Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

26 Sep

Hello Miners,

Whew! You’ve been patient with us for a long while, but Update 25 - our most ambitious update to date - is finally here! Deep Dives, even more gear customization, late-game rewards, tons of new skins, cargo crates, overhauled beard physics...hoh boy, Miners - this is a big one. Our beards grew 6 inches just from writing these patch notes.

DEEP DIVES If you’re a Dwarf that’s looking to go places, we have just the opportunity for you. As a promoted Dwarf you have been deemed worthy to get special access to weekly Deep Dives - three consecutive seeded missions, where ammunition and health carries over to the next mission. In Deep Dives you will have to complete two objectives in each stage and chances for encountering Mutators are very high. Each of the three stages of a Deep Di... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

25 Sep

Hi Miners,

Thanks to everybody for the feedback, both on the Experimental build, but also in general for the expectations for Update 25. This update is by far our biggest yet, and it even grew so big that we had to chop it up into two updates. This has created some confusion, questions, and speculations on what the experience will be and specifically for how to get the Overclocks. To sort this out, we’ve created a FAQ just on the topics around Deep Dives and Overclocks.

So Update 25 is not the complete Endgame?
In short: no. It’s more like Endgame: Part 1.

Update 25 will not release with the complete system for giving out Matrix Core rewards. Specifically, it will not include Blank Matrix Cores and Machine Events, which will be part of Update 26. Therefore, the total amount of rewards for Deep Dives is a bit less until Update 26 releases.
The time from Update 25 to Update 26 should be considered a transition phase, where you’ll be able to ge... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

12 Sep

Attention Miners! As we’re getting very close to the launch of update 25, we want to recruit new Greenbeards to work the mines below the surface of Hoxxes IV. We’ve already passed the mark of recruiting 750.000 brave dwarven brethren, so to celebrate this we’re having a free weekend as a recruitment drive. Join Deep Rock Galactic, the most tenacious space mining corporation in the galaxy, and get your limited edition recruitment helmet, while supplies last.

SALE During the Free Weekend and an additional couple of days, Deep Rock Galactic will be 35% off, so if you have friends that have been waiting for a reason to take the plunge, this is it. Give them a nudge. The Free Weekend runs until September 16, 5PM UTC. The sale ends September 18, 5PM UTC.

YOU GET A HAT! As an extra bonus, we have something special for everyone taki... Read more

28 Aug


Hello, Miners, and welcome back from summer vacation!

Finish your drinks and pour the sand out of your guns, because it’s time to get back to work and Update 25 is just around the corner.

The major headline of Update 25 is Deep Dives - our major new End Game mechanic. They are available only to Promoted, veteran dwarves and will come in two variants;
Dee... Read more

20 Jun


Attention Miners!
While you impatiently wait for Update 25 to bring the Endgame to Hoxxes IV, we have decided to give you a little bonus hotfix. We’ve been doing more hotfixes than usual to keep you sated, and this one has a little extra something to keep you busy.

First of all, we have given the gunner a little love in regards to balance, as per request from the community.

The Minigun has gotten some much-needed punch, including both base damage and adjustment of mods. The Autocannon also got an overhaul, although not as significant as the Minigun.

Other weapon tweaks are counting the Boomstick, the Auto 210b, and the Voltaic SMG.

For those of you who like to work the long nightshifts with Bosco as a helping hand, we’ve upgraded the drone algorithm, allowing him to retrieve gems and other objects... Read more

07 Jun


EDIT: We posted an FAQ in the Steam forums. Find it here.

Listen up, Miners! Fasten your safety harness and... Read more

15 May


Take your seats, Miners! We got new grenades, eye candy, personal drop pods, a bunch of new enemies, and a TON of gear tweaks to brief you about, so grab a brew and listen up!

