The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online Dev Tracker

15 Jul


Dies ist die offizielle Diskussion zum Webseiten-Artikel „Verteidigt die Heimat der Hochelfen während der Feierlichkeiten zu „Summerset““.

Erlebt die Schönheit und die Gefahren des Heimatlandes der Hochelfen, während der Feierlichkeiten zu „Summerset“ und verdient euch zusätzliche Belohnungen und Sammlungsstücke.


The Elder Scrolls Online v2.06 includes several fixes for Antiquities – including some Leads not dropping properly – the addition of new Wayshrines in Western Skyrim, several crash fixes, and more. Please note that due to a bug fix involving how textures are ordered in the packfiles, the download size for this patch may be larger than usual, and will be at least 7.5GB.

[*]Updated the tooltips for Excavation abilities to more clearly indicate how much dirt they remove, in what shape, and how the abilities interact with one another and with the dig site.
[*]The Leads for the following Anti... Read more

The Elder Scrolls Online v1.20.2.0 includes several fixes for Antiquities – including some Leads not dropping properly – the addition of new Wayshrines in Western Skyrim, several crash fixes, and more. Please note that due to a bug fix involving how textures are ordered in the packfiles, the download size for this patch is larger than usual at 21.4GB.

[*]Updated the tooltips for Excavation abilities to more clearly indicate how much dirt they remove, in what shape, and how the abilities interact with one another and with the dig site.
[*]The Leads for the following Antiquities will now d... Read more

14 Jul


Dies ist die offizielle Diskussion zum Webseiten-Artikel „Wir stellen vor: Fürstin Dorn“.

Mysterien umgeben die zurückgezogen lebende Vampirfürstin Dorn, deren Kastell sich in den Gipfeln des westlichen Himmelsrand erhebt. Entdeckt die Geheimnisse dieser uralten Adligen in unserer neuesten Charaktervorstellung!


This is the official discussion thread for the blog article "Meet the Character—Lady Thorn"

Mystery surrounds the reclusive vampire Lady Thorn, hidden away within her castle atop the mountains of Western Skyrim. Discover the secrets of this ancient noble in our latest Meet the Character!
We're working on fixing this and it should be rolled out in a future PTS patch. Thanks!

13 Jul


Willkommen zu The Elder Scrolls Online v6.1.0 mit der DLC-Spielerweiterung „Stonethorn“ und Update 27! In diesem aktuellen DLC erwarten euch zwei Verliese für 4 Spieler – bei denen der eine von beiden eine erhöhte Schwierigkeitsstufe für jeden einzelnen Anführer bietet – inklusive mehrerer neuer Gegenstandssets, Sammlungsstücke, Errungenschaften und Titel.

Im Grundspiel haben wir zwei neue, spannende Funktionen für das Heimsystem hinzugefügt: Pfade für Charaktere, die es euch ermöglichen, individuelle Routen für Begleiter, Reittiere und Gehilfen anzulegen, sowie Hausgäste, die eine neue Art sammelbarer Charaktere für Heime sind. Dieses Update enthält darüber hinaus einige Leistungsverbesserungen, Optimierungen und Stabilitätsverbesserungen sowie eine große Überprüfung aller Gegenstandssets, um deren Auswirkungen auf die Leistung zu verringern.

Für diese Woche haben wir alle nordame... Read more
Hi all, this will be adjusted to 45% in a future PTS incremental; it wasn't intended to be at 90%.


Could you please specify the outcome of the aledged costume cheat?

Exploits should not be discussed publicly. That said, we're reaching out to the OP to get more information, and will be closing this thread to avoid the temptation to continue discussing. Thanks for understanding, and if anyone ever has information about an exploit, please PM a staff member rather than creating a public thread.

Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v6.1.0, introducing the Stonethorn DLC Game Pack and Update 27! This latest DLC features two new 4-player dungeons – one of which includes a Hard Mode for each boss – and is accompanied by several new item sets, collectibles, achievements, and titles.

In the base game, we’ve added two exciting features for the Housing system: Character pathing, which allows you to create custom paths for pets, mounts, and assistants, and Houseguests which are new types of collectible character for homes. This update also includes several performance improvements, optimizations, and stability enhancements, in addition to a large audit for all item sets to reduce their implications on performance.

This week, we’ve copied all PC NA characters, and also have two templates for you to utilize. We’re excited to read your feedback for this latest update, which is approxi... Read more
Hi everyone,

This morning, we are granting the missing rewards to players who have earned enough AP to gain additional Rewards for the Worthy since using an Alliance Change Token but didn't due to the bug that surfaced with the launch of Update 26 on PC/Mac (and is now fixed). If you are one of the players who was owed some Rewards for the Worthy, you will receive the replacements in your in-game mail just like they normally arrive.

Thank you and please let us know if you have any questions.




44 pages of netch potes according to Rich Lambert on Twitter 🤤

they just posted this on discord

Everyone talking about this stuff but I believe that's PTS stuff and today is just live server incremental. Think PTS coming later in the week

It's today. That said so on last week's live stream.

It is indeed today. The server is under maintenance now!
Apologies, everyone. The irony is not lost on us here, and we should've done a better job communicating the consequence of that bug fix. This should be the only time it results in a big download, but we'll let you know if that ends up not being the case.

The Elder Scrolls Online v6.0.9 enthält eine Korrektur für die thrassischen Würger, ein Problem, das sich auf die Größe von Aktualisierungen auswirkt, eine Reihe von Korrekturen für Stadia und mehr. Der Patch ist in etwa 79 MB groß.

[*] Lyris ermahnt euch nicht länger, wenn ihr Verbrechen begeht.

Gegenstände & Gegenstandssets
[*] Thrassische Würger: Ein Problem wurde behoben, durch das ihr auf nicht beabsichtigte Weise Kumulationen für dieses Set erhalten konntet.

... Read more
In an effort to reduce the amount of stickies in this forum section, below you'll find the links to all the official feedback threads and bug report threads that the team will be keeping an eye on:

[*] Stone Garden
[*] Castle Thorn
[*] Combat & Classes
[*] New Item Sets
[*] ... Read more
I feel like every time we get something cool, we start bombarding ZOS with more things we want, from super important to frivolous. I just kinda want us all to revel in the moment of us getting something we've always wanted, which rarely happens to housing. I guess I'm afraid they'll think we're ungrateful and stop giving up nice things :P

The Elder Scrolls Online v6.0.9 contains a fix for the Thrassian Stranglers item set, an issue affecting patch download sizes, a number of Stadia bug fixes, and more. The size of this patch is approximately 79MB.

[*]Lyris no longer randomly admonishes you for crime.

Item Sets
[*]Thrassian Stranglers: Fixed an issue where you could generate stacks with this set through unintended means.

... Read more

10 Jul


Vorschau auf Stonethorn
Stonethorn und Update 27 kommen für PC/Mac-Spieler auf den öffentlichen Testserver. Falls ihr den neuen DLC und das Update ausprobieren wollt, bevor sie auf den Liveserver kommen, öffnet euer ESO-Startprogramm, geht in die Einstellungen und wählt „Öffentlichen Testserver anzeigen“ aus. Dann könnt ihr den Client für den öffentlichen Testserver, sobald er ver...

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I hope any of those will fix new bug twhere using gap-closer ability during high latency, i.e. primetime cyro will guarantee result in your charater to be desynced.

Just checked in with the team about this and they are still investigating the root cause of this one.