Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

05 Dec


You should probably look into the history of the meme. It’s loaded with racist implications and have been used as such a lot. Thread locked.

03 Dec

02 Dec


People are free to think that they will. Not having female dwarves in DRG is our own fault. It's something we wanted to do, but we also managed to dev ourselves into a corner where it's going to be a huge task to get all the game systems working with a new character model + recording years, and several updates worth of voice lines.

It sucks, but that's where we are now. We have chosen not to take the easy way out and fall back on explanations such as female and male dwarves being indistinguishable from each other...

However, feel free to use whatever headcanon you like. It's your game too.

Also, locking the comments since people are getting out of line. Will be back later with a hammer.

01 Dec

30 Nov


"I know this post is going to get deleted"

It's not. Your response and post is fair. Like someone else mentioned, the Discord is 400k members, and it's hard to communicate everything that's happening all of the time. You should have been warned first - not sure if you were, but it's sometimes also easy to miss. I've removed your ban, and you're welcome back on the server.

Note to others: This is how you do a ban appeal. Calm and level headed.

29 Nov


Hello Miners,
Your prayers have been heard, you can stop running now.

With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew

— PATCH NOTES — - Tweaked sounds for enemies out of sight
- Fixed Sludge Pump not destroying blisters on rockpox infected bugs
- Fixed plague bladder burst ducking
- Fixed See You in Hell perk UI bug
- Fixed "Ski Mask" wrong headwear name
- Fixed crash that could happen when a meteor landed in a refinery mission
- Fixed sentry gun “use” text not being localized
- Fixed player characters locked in running animation
- Fixed damage bonus on contagion transmitter not being triggered by goo cannon corrosive dot
- Fixed a bug that caused the Caretaker not to spawn in Industrial Sabotage Mission.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
Всякое разное: Больше об этом событии вы узнаете на странице его объявления.

26 Nov


Send me the details and I’ll have a look at it.


If anyone feel like they want to ruin the feel-good vibes in this post; you can DM me directly to get in the Express Lane to Banville. 😚

25 Nov


Hello Miners,
Smol hotfix.

With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew

— PATCH NOTES — - Removed some unintended meteors

— KNOWN ISSUES — - Fixed a crash that happened quite often related to meteors (both big and smol)
- Fixed some particles that caused the game to freeze first time you (or anyone on your team) encountered them
- Fixed a bug that caused plaguehearts to be invisible for hosts and non-interactable for clients in cases where two S.M.O.L.s have plaguehearts in them.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
Всякое разное: Больше об этом событии вы узнаете на странице его объявления.

Originally posted by ZXE102Rv2

Because in the post mission credits for the season pass, it only shows "Plaguehearts x3" or "Plaguehearts x4" even if we got 7 or 8.

See this video for instance. Perfect example. We actually got 4 and only got credit for 3. Plagueheart credit is very buggy right now. It happens very frequently to me.

That is odd.... Are you hosting the game or joining someone else's game?



Originally posted by A_casual69



24 Nov


Originally posted by Lord-Wombat

Ive never once thought negatively about this community until this stupid meteor fad. Ffs what a cringe thing to whine about, especially bad enough for the devs to reverse themselves.

They were coming no matter what. All we’ve done is add an acronym in the description, which we did as a reference to the initial accidental release of them, and the community reception to it. There were no pressure at all.

Hello Miners, We have another feature incoming for Season 03! So brace for impact.

METEOR SHOWER ----------------------------
During any mission you play, there will be a chance for a meteor shower to perforate the caves of Hoxxes. Smaller Lithophage Meteorites will come hurtling down on you and your team, so make sure to stand clear of the impact zones. This new danger also provides a lucrative opportunity, as the meteors can contain Plaguehearts. Their size and density make it possible to break them down with your regular pickaxe. No need for special equipment.

Meteor showers will start raining down on Hoxxes with today’s patch - so get cracking, miners!

And thanks to everyone who has nominated DRG for ‘Labor of Love’ in this year's Steam Awards so far. Your support and encouragement make this labor easy to ... Read more