Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight Dev Tracker

11 Jan

    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is known and for future reference, if you do find a bug in the game, please report on the Official Forum where there is a dedicated bug report section. We no longer have one on Steam.
    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I used to play with Empathy, but I don't use it for the whole "avoid the killer thing" which is what many people associate with the perk. I like to run Sabo builds and make saves so it's great for knowing when someone is a the point of a chase where they're going to go down, you can usually tell from watching the survivor in a chase - that way I can get into a good position.

On thing I like about it, I can see which pallets have been dropped :) (at least from the point the survivor got injured).
    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you have an issue with this please contact DbD Support where they can check what has happened for you:

10 Jan

    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Nintendo Switch will be added soon. As of right now, it's not possible to connect Switch, but it'll come soon!
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, for any technical, optimization or bug issues, check out this thread please: Tech Issues, Bug Reports & Console sub-forums removed.

Any bugs or technical issues are now handled on the official forum only.

Pick whichever category fits your needs and questions! :) :TheShark:... Read more
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, there is no way to do this as of now.
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
As of now, it seems like the ones related to basements are having issues. The issues have been forwarded.

For the future, please check this thread out about bugs/tech issues: Tech Issues, Bug Reports & Console sub-forums removed.
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Miki: I had legion on third prestige and trapper aswell and now i lost a bunch of stuff out of nowhere, also my rank reset suddenly i just turned 9 and it switched to 13(survivor 4 to 5)

This is seriously weird
Did you link your Steam account to a BHVR account and unlink it?

09 Jan

    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you believe someone is hacking, report them in the game and additional evidence can be sent to support. Read here for more information:

08 Jan

    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, the ACM team does ban people. But also, we generally do not discuss bans in public on the forums.

Originally posted by Oomile:
Originally posted by Jackpot: As a clown once said.
“You get what you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ deserve!” -Joker

Not how bans work.
If you are banned from a game they don’t ban you on steam forums, unless you’re breaking rules on the forums.
Yeah I figured if they ban you in the game, it makes sense to ban you from the forums so you can't cry about ...
Read more
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, for any technical, optimization or bug issues, check out this thread please: Tech Issues, Bug Reports & Console sub-forums removed.

Any bugs or technical issues are now handled on the official forum only.

Pick whichever category fits your needs and questions! :) :TheShark:... Read more

07 Jan

    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Cheers! Congrats for getting the achievements! :D

I always suggest Huntress. Or Demo.
    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This has already been reported as a bug, for future reference you can find bug reports on the Official Forum - so you can see if your issue has already been reported, if not you can create a bug report there for it.

06 Jan

    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Cross Progression is currently only with Steam & Stadia, shortly to be joined by Switch.

We have no further guarantee that cross progression will come to other platforms.