Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

20 Aug


Originally posted by Lady_Ymir

I demand to see developer notes. Behind the scene files that indeed call it Tip-c.

You are powerless here.


Originally posted by Billyjewwel

Looks like the petition worked

Through time even!


That is literally the name of it.

19 Aug

18 Aug


Originally posted by Nebu_chad_nezzarII

Isn’t DX12 more demanding than DX11? What choice of «DX» will make the game run best on steam? DX12?

I believe it's hardware/driver-dependent. Newer systems should do DX12 better.


Originally posted by slaphappy77

I know America is going through it's weird gay coming out thing atm but dear God I hope they don't ruin such an awesome game with trying to be woke. It's a game about 4 male dwarves and that's ok.

Hey buddy.

So, there's a lot to process here, and I'm on the clock, so you'll get the quick and dirty version.

1: We're not American. We're based in Copenhagen, Denmark. I guess that gives us a free pass?

2: We've wanted to add female characters since the beginning. It was part of the roadmap originally. However, we've painted ourselves into a corner with our systems, meaning that adding what we'd feel is a worthy representation of female characters in Deep Rock Galactic would be a massive undertaking and requires redoing many of the systems, which would set us back quite a bit. We don't want to take the easy way out and adhere to the trope that dwarves of all genders are indistinguishable from each other, so we've currently set plans for female characters on hold. We still want to do it, and I'd like you to think about that for a little while. If you feel that makes us too "woke" for you, I'm sure you can find peace elsewhere.

3: It's not a game ab...

Read more

17 Aug


Originally posted by Vutuch

Ah Jacob, If I ever become a community manager, I want to be just like you

Please don't, that kind of competition lowers my market value and I have kids to feed!

15 Aug

14 Aug


You might be running DX11 on Steam. Windows Store version is DX12.

13 Aug


Seeing posts like this remains one of my greatest points of pride in being involved with DRG.


PAPER? Are you mad? Why not use a more cost effective material? This would wreck the budget. Do you think paper grows on trees?!


Use the link provided in the message to report the abuse of the feature.

12 Aug


Sorry for your loss, brother. Rock and Stone.

(And to the 17 f*ckers that reported this, go run Elite Deep Dives using pick axe only until you learn to feel something)

11 Aug


Originally posted by tinman888

Good to hear from you Jacob, hopefully you're all doing well in the studio :)

Office is hot, but currently not on fire, so we have that going for us!