Diablo 4

Diablo 4 Dev Tracker

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25 Mar

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Removed our Fullscreen alt-tab issue after the patch last night and have added an item regarding Necromancer summons and their luminance levels.

  • Necromancer summons luminance levels are not fully finalized. They will be adjusted for launch.
    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello again!

One last update for the evening. We have released another client patch for PC. This one addresses an issue where Fullscreen users on Windows were running into crashes while alt-tabbing.

Thank you again and we will be back tomorrow with any additional updates.

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have released another client patch for PC. This addresses a Fullscreen crash issue that users reported earlier today.

  • Addressed an issue with the PC client crashing when in Fullscreen mode. This mode will be disabled for the beta. Windowed and Windowed (Fullscreen) will be the only options on PC Beta.

If you want to use a resolution lower than the desktop resolution:

  • Use the resolution percentage slider in the video options to drop the render resolution if the native resolution is too demanding.

If you want your cursor to stay within your window:

  • Use the Lock Cursor option in the graphics settings.
    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone -

Just a quick update from the Diablo team.

We have pushed an update out to users that addresses the VO issues above.

We have also made some backend changes that we feel have alleviated some queue times. We will be continuing to work on issues through the evening.

Thank you again for the feedback during Open Beta.

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have released a backend patch that players can grab the next time they open Diablo IV.

This update will address an issue that began with Open Beta this morning.

  • Addressed an issue where players who were unable to hear voice dialogue in-game. This fix will allow for English dialogue to play in-game. Voice dialogue is only available in English for the Open Beta but will be available in other locales at launch.
    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone -

Diablo IV Open Beta has begun and we want to thank everyone for jumping back into the world of Sanctuary. These beta tests are a crucial part of our development and help us make the game experience better for everyone as we head toward launch in June. Today, we have seen more players than ever log into the game. We are excited to see all the enthusiasm about the game and the two new available classes for testing (Druid & Necromancer) this weekend.

We want to provide an update on some of the major items the team is currently working on after the start of Open Beta earlier this morning.

  • We are looking at an issue where players disconnect from the game and are unable to rejoin after disconnecting. This is tied to a few other items that players are experiencing such as party errors and some network performance issues in-game.
  • There is an issue where Windows users may run into a crash upon alt-tabbing while in Fullscreen. We do have a ...
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24 Mar

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Added in a note regarding Windows 11 and Fullscreen users.

  • Fullscreen users on Windows 11 may run into a crash by alt-tabbing in the Open Beta. Workarounds are noted here.
    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks all - We are looking into this.

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all - Can I get regions you are located?

Are you getting sound effects but just not VO? Even in combat?