
Enshrouded Dev Tracker

30 Jan

Version number: 487046

Save data stability Users have reported an issue that in some cases the game would not save the progress correctly. To prevent unsuccessful saving, we have made the save data system more robust. There is now also an added notification message in case there are any issues with the save game:
• For single-player, peer-2-peer multiplayer and dedicated servers the game will now attempt more thoroughly to retry saving.
• On single-player and on peer-2-peer multiplayer, if saving can’t be completed successfully even after several retries, a warning message will pop up, allowing the player to manually retry or cancel. When “cancel” is selected, the game will shut down to prevent further unsaved progress.
• On dedicated servers, the server will shut down automatically in case many consecutive attempts to save were unsuccessful.

We will continue to monitor save data issues very closely and keep working on improving the stability of save da... Read more

29 Jan

Greetings, Flameborn!

In just four days, Enshrouded has attracted over a million players! We are completely blown away by its success and the overwhelmingly positive reception. From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank all our players. We're excited to let you know that this is just the beginning for Enshrouded.

We are looking forward to continuing the development of the game with your support, aiming to make Enshrouded the best game it can be. We are back to work this week and working tirelessly on the next update. We would like to thank those of you who have sent suggestions and feedback, as well as those who have reached out to share issues they've encountered. There is a lot of you but this is the start of something we want to make truly special, and thanks to your support, we're well on our way to make it happen with Enshrouded.
... Read more

26 Jan

Greetings, Flameborn!

What a week it’s been for Enshrouded! We’ve been quite literally overwhelmed with the amount of support we’ve seen. After nearly choking on our celebratory drinks, we got back to work. But before we talk about what’s ahead, allow us to share a couple of reviews we liked:

IGN 8/10: https://www.ign.com/articles/enshrouded-review

RPG Site 8/10: ... Read more
Version number: 487903

Greetings, Flameborn!

We have just released a new hotfix addressing the following problems:

• Fixed a rare issue that could lead to world and character save data stopping to update correctly.

Please check the ... Read more

25 Jan

Version number: 487224

Greetings, Flameborn!

We have just released a new hotfix addressing the following problems:

• Several crashes have been fixed.
• Fixed a rare crash in the building menu.
• Fixed an issue that caused that the game wouldn’t start and show a message “Failed to initialize the graphics system” on older AMD graphics cards.
• CPUs that do not support AVX should now be able to host sessions with more than 2 players.

• Fixed an issue that on framerates above 60fps the mouse wheel could skip steps (mostly in the action bar and building menu).

Please check the ... Read more

24 Jan

Version number: 487224

Greetings, Flameborn!

We have just released a new hotfix addressing the following problems:

• Several causes for random crashes have been fixed.

• Fixed an issue that could lead to the session invite popup to incorrectly remain on the screen.

07 Nov

After many years of development, a celebrated demo and plenty of videos later, we are proud to confirm that Enshrouded has an official release date - albeit, a little later than the prophecy foretold. But you don’t want to read a blog post about the release date, you want to know the release date. It says so right there in the title: January 24th. 2024, by the way. We’ve also got a pretty cool new trailer that you can share with your friends if you like it. Check it out:

Did we tell you Enshrouded enters Early Access on January 24th? Well now you’ve just got told. If you’re excited, it would really help us out if you let your friends know, too. Are we releasing on consoles? Yes, but later. Now please make sure you follow us everywhere on social media to get little hits of dopamine every time we post something. We try ver... Read more