
Enshrouded Dev Tracker

23 Feb


Originally posted by Nozerone

I figure they wanted to allow players to solve problems. If they really wanted to ensure you couldn't do this, they would have set that as a non-buildable area like they did around towers and some other places.

Yep, we knew players would do this, but it feels good to "break" the game and in reality it doesn't actually break it much. It's very easy to get past this area haha.


Very pretty!

14 Feb


Wow!!! This is an insane build, whenever you're done please post about it in our builds channel on Discord, the dev team would love to look at the final product up close :)



Not a bad idea! Other players have already talked about this on our Feature Upvote page, I recommend going there and upvoting/commenting the ticket to let the team know it's important to you <3


13 Feb

Originally posted by Underl3veled

Yup. But in the absence of one, I make my own, lol.

Throw us a bone, it's not even been three weeks since the game hit Early Access...

08 Feb


Please share this on Discord in our builds channel πŸ™This is so dope looking, we'd love to get a better look at the save if you ever are willing to share it.



This build is absolutely incredible! Probably my favorite build I've seen in our game so far <3.

If you or your father would like, we'd absolutely love to take a closer look at what he made, it's really blown the team away. He can share his builds and save on our discord in our #share-base-designs channel on Discord https://discord.gg/enshrouded

Or if you'd like to keep the save private feel free to reach out to my account on Discord at keentoast, the devs would really love to see it. Great job!


Hi there! You should still be able to play if you hit the "yes" button on that popup.

That said if you meet the minimum requirements and are still getting that message that would indeed be a bit strange. Can you please reach out to me on Discord, and send me your "log" file? I'm on the official Enshrouded Discord, my username is keentoast. Send me this post as a reminder for where the log came from :)


You can get your log by right clicking the game in your steam library, going to "Manage", and selecting "Browse local files." From there you should see a file called Enshrouded.log (or just Enshrouded). Please send me that on Discord when you have the time. Thanks!

... Read more

06 Feb

*Looks at obvious bug*
"Uuuh yeah working as intended, great find guys"

05 Feb


I don't even want to think about how long this took, it's awesome. Please share this on Discord if you haven't already, the team is using it to keep track of some of our favorite builds <3



So sick! Make sure you send it on our build channel in Discord when you're done, the team would love to see the final build <3



Not a bad idea! It's actually already on our Feature Upvote page, so you should go upvote it there and let the team know it's something players want :)



mmm your hours are delicious πŸ˜‹


Thank you for such detailed feedback! Will definitely share this thread with the team, lots of good stuff in here. This is only the beginning of Enshrouded for us, so it's so awesome that people are already sinking 100 hours into our game so early on, makes me really happy to see <3.

Also please don't forget to check out our Feature Upvote page, it's a very good way for our team to track what players want the most. It's currently closed from creating new suggestions, there's already over 2600 and we were getting a lot of duplicates, but you can still search and upvote. Chances our any suggestions you want already have a ticket made :) https://enshrouded.featureupvote.com/


Love this trick, thanks for showing it off to more players!

02 Feb

Originally posted by GunnarHamundarson

Good April 1 patch note: "Physics have been implemented for all buildings and natural objects"

Imagine the backlash if we posted anything even remotely close to that.

But I wanna do it...

01 Feb


I mean I know a lot of people are starved for flax but this seems a bit excessive...


Awesome design! Don't forget to post it on our builds forum in our Discord server, we'd love to see even more of it <3
