Diablo 4

Diablo 4 Dev Tracker

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24 Mar

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

One additional client patch before beta will be addressing the issue below.

  • In-engine cinematics are now properly capped on framerate.
    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Added in the below issue before Open Beta.

  • There is currently an issue of imprinting Codex of Power effects on rare totems.
    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Added in the below issue before Open Beta.

  • There is currently an issue of imprinting Codex of Power effects on rare totems.

23 Mar

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you to those who participated in the Early Access Beta. Betas are incredibly useful for the development team. They allow us to test things at a scale that we cannot test on our own, like server capacity, class balance, usability, accessibility, etc. This information is invaluable, ensuring that your experience at launch is as smooth as it can be. It’s also critically important for the development team to hear how players feel about the overall experience of Diablo IV.

With your help, we learned a lot during our Early Access Beta weekend. We intend to learn a lot more this weekend during our Open Beta, and we want to talk to you all about what you can expect and how your participation directly impacts Diablo IV development.

  1. Queue Times: When we open the gates again this Friday to absolutely everyone, we are expecting a lot of people. There will be lengthy queue times, particularly on Friday when we first launch and during peak regional windows. This past wee...
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    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Team is looking into HDR items. Thanks for the notes and feedback

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

We do. We’ve been capturing all week.

22 Mar

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Removed our queue timers known issue as that is being addressed for Open Beta with correctly displayed timers.

We have added in a note about queues for couch co-op though which will be present in Open Beta.

  • Players joining another in couch co-op will not see a displayed queue time. The game may seem unresponsive despite the player being in queue and attempting to join the session.
    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Removed our queue timers known issue as that is being addressed for Open Beta with correctly displayed timers.