Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

28 Sep


Originally posted by Basskicker1993

Not to be a shit but do we know if bungie has been known to browse here?

Some would say we browse here too often...

15 Sep


Originally posted by Muchmore1821

Mysterious as the dark side of the mooooooon!

Damn. Beat me to it. I'm never gonna catch my breath.


Originally posted by fspricigo

With all the strength of a raging fire!

Mysterious as...


Return 2 Orbit is legit amazing. They are smart, funny, and pretty amazing, even if I'm a little bias.

08 Sep


This calls for a...

( •_•)>⌐■-■

Trostland Tea Party.


06 Sep


Originally posted by fc_newbro

Yo /u/Deej_BNG can you please pass along my, and I'm sure most people's, thanks to the team for providing the info needed by the DIM team to have this up and running so quickly.

It's the little things like this that are often overlooked by companies and make a huge difference to players. Thanks a ton! <3

Wait, who runs DIM? What is that?

03 Sep


Thanks for the shoot! I saved a couple for my personal collection of memories.

29 Aug


Our kitty's name is Ikora Rey! :) good choice :)

19 Aug


Originally posted by SassyKaiju

Congratulations!!! My husband and I recently got married and we met on Destiny as well. (Although we are a Warlock and Titan :]) I just love when two people can come together having met through doing something they both mutually love! <3 We are wishing you many years of love, happiness and gaming!

Yay!! Congrats and many years of everything and more to you two as well!


Originally posted by Valdios

Your post made me tear up, I love my lady with everything in me, but she hates gaming. I don't think we'll have good gaming memories. :(

Well, high five to you, and I hope one day she finds a game that changes her mind. Gaming has been one of the best bonding experiences for us. Before we met irl, I lived 12.5 hours away from him, and we spend our first "date" in the tower for 5 hours talking, dancing, playing with the tower ball, and he introduced me to all of the characters.


Originally posted by Oenonee

I want those cufflinks! Link?

Also. Congrats!

I found them on an old ebay post that had closed and messaged the seller begging to re list them lol. That was about a year ago but i'm not sure if he would have them still. Also. Thank you =]


Originally posted by [deleted]

I want destiny cufflinks ! Where could one find them?

I found them on eBay! It was an old post but he happened to have them available still :)


Originally posted by Kellalafaire

Aw I'm so glad you posted!! I followed Sean on twitter a while ago and I was so happy when he found someone! He loves you so much and you two are so cute! Congratulations and many years ahead of you two!!

Awwwww thank you :)


Originally posted by cameriah

It looks nice but I personally wouldn't have worn the cap I don't see them as wedding suitable. But hey it's there day and he got wear whatever he wanted and I couldn't have changed it so I tip my hat to him and say nicely done guardian. cayde-6 with spanner emoji

He didn't wear his hat during the wedding itself, but it's his thing so after made sense. I wore my pink converse with mismatched socks under my gown. It's just something we do so it made sense for us :)


Oh this is awesome!

16 Aug


Originally posted by ItsToka

No, but I swear I saw /u/Deej_BNG at a bar in Issaquah once.

Highly suspect. And I see you, Felwinter, you bully!

12 Aug


Originally posted by jRbizzle

Red vines are better!

11 Aug


I'd recommend that you go to this as a viewer to learn more about the person that has led Bungie in the development of Destiny 2. Luke has been a strong voice of reason in making sure you still have surprises to enjoy when you actually play the game. If you don't get more information about the player experience, it's not because he doesn't like you. It's because this keynote discussion is supposed to be about how gamers like you and me blaze a trail on which they end up leading an industry where they can pursue their wildest dreams. Luke believes that the best way to learn about a game is to play it. I know we're all eager for more information. I'm eager for you to know what I know - but I agree with Luke. I'm glad that Destiny 2 will have the capacity to surprise you. It surprised me just last night, and we don't want to deprive you of that feeling.

06 Aug


Originally posted by RebuffedChaff

Not a game designer, but I am a pet parrot belonging to u/Deej_BNG

Who's a pretty bird? WHO'S A PRETTY BIRD! Man, those guys at the pet store lied to me when they said this f#@%ing thing would talk.

25 Jul


Hey, fellow Overlords! Clan housekeeping has been postponed one day, due to the extension of the Destiny 2 Beta. Tomorrow, I'll have more details on the blog, including a full suite of support documentation prepared by the kick-ass Player Support Specialist who linked me to this thread. Go test!