Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

22 Mar


You can't kick people once the button is pushed, so...

Anyway, voting is probably not going to happen - it's impossible to do a reasonable voting system in a game with 1-4 players. Instead, we encourage people to communicate. Your urge to keep playing the mission doesn't necessarily take precedence over someone's urge to finish it.


This is definitely one of the reasons we don't go numb from streaming it twice a week.

21 Mar


Originally posted by cthulhuplus_ttv

I think the cool shit had to do with the winning of Indie Game of the Year and Excellence in Multiplayer.

Actually... it wasn’t that. :D


Originally posted by Calm_Sympathy9681

Lemur1610 my discord numbers are 5122

I unbanned you. You were banned for spamming, but it looks like it was pocket typing or maybe a cat on your keyboard.


Need your username to check.

20 Mar

19 Mar

18 Mar

17 Mar


Originally posted by SedOfAstora

Kinda randomly wanting to drop a little feedback on the topic. Not that it matters much in an ocean of players and different viewpoints, but found this comment and just wanted to share my experience with DRG and specifically OCs regarding messing with save-files.

Overclocks are gated by weekly login AND rng. While I could deal with one:
- Weekly unlocks, time needed to unlock, but get to choose.
- RNG unlocks, but can keep grinding for more.

Having it both gated behind the weeklys AND gated by rng (even if blank cores are 75% to atleast be the right class) it was enough for me to purposely seek out and use a save editor to give myself 2 OCs of my choice. If it was any of the ways above instead of the double-gated unlocking i'd never bothered "cheating" to get my stuff.

I remember some time ago when I cheated in Darkest Dungeon (Singleplayer Dungeon Crawler) and gave myself tons of resources and it ruined the game for me. So I was somewh...

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I can see why it can be somewhat frustrating, but it’s IMO a very light gate. With the blank cores you do have the ability to push your rewards somewhat and you’ll get quite a few each week. I believe we chose to do this, because we wanted something that people could talk about - you now, those watercooler moments. Before the Deep Dives there weren’t anything that people could share outside the team they played with but these Weekly events have IMO been invaluable for us. We have people that still talk about specific Dives they did that very especially hard to complete, and that is really rewarding. Sure, some games let you pop the seal on all the content and grind it through in a week, but that’s not really what DRG is all about. The overclocks are fun additions, but they’re not the goal, and to be honest, I collected them all pretty quick by just playing the Dives on our stream + the occassional Weekly core Hunt assignment. I only have driller cosmetics left to collect at this po...

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16 Mar

15 Mar

Hello Miners,

The last hotfix of update 33 is upon us, and it will change the Scale Brigade Assignment to now require Player Rank 100, as well as the completion of the earlier Prestige assignments you get at Rank 70 & 80. This path also includes a couple of fixes as well as some tweaks to the Scale Brigade armor and Improved Bosco digging.

With Love,
Ghost Ship Games

- The Scale Brigade Assignment now requires Player Rank 100 and completion of all previous Prestige Assignments
- Improved landing animation handling in first person when landing and shooting.
- Added a pop-up that explains all currently available loot has been claimed from the Cargo Crate and Lost Pack if the player has collected everything
- Tweaked the shininess of the Scale Brigade armor material
- Tweaked the insignia on the Scale Brigade armor
- Tweaked the icon of the Scale Brigade paint job
- Squashed a bug that caused character... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

14 Mar


Originally posted by Porotan

I have no idea about Denmark (where Ghost Ship Games is based) but in german there is the saying "as rich as crassus" when you talk about someone stupidly rich, so Crassus is the stereotypical name associated with money, not midas.

edit: TIL Crassus and Krösus are different persons that were filthy rich and had very similar names.

We do, and initially I thought that was the actual reference the guys came up with, but it turned out it’s a different guy with a very similar name. In Danish he’s called Krøsus.