Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

06 Apr


Originally posted by quiscalusmajor

I appreciate you pointing that topic out, but I was already aware of the workaround. the problem is getting people to listen when you try to point it out in an LFG group, i can’t wait for that glitch to be merely a horror story we tell newbies, lol. thank you for the confirmation :3

Until the darkness returns again my friend.

05 Apr


Originally posted by quiscalusmajor

‘raid blackscreen issues’? i’ve never experienced blackscreen issues in a raid, but last i saw there had been a connection revealed between the Tower blackscreen issues and the raid respawn glitch. is this going to be a fix for that godawful raid respawn glitch? pleasepleaseplease ;___;

Please let us know if you continue to experience the raid respawn glitches after Tuesday next week.

01 Apr


Originally posted by arbitwah

I am learning how to code in C# currently and know a little python. It is indeed crazy how much your code can change if your off by one or if you don't take into account something a user will do. Defensive programming is the best kind of programming.

You know what they say are the 2 hardest things in software development:

1) naming things 2) cache invalidation 3) off by 1 errors


Originally posted by NeyPL

Sometimes I also have black screen after choosing my character and I have to restart the application on PS4.

Is that after waking the ps4 out of suspend? If so, do you recall what you were doing when you suspended your ps4?

If you are able to figure out step-by-step what causes you to get into that state it could be very helpful.

31 Mar


Originally posted by Cozmo23

Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?

This bot doesn't look like anything to me.

28 Mar


Hey guys,

I'm one of the Engineers at Bungie that was recently charged with investigating this bug. It took us some time to reproduce this internally in a state where we could properly analyze it. We recently were able to get a full memory dump and dig through all of the data to identify the cause.

So I am happy to report that a fix is currently in the works and our community managers will keep you posted on when you should expect to no longer see persistent blacks screens after loading into the tower.

24 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]

I wonder what employee found these and is now reading this, just now finding out what they were for.


19 Mar


Originally posted by BlazeBoss17

You posted on r/Fireteams

The calls are coming from inside the house.

07 Feb


Originally posted by Martinwuff

Clever corduroys

Capricious capris

12 Dec


Originally posted by dogmeathasdied

I still mash that circle button in D2, expecting that beautiful quack

RIP my flaming tumbler sparrow ;_;7

If you couldn't do three full circles while quacking before the start of the race, you weren't NUTHIN

03 Dec


Originally posted by [deleted]

, wizard came from


08 Nov

26 Oct


Originally posted by erikkmobius

Europa'd me in with your sick puns.

Don't you think it's a bit Callisto assume everyone enjoys awful puns?

19 Oct


Originally posted by subseven714

I believe Cozmo means they cant detect if other teams have used it. For example, they wont know if a bunch of randos who finished 3rd also used the glitch or not.


06 Oct


Reddit, that was a personal note from me about a nice moment I had with a long-lived friend of mine, not an official statement about Bungie's attitude about the endgame. I've always been a community guy. That's why I play games. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not an elite Raider or a 1%er in the Crucible. Games are another social outlet for me - a collaborative, tactical roleplay for an old improvisational actor who has always loved action movies. Destiny is a social game, and we have a lot of new players in our community who have never joined a Clan or opened their experience to another human voice. My personal story was as a positive example to inspire them to take a chance on us. If you seek more reasons to play, I'll see you in Iron Banner next week. If Crucible isn't your thing, good luck in the Prestige Raid. I'll sit that out. When the designers tell me they don't expect everyone to complete that, I know what they mean. Peace.

28 Sep


Originally posted by Floofing_Warlock

I'll have you know, we floof like the most majestic clouds to have ever existed, thankyouverymuch!

Username checks out.


Originally posted by Basskicker1993

Not to be a shit but do we know if bungie has been known to browse here?

Some would say we browse here too often...

15 Sep


Originally posted by Muchmore1821

Mysterious as the dark side of the mooooooon!

Damn. Beat me to it. I'm never gonna catch my breath.


Originally posted by fspricigo

With all the strength of a raging fire!

Mysterious as...


Return 2 Orbit is legit amazing. They are smart, funny, and pretty amazing, even if I'm a little bias.