Also - look out for the [COMMUNITY REQUESTS] - these are things you guys have been very adamant in talking about and bringing to our notice, so keep up the good work! It is, as always, very appreciated. :D

--- PATCH NOTES --- GRENADE LOADOUT -----------------------------------
The boys and gals in R&D have been hard at work once more! All the old grenades have been reworked, and a ton of new ones have been added. Each class can now unlock up to three distinct types of class-specific throwables, with the potential for more to come in future Updates.
- Engineer: L.U.R.E, Plasma Burster, Proximity Mine
- Gunner: Sticky Grenade,... Read more

01 May

Attention Miners! Welcome to the second Deep Rock Galactic community update! First and foremost, we hope you have been enjoying going face to face with the Horrors of Hoxxes in Update 23. It’s been great to see all the positive feedback, and we’re looking forward to hearing what you think of the next big update. In regards to the release of Update 24, we are pushing the release back a little bit, to be able to finetune and polish the new content some more. We are confident that the update will land May 15 - remember to check back in due time for the experimental release.

Fan Art We’re still blown away by all the amazing fan art that the community keeps pumping out, and below you’ll find a small selection from our different channels.

Drilling in the dark This first moody Driller piece comes from DIwii on Discord.

Karlburster Discord user Grimjak went above and beyon... Read more

05 Apr


Attention, Miners!
Due to glyphid swarmers in the machinery, the roadmap update has landed a little later than usual, but boy oh boy is it a good one. First of all, Update 24 will arrive early May instead of April, due to the Easter holiday in Denmark. Contentwise, for update 24 we’ll be getting a bit handsy. We are introducing no less than [REDACTED] new grenade types - not the big one we teased on Twitter, but we’re confident that everyone will be happy with their new throwable ordnance. Also, you want more swing in your pickaxe? There’s a mod for that!

With new things to throw at the enemy, we’re also giving you more to throw at. In Update 24 new creatures that go bump in the night will show up on Hoxxes IV and if you have been following us on social media, you might recognize a few.

We were... Read more

25 Mar

Hello Hard Tried Miners, We got Hotfix 1 for update 23 ready for you! We have been monitoring the game over the weekend and we have noticed that the game got more difficult with Update 23 and that you have had to work harder to get your paycheck. Some of this is intentional like the buff to Elimination and Point Extraction missions, and some are not.

Overall we have now increased rarity of some of the new special enemies and they have been both bug-fixed and tweaked. Glyphid Grunt Slashers and Guards were appearing way too often compared to what we intended and they have been reduced in numbers as well. The Nayaka Trawler has also gotten some much-needed love.

We now expect your chances of survival to have increased, but please keep in mind that Hoxxes still is a very dangerous place to work, even for a dwarf!

Best Wishes,
-The Ghost Ship Crew-

  • More granular scaling of Dr...
Read more

21 Mar


Hello, Miners!
What a party! Thank you so much for all that participated, sent in fantastic contest entries, and got down to some right ol’ dirty cavedelvin’ with us during the celebrations. Now, though, we’re all out of Dark Morkite, there’s no more confetti in our hair, and we’ve gotten right back to work. That’s right, it’s Update Time, and we think we got a good one for you! First things first though:

THE PRICE INCREASE LOOMS As we mentioned during the One Year celebrations, we’ll be raising the price of the game to $29.99/€27.99€/£24.99 on March 28th! And as we said, if you got friends looking for a sign on whether or not to join up, now’s a really good time to make that plunge. To delve into the darkness. To dig deep into their pockets, you get the idea.


08 Mar

Greetings Miners!
It’s been a week since we had our 1 year anniversary, and we would like to extend our gratitude towards our entire community. We have received tremendous positive feedback from both old and new players, and while we were confident we were doing something right, any shadow of a doubt we may have had, has been eliminated.

With this first community update, we would like to share some of the love we have received from our community in the form of fan art, screenshots etc. We’d also like to share some of the teasers of upcoming content that we’ve shared across our channels over the last few weeks.

The first piece of fan art comes from ... Read more