Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

25 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by klip_twings

dmg could you please verify that when we spend silver (or dust) in the eververse store for the Armor Glow packs for our solstice armor sets, that these armor glow ornaments will ALSO work with the 2.0 versions of the sets that we pick up with Shadowkeep?

EDIT: Some people might think this is a ridiculous question - but when the Solstice stuff was announced yesterday and it was said that the armor glows would work with "any version" of Solstice armors, it was specifically in the context of any class version (ie, when you buy the Arc Glow you get it for the hunter, titan, and warlock versions). Furthermore, when people purchased glows from Eververse last year, the wording with those glows was that it would work with "any version" of Solstice armor, and people are a little upset because they thought "any version" of solstice armors would include this year's versions, which those old glows will not work for. In other words, it seems reasonable that, if Bungie ...

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Armor Glows acquired during Solstice 2019 will work on the Armor 2.0 versions of the Solstice 2019 sets. <3

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by st0neh

The mind boggles at releasing fixes for Iron Banner the week Iron Banner ends.

We have more Iron Banners (plural) lined up for Season of Opulence. Sometimes the release calendar doesn't align with the in-game calendar perfectly.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by QuotidianQuell

Additionally, we’ve created an emblem for those who embraced the madness back in 2017, when skulls were melted during the reign of Prometheus Lens.

That's... actually a badass emblem. I'm looking forward to running it.

Reducing  grenade kills required by 50%, and ally grenade kills will be worth as much as your own

I was going to say that a 50% reduction still wasn't enough, but making teammate grenades count equally covers it. I'll be glad to see these changes go into effect.

Heroic Menagerie will drop a Sword for first time completion (100%)

Hoping this is per week. If so, it's a nice change. Is it enough to convince me to run Heroic? Nah, probably not. But it is a step in the right direction.

EDIT: Dmg clarified in another thread...

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Won't be per week on the Sword drops. 1st completion all up.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Dragon_Scorch

Everyone over here is excited for the emblem, while I’m excited for the new Iron banner quest tweaks!

I'll have finished all of my classes by the time the changes are live, but I'm excited for those who've have yet to earn their armor.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by GoGoGadgetChris

  • Heroic Menagerie will drop a Sword for first time completion (100%)

I've completed Heroic Menagerie before. Does that lock me out of the 100% Sword drop? Is it per character? Weekly? I need a lot of clarification here.

Nope. Next Heroic you do (after taking the update) will have the 100%. Then you'll go to 25% chance per completion.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SomeHallGuy

Can't wait for the "I played during Laser Tag weekend and I didn't get the emblem!" posts.

There will be many. I have no doubts.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by adam999111000

I’m confused. In the initial blog post for solstice it say the armour you earn will be Armour 2.0. In this TWAB, it says we can pick up 2.0 Solstice armour from the gunsmith come Shadowkeep. So is the armour on Tuesday not 2.0?

EDIT: Thanks for the responses, didn’t read it clear enough yesterday

Here's the quote from the article:

We know that while upgrading these sets is a fun experience, it does take a commitment of time and effort. Lest it feel like a bummer earning this set just to have the new armor system make it somewhat obsolete when Shadowkeep releases, we decided, based on player feedback, to make the Solstice of Heroes armor set the first armor 2.0 set you will receive (assuming you earn it, of course). Whatever full Legendary sets you earn now will have their new armor 2.0 versions waiting for you to pick up from the Gunsmith when Shadowkeep releases. You will be able to see only the set for the character you are logged in as; you will have to switch characters to claim other eligible sets.

Here's the play by play:

  1. Earn the full legendary set from Solstice of Heroes 2019 during the event

  2. When Shadowkeep launches, download that sucker and go to the Gunsm...

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Originally posted by DeadPool1214



    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

What if it isn’t a coffee cup, and actually a can of beans?

This is in no way fact. Just asking the question...


Originally posted by TheRealPowcows

Only disappointing this is this means for sure we're losing a whole bunch of our year 2 armor sets which, as far as I'm concerned, is not ok.

Edit: Wow Cozmo thank you for your response. I definitely feel like I should have worded my comment differently. I know we are not fully losing any gear. I meant that there is an ongoing question around the subreddit that I think many people are anxious to get an answer to, the question being "Will ALL of our year 2 armor be updated to armor 2.0?"

I'm very sorry if my original comment came off as rude it was not meant to be. I just think that the fate of our armor come september is a question on alot of peoples minds.

You are not losing any Y2 armor sets.


Originally posted by Shippin

As a point of clarification. I’ve seen that certain stages require certainty elemental orbs. However this makes it sound like certain elemental orbs only drop on certain days...

Does that mean that we’ll have to progress on certain days, and that we won’t just be able to unlock the armor on our own accord through the course of the event regardless of what days we play?

I’ve got enough in my life without having to schedule out which characters I need to progress on which specific days.


Edit: The days are just a reference to the buff, otherwise it will function like last year and you can progress at your own pace.

You can create any orbs on any day depending on your loadout. You just need to match that days element to get the buff.

24 Jul

    /u/Tocom on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by gamedev1979

Not Forgotten



Originally posted by [deleted]


Thanks for the feedback.


Originally posted by cdimock72

/u/Cozmo23 /u/dmg04 Will the armor have armor 2.0 enabled during the event or do we have to wait for Shadowkeep to see what armor 2.0 is like?

You have to wait until Shadowkeep.


Originally posted by TheSupaCoopa

Nope, just Solstice armor. It's bad phrasing but the next sentence makes it clear.

You will be able to see only the set for the character you are logged in as; you will have to switch characters to claim other eligible sets.

"The set" refers to the solstice legendary set.

I could be wrong but that's what that appears to be said here. Perhaps /u/Dmg04 or /u/cozmo23 could clarify.

It's just the Solstice armor. Sorry, I guess I thought the context around it made that clear.


Originally posted by Xelphos


So you say the armor will be brought forward to Armor 2.0 if you get the legendary version. Does that mean I don't have to Masterwork all sets on all 3 characters? Do I just have to get the Majestic sets to get the Armor 2.0 version when Shadowkeep launches?

Yea you don't have to Masterwork the sets to pick up the 2.0 versions in Shadowkeep.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ExarchApophis


Where would you rank the amount of grind it will take to masterwork a set of the armor? Will it be possible to complete all elements on all characters if I'm a bit of a no lifer?

I mean, that’s my personal goal for this event and I work a full time job.

You do you, really. Go hard, or go casual. Set goals and reach them. Objectives will be available next Tuesday, then you can plan your event as necessary.


Originally posted by FluffyBlizzard

That is unfortunate, no idea why you guys always make decisions based on a vocal minority, like the people who bitched about revelry, meanwhile most people enjoyed the change of pace.

You will still get the change in pace in all other Crucible modes.


Originally posted by InfiNovaTheGreat

u/Cozmo23 Can we get an idea of how the Armor Glows will look in Eververse? Will it be like "Buy the Hunter set and you get a Void, Solar, and Arc Glow" or more like "Buy the Arc Armor Glow and have it available on all 3 classes"

Or is it going to be individual like "Buy the Hunter Solar Glow"?

You purchase them based on the element. If you purchase the Arc set, you get the Arc Glow on all Classes you earn armor for.