Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

14 Aug

13 Aug


we're cool.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We've had Velveeta members as our raid-along players for some time now. Usually we keep things streamlined so you can see the activity all up, rather than focus on bugs that were smashed.

Great feedback, though.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zorak9379

In the future, we're going to have to make a choice: Which Gambit is the Highlander of Gambits. Prime or Classic

Please make it Prime. 100 percent Prime.

(going through all of these comments, btw. thanks to all sounding off!)

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by OrangeFeels

My take away here is Bungie has an in-house cheese team named “Velveeta”. I love it.

I remember my first task on Velveeta.

"Try to break King's Fall."

Wild times.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by marcio0

I thought they were going to change drop rates of reckoning today, and some other qol changes as well

Planned for early September

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by vitfall

Micro Mini Sparrow has a new, size-appropriate, Microdrive


You'll hear it soon enough...


One of the greatest Monty Python remakes since How Not to be Seen

12 Aug

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct


    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Shoot me a DM with a link to your profile, please!

09 Aug


Neat! What would your expectations be for colorblind support on this differentiating aspect?

08 Aug


Originally posted by Avalvnche

Could we get some clarification about what's going to happen for PC players from 09/17 to 10/01? The battlenet listing for Destiny 2 says that on 09/17 support for D2 will cease and players will have to migrate to the new platform in order to continue playing.

Does this mean that PC players will be unable to access Destiny 2 during these 2 weeks? Or will PC accounts be able to access Steam's version of Destiny 2 sooner than new purchases?

Also, I'm going to have my PC finished before cross save is available, if I purchase D2:Forsaken with my battle net account, would I be able to transfer that license to my "cross save" account?

Clarification here would be greatly appreciated.

I will look into this and confirm: My understanding is that no one can play Destiny on Steam until Oct 1. You'll be able to keep playing until then on I'll look into the details on what purchase available will be for PC between Sept 17 and Oct 1. Don't @ me.


Originally posted by DJTisSOL

PS4 account - Has Forsaken account - Has Forsaken

If I migrate my PS4 account to PC and then move to Steam will I still have Forsaken? Or do I need to buy it again?

Game licenses will remain platform specific. You do not bring games you bought for specific platforms with you. In your case, you bought it twice (thanks) so you can play it in both places. Of course, New Light will simplify this for a lot of players who want to move from platform to platform to Crucible and chill.


Originally posted by spectaclus

So does Cross Save work with Battle.Net until the move to Steam in October?

This is my understanding on the matter. Yes. On August 21, Cross Save will support Xbox, PlayStation, and PC via Steam and Stadia enter the mix later.

07 Aug


Originally posted by dmg04

I am in Michigan for my brother’s wedding.

You’re on your own.

You’re on PTO turn off your phone.

06 Aug

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I am in Michigan for my brother’s wedding.

You’re on your own.

05 Aug

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

These should be available as ornaments on the Armor 2.0 versions of your Solstice 2019 armor come Shadowkeep.

And yes, the glows are planned to work on them as well.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

Team is looking at this feedback. I can't make promises on a change, but we'll let you know what the plan is when we can.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

And you thought the person who let you see missing chests in the EAZ at the 10 second mark was evil...

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Totlxtc

BUT...Can we masterwork it after the Solstice event? That's what we ALL want to know!!!

You know what? No.

Not this time, DTG!

I'm stopping this train NOW!

Thanks to /u/Totlxtc, players will NOT be able to masterwork armor after the event ends!!!!!1!

We're listening!

...........and this is sarcasm btw. If anyone takes this post out of context, I'm going to be very sad.