Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

23 Nov


Hello Miners,
Here’s Patch 04 for you! A bunch of minor fixes and some exciting weapon tweaks! Also Bosco should be over his rebellious phase and once again behave like the good drone that he is <3

The Ghost Ship Crew

- Fixed a crash related to late joining
- Fixed a bug that caused the Laserpointer crosshair to display prematurely
- Fixed a bug that caused BET-C to not attack anything
- Fixed a bug that caused Ejector Cacti plant projectiles to be wonky for clients
- Fixed a bug with mouse clicks not registering because of custom DPI scaling in Windows and running windowed fullscreen
- Fixed a bug that caused you not to be directed to the Miner’s Manual to read more, when clicking on a warning or anomaly if a Deep Dive was selected or active
- Fixed a... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

17 Nov


Hello Miners,
We have fixed a couple of crashes, made a number of improvements to missions and bug-fixed weapons - and you can again Rock and Stone without fear of encountering non-Hoxxes bugs.

The Ghost Ship Crew

--- PATCH NOTES --- - Fixed a crash related to the game booting up
- Fixed a crash related to the game shutting down
- Fixed a crash related to armor components
- Fixed a crash related to late joining
- Fixed a crash that sometimes happened for clients - if the host shut down the game while the client was joining
- Fixed a crash that sometimes happened for clients trying to join as the game was transitioning (from mission to space rig - end screen to space rig)
- Attempt to fix a crash related to enemies dying from goo
- Attempt to fix a rare crash related to weapon... Read more

11 Nov

Hello Miners,

We have fixed a couple of crashes including what we believe is a fix for the crash on load for many windows 7/8 players. We also made a number of improvements to missions and fixed some weapon issues.

The Ghost Ship Crew

- [COMMUNITY REQUEST] The Minehead is now visible on Terrain Scanner
- The Minehead in Point Extraction now has an outline when using the Laser Pointer (similar to the platform in Refinery)
- Fix for crash on load for win 7/8 players
- Unified shortcuts for switching characters in various terminals. You can now use A/D or Q/E for switching
- Buying a DLC will now show a notification next to the unlocked vanity items and skins
- Fixed a crash related to fading lights
- Fixed a crash related to late joining
- Fixed some rare crashes related to the modding system
- Fixed a crash that would sometimes happen, when getting info of a mod from modio
- Attemp... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

10 Nov

Hello Miners!
What a launch we have had with Season 01! The reception has been overwhelming, and you broke EVERY record for Deep Rock Galactic! We are deeply humbled by the sheer dedication and positiveness of the DRG community. Let’s look at the numbers and celebrate together!

Since its launch in February 2018, Deep Rock Galactic has sold more than 3 MILLION units across Steam and Xbox. More than 4 million players have played the game - this number includes Free Weekends and GamePass players. And during the first weekend of Season 01, the peak concurrent players (CCU) reached 41.733 and moved Deep Rock into the absolute top of the most played games on Steam. At Ghost Ship Games, we are very proud of this achievement since building up our player numbers was a clear goal for the Season 01 release. So thank you all for playin... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

08 Nov


Hello Miners,
Patch 1 fixes a bunch of issues reported since Season 1 went live, everything from spelling mistakes to tweaking the difficulty of Industrial Sabotage. There are also some that crash when starting the game. We are doing everything we can to try and solve these issues quickly, but some might take longer than others to fix.

The Ghost Ship Crew

--- PATCH NOTES --- - Fixed a crash that happened when hovering the new Industrial Sabotage challenge after the first 10 completions at the mission selection screen.
- Fixed a bunch of bugs with items disappearing when Rock and Stone
- Fixed client authoritative projectiles impact not registering on server if impact time is shorter than the clients ping. Dormant projectiles are now now longer net dormant for the owning client.
- Added n... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

04 Nov

Hello Miners,
We are proud to announce our BIGGEST update thus far - Season 01: Rival Incursion. Yes, that’s right - we are, for now, moving to do themed seasons instead of just updates. Season 01 includes four new primary weapons, a new challenging boss-fight mission, and our take on a 100% FREE battle pass called a Performance Pass that will reward you with a truckload of new unique cosmetics during Season 01.

Read the patch notes below for all the juicy details and then head over to the FAQ (here[]) for answers to all of your questions regar... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

26 Oct

Hello, Miners!
We're proud to announce our biggest update thus far - Season 01: Rival Incursion. Yes, that's right, we are, for now, moving to do themed Seasons instead of just Updates. Season 01 includes four new primary weapons, a new challenging boss-fight mission, and we're introducing a major new addition to the game: the Performance Pass - our take on a 100% FREE Battle Pass.

                                                      Screenshots from the new mission

NARRATED SEASON 01 TRAILER For us here at Ghost Ship, this feels like a significant moment, almost akin to how we felt launching into 1.0 last year. To celebrate this and to showcase all the cool ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

22 Oct

Hello, Miners!
On Tuesday 26th of October, 13.00 CEST, we will reveal a 6-minute long trailer showcasing you ALL the juicy content of our biggest update ever for Deep Rock Galactic!

You can see the premier of this narrated trailer on Youtube here. We will also post the video directly here on Steam. In any case, don't miss out!

And just after the trailer has gone live, we will open up access to the Exper... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

19 Oct

Ghastly Greetings, Miners!

It is spooky times again and Management has allowed for a temporary change of the Space Rig in order for you to get in the right mood. Additionally, there are two new head wear to be claimed while the Halloween event is running: Deep One Galactic and Headcracker! In order to get the two new hats, you need to first complete the Halloween Party Special assignment. The assignment will also award you with a handful of other goodies!

Oh, and should you have missed some of the previous Halloween hats then you will get those as well.

The Halloween event will last until November 1.

Ghoulastic Goodbyes!
Ghost Ship Games

... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

08 Oct


Hello Miners,
This is a small fix and added functionality for the mod game version control and a few fresh translations (And a note of the Crash Fix we sneaked out yesterday).

With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew

  • Added Checkbox to Modding menu to disable/enable auto disabling of mods with outdated game version tag.
    Note: Disable at your own risk - some mods can crash when we do updates to the game (if that happen they will automatically get disabled on reboot regardless of this setting)
  • Removed prompt when enabling mods with outdated game version tag
  • Added icon and tooltip next to mods that have been disabled on start because their game version tag is outdated.
  • Added newest translations and pushed tra...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
Всякое разное: Больше об этом событии вы узнаете на странице его объявления.

07 Oct

Hello Miners,
This patch includes a bunch of QoL improvements and some bug fixes for modding support. You get clearer info about what mods a host is running before joining, and we have improved the whole experience around switching to and from a Sandbox save.

We are still looking into raising the mod cap. This turned out not to be a trivial task. And, we are also evaluating if there should be an ‘optional’ tag for Approved mods that don’t require everyone in a session to have it installed. More info to come.

With love,
The Ghost Ship Crew

- Mods not packaged for the current version of the game will be disabled on game launch to prevent crashes. Mods creators can set the compatible game version on Players with an incompatible mod installed are still allowed to enable a mod from a previous game version, but warned when they do so.
- You can now load Regular Saves while on a Sandbox Save. L... Read more