Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

12 Nov


Management is usually very fastidious when it comes to employees surviving or not. I shall pass this on through the appropriate channels to our Top People.

11 Nov


Welcome back miner!


Rock and Stone!


Originally posted by tall_comet

I had all the previous weapon overclocks, yes. Somehow the RNG gods weren't kind to me tho, never offering an option for a driller overclock after a machine event or giving me one after the core assignment or Deep Dive. Thankfully tho I've since received two driller overclocks, but yeah, was a bit funny that I got 11 engineer/gunner/scout OC's first :D

Okay, that’s extremely unfortunate!


Originally posted by rW0HgFyxoJhYka

You are never going to be offered money directly for positive reviews or coverage. You're not supposed to be directly part of that interface.

I was the editor in Chief and had full control over what went up on the site.


Originally posted by tall_comet

50 seemed enough...

Oh, you didn’t have all the other ones?


Originally posted by chibikoi

  1. it's not made by a billionaire publisher so they can't buy game journos to make a good review
  2. it's not new
  3. it doesn't have any story (aside from karl, god bless his beard), so it doesn't get the cult indie game demographic
  4. it's really hard to speedrun because everything is random, so it doesn't get attention from the speedrun community
  5. it's coop so it doesn't appeal to the esport demographic

but on the bright side, it has a pretty loyal fanbase, I believe in the future the game will be remembered just as tf2 is remembered now

Just gotta put a remark on no 1. I used to work as a game journo, and I feel the whole thing about buying a good review is kinda exaggerated. I can obv. only refer to my own experiences, but we were never offered any money for positive reviews.
What can make it looks skewed is that AAA publishers usually have very persistent PR agencies and people that actively contact media and plan press pushes, and will push a lot of content and stories towards the media compared to smaller indie titles. Since most web media isn't limited in space, it's fairly easy to get a lot of mileage from these.

Hello Miners,

We have fixed a couple of crashes including what we believe is a fix for the crash on load for many windows 7/8 players. We also made a number of improvements to missions and fixed some weapon issues.

The Ghost Ship Crew

- [COMMUNITY REQUEST] The Minehead is now visible on Terrain Scanner
- The Minehead in Point Extraction now has an outline when using the Laser Pointer (similar to the platform in Refinery)
- Fix for crash on load for win 7/8 players
- Unified shortcuts for switching characters in various terminals. You can now use A/D or Q/E for switching
- Buying a DLC will now show a notification next to the unlocked vanity items and skins
- Fixed a crash related to fading lights
- Fixed a crash related to late joining
- Fixed some rare crashes related to the modding system
- Fixed a crash that would sometimes happen, when getting info of a mod from modio
- Attemp... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

10 Nov


I believe that a bug that’s already fixed internally.

Hello Miners!
What a launch we have had with Season 01! The reception has been overwhelming, and you broke EVERY record for Deep Rock Galactic! We are deeply humbled by the sheer dedication and positiveness of the DRG community. Let’s look at the numbers and celebrate together!

Since its launch in February 2018, Deep Rock Galactic has sold more than 3 MILLION units across Steam and Xbox. More than 4 million players have played the game - this number includes Free Weekends and GamePass players. And during the first weekend of Season 01, the peak concurrent players (CCU) reached 41.733 and moved Deep Rock into the absolute top of the most played games on Steam. At Ghost Ship Games, we are very proud of this achievement since building up our player numbers was a clear goal for the Season 01 release. So thank you all for playin... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

Management does not approve of this sort of behavior. You did good, Miner, and have earned your rest.