Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

21 Aug


Originally posted by pdxLink

I have both my and PS4 accounts linked to my bungie account. I want to make my PS4 characters my main cross save profile, but it's only allowing me to choose the one, which I only have a few hours on. Is anyone having this issue?

Be sure you have the correct accounts linked - you may not have the PS4 account linked that you think you do. A good way to check is to sign out of and sign in using the same login and password you use on your PS4. If it asks you to create a new profile or if it doesn't log you into the same profile as your account, then you need to fix the account links.


Originally posted by omegasaga

Just turned of the wifi and used mobile data and the same thing happened.

Hmm, okay new potential questions - do you have anything like a plugin or router setting that might be clearing/blocking your cookies, or forcing cookies to not be honored in your browser?


Originally posted by HypersonicSmash

Can’t authenticate more than one platform at a time, anyone else having this problem?

We're investigating this - if you're on a network that might be quickly rotating your outgoing IP address, could you try performing the cross save on a different network (for instance, if you're on a work network, try using your phone and don't connect to wifi. If you're logged into some kind of proxy layer, log out of that before you try) Let me know if that helps. (doing that should also help with other issues you might regularly experience on, such as changes to your account not looking like they changed immediately)


Originally posted by Bladewar

Internal error when authenticating Steam account. I should have waited to link my Bnet to Steam.

We're tracking difficulties connecting to Steam right now. It looks like it's going through for some and failing to connect to Steam for others. Looking into it presently!


Originally posted by Lemonxisonfire

So I’m trying to authenticate my accounts but every time I try to authenticate steam after I authenticate blizzard, the authentication for blizzard disappears.

We're investigating this - if you're on a network that might be quickly rotating your outgoing IP address, could you try performing the cross save on a different network (for instance, if you're on a work network, try using your phone and don't connect to wifi. If you're logged into some kind of proxy layer, log out of that before you try) Let me know if that helps. (doing that should also help with other issues you might regularly experience on, such as changes to your account not looking like they changed immediately)


Originally posted by AscendantShard

I’m having an issue where when I try to authenticate my Steam account, it just keeps bringing me to an error page and I’m not sure what to do because it’s holding me back from cross-save

Yes, unfortunately we're tracking an issue where we can't communicate with Steam's authentication servers at the moment. We're investigating/hitting folks up now.


Originally posted by omegasaga

I am in a fixed location (at work) connected to wi-fi. Not an odd question at all. I appreciate y'all and am here to help!

It is possible that our mechanisms to track whether you've successfully authenticated with all your linked accounts isn't going to work through your network at work, depending on how they route traffic. I'm going to propose a longer term fix for that, but for now you may have to try it when you get on another network. It may be worth trying to disconnect from your work wi-fi as well and give it a shot there.

As a separate issue, we're having difficulty communicating with Steam for authentication at this time, which could cause other problems. We're investigating.


Originally posted by omegasaga

Now with crosssave on mobile I can only authenticate one account at a time and then my other authentications vanish.

Hmm, this is going to sound like a totally strange question but are you on the move while you are trying? Can you try connecting to a wifi network before you attempt?


Originally posted by Adrinalin90

Suspicious glances.

Just kidding, stuff happens, keep up the good work (and don't overdo it!).



Originally posted by omegasaga

I was having issues clicking "I agree" (it stayed grey) on mobile (chrome) but I just did it on a computer and it was fine. Figured youd want to know about that oddity.

Oh yeah, I think you happened to hit it while we briefly had everything but the actual ability to complete the process enabled. Try it now!

EDIT: Ah, you already did. sweet!


Originally posted by Hawkmoona_Matata

but I have no knowledge (positive or negative) about the future

So you’re telling me there’s a chance....

Oy, ha!


Originally posted by DeathstormDAG

Thank you for the answer i’m very grateful. Still very sad but very grateful. I know this is naïve of me to ask but what is stopping you guys technically from just putting the option in. Like not merging accounts but just allowing the dialogue itself to be an option you can enable? That is my last question.

I don't think I have permission to go into depth on this one, but there's definitely challenges unfortunately. But I did bubble up the fact that folks are requesting it!


Originally posted by green_pirate64

I know it's not high priority, but it would mean a lot if you could pass the word that a lot of us that migrated to PC early would love this. It doesn't really make sense for me to take my old PS4 character over my PC one that has every exotic/day one raid emblems like some people on this sub have suggested. Maybe not a full merge but just something that recognizes the old D1 account linked to our Bungie accounts?

Aye, I'm passing it on!


Originally posted by NecromorphsVsFlood

Please pass it along that we are interested in this. Just the dialogue at minimum.

Aye, I'm passing it on!


Originally posted by thewombinthesky

Can it be something talked about internally at least? On the backend, what triggers the destiny 2 account to allow vet status?

It feels bad that when we were told to start over on PC and we would never get vet status on PC, where people are now able to move to PC with vet status.

I will pass on the sentiment that you and others in the thread mentioned about wanting this.


Originally posted by v1ces

I'm aware that this is off-topic and that you may not be able to speak about it, but are able to comment on what's causing the delay for cross-save? I'm curious as to what's stopped it as it appears to be a sudden issue.

Ah, sorry: I don't think it's something I can talk about! But we should be up and running soon(tm)!


Originally posted by Tehsyr

Hey Edgar, first thanks a ton for helping to answer questions people have here. Second, the "account merging" option is something I had been hopeful for a long time. Not pushing it or anything, but the wording you use as "isn't supported at this time" raises some questions. Like many people, the veteran status isn't just some extra lines and some exclusive emblems no one else starting in D2 would get. It's that recognition of "you've done some serious shit in D1, now go kick a plethora of ass in D2 and take more names and titles."

It's understandable that account merging/veteran status enabling right now isn't an option, but your wording for "at this time" leaves a little bit of hope. I would like to ask just as a precaution of sorts, does your wording "at this time" mean "we're talking about it internally and it could be something in the future, but it's highly uncertain" or is it more "logistics wise that's man power being taken away from working on shadow keep a...

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Oh, I apologize - I didn't mean to raise up hopes unintentionally! I actually am not in any of the discussions around whether or not account merging is even possible etc, so I don't have any exposure to or ability to influence that. I know that it's not something we're doing for Cross Save, but I have no knowledge (positive or negative) about the future unfortunately!


Originally posted by JackSpadesSI

Odd question here: what happens if I'm playing my cross-saved character on my PC and then I try to start up Destiny 2 on my Xbox One? I certainly imagine it wouldn't let me play, say, my warlock in two places at once, but what about warlock on PC and hunter on console? I own two separate licenses to the game to cover both platforms, but I'm guessing your back-end systems wouldn't allow one account to be accessed in multiple places at once like that.

Ah, so the trick there is that you're going to get kicked out of the PC session. If you spin up a new one, the old one gets booted out of the server.

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Originally posted by Coohippo

So, is it postponed until another day or for a few hours or any idea of a cross save ETA? Just trying to plan around it and stuff. I’m pretty excited for cross save :)

/u/dmg04 /u/Cozmo23

Maintenance resumed. Expected to become available at 12:30 PM Pacific. Pardon our dust!

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Maintenance resumed. Expected go-live is now 12:30 Pacific.