The PlayStation 5 issue preventing players from accessing the 4.4.0 update is now fixed. You may need to restart your console or manually check for updates from the menu. Thank you for your patience.
The initialization issue for Nintendo Switch should now be resolved. Thank you for your patience!
Players have reported a "Initialization Error" affecting Switch players after 4.4.0. update. Our team is aware of the issue and is working on a fix. Thank you for your patience!
@ItsKaot The team is looking into this right now.
@AshtonDelaney3 Any advent calendar rewards run from 11 a.m. EST to 10:59 a.m. EST the next day. If you log on tomorrow morning, you'll still get the reward.
@Maalcrom_ It's cold, now would be a very inappropriate time for him to take his shirt off.
@Toekneeboi24 I've notified the dev team- they're looking into this right now.
@Deceptibutt I'll notify the team and have them look into that right away.
Severed by time but bound together by the Fog, Élodie and The Twins enter the Entity’s realm. A Binding of Kin is available now! #ABindingofKin #DeadbyDaylight #DbD
@Zenya145 Of course, they have been nice to me. ❤️
@really_username Wish granted.
@tyrian_callows I got informed by the Dev Team that this will be in the upcoming hotfix.
@bubbsterbubby Not afraid of Victor!
@Mikem1288 Oopsi! I needed to swap to another locker, running and trying to do a post is not a good mix but it's fixed now DLC coming out at 12PM EST.
@dark_quartz Let's change that.
@Putitin9 It does!
@BobBurping I've sat on a lot of shelves to get this information.
@omigodzombies Well maybe don't do that-
The 4.4.0 A Binding of Kin chapter is planned to release today on PC and consoles.
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