.
Dwelf the question elf has worked his magic to get answers to some of your questions. (A Dwelf has many responsibilities.)
Join the dev team over at tomorrow at 2 p.m. EST for a Q&A Livestream!
@heonnybeedbd I have been informed that the flashlight issue has been entered in their database but I can't tell in which hotfix this will be in. Just wanted to pass that info.
@BabyCameron10 That's not nice... but I think you'll be happy to hear that there are console specific promocodes being given away.
@DeannaBeltonArt I can't answer that but I'm glad to hear that you've been good this year. ❤️
@ktrosee17 That's nice! Well done ✨
@BearerineTV Thank you so much! Wishing you lot of success and even more ✨
@DaithieXBL @TheKingTwitch
@iancobbs Happy Holidays to you as well! ❄️
@theAlpha_KING Oh I wouldn't do that, there are some sharps things on it Safety first!
@GenTendou We'd all like to take Victor home with us, but unfortunately he doesn't belong to you. You've gotta' leave him where you found him.