Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

09 Aug

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

The link works. I actually just tried the exact link you posted above.

Try the following:

- Check antivirus and firewall blocking it

- Try different browser

- Clean browser cache and cookies files

- Windows update

- Restart router


Just things I would try first.

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
On 7/28/2019 at 1:47 PM, TheReaper235 said:

Did you manage to fix this issue? I keep getting it when trying to install the game, it sits at 0mb out of 0mb and won't move, then I click cancel and i get that message. Re-installed windows, ran as administraor, turned off firewall and antivirus and still, I have no viruses as I scanned the whole pc and nothing came back. Never had a problem like this. Also the ticket I raised said to try the steps I have previously mentioned. Any help anyone?



11 hours ago, herobrian0518 said:

yea this thing is so annoying and i cant get it to go away and the temp file it says is  used by another process is the temporary game download that puts all the data from the download into it.  please admin help i really want to play and im so frustrated and mad HELP US PLZ THERE IS NOTHING ON THE INTERNE...

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    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for everyone for the positive attitude and supporting a fellow community member in times like this. It is very beautiful to see!


Get well soon and wishing you all the best GraphiksInk. Our prayers with you!

08 Aug

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

One of our community members - GraphiksInk needs our help!

Graphiks is in our community for a long time and he helped many other members, right now he needs help.

He already undergone several surgeries and now he needs to have another one, a very expensive one, or he might be paralized - it's called S1-L2 multilevel fusion which refers to removing motion around or through a disc space by creating a bone bridge from one verebrae to the next.

Many Tarkov streamers and community members decided to help Graphiks and they came up with an idea for a money raising, so Graphiks will be able to get the surgery.

The streamers are Deadlyslob, KiiNGS, ScavWithAnM4, ClaymoreTV, DottyHack, Bksal, OnepegMG, Tweak, Baddie, Slushpuppy, Vaeriah and more - that is amazing, thank you all!

The event will run for a week, and every streamer will have a link or command in there chat with a link to the GoFundMe page (...

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04 Aug

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
On 8/2/2019 at 1:43 PM, Niewiarygodny said:

It's just how animations will looks from side/like if you heal up and you friend is looking at you (most likely).

This is correct!

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
40 minutes ago, choneycutt58 said:

game has had esp hackers since its inception and they dont get caught trust me i know. your game is poo your developers are poo, this game is just gonna bomb f*ckin losers.

I will bite...

Interesting perspective. 

Sorry, its hard to take a thread seriously when it is typed like that. Have a good one!

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

Escape From Tarkov has a very big and complex lore, you can find articles about it that we prepared and published in the section that I am linking below:

Escape From Tarkov's main game mode after game release will be story-driven, you will go through the whole story, you will understand how it all started, why and who pulled the strings, there will be also other modes, like Arena or Free Roam.

... Read more


    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

Higher FOV Values beyond 75 are not planned.

Since the topic was answered, I am locking it.


    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Since the topic was answered, I am locking it.


    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

the problem with unfair players is being addressed, we are haveing an AC system the we are keeping updated and we are banning cheaters daily, we are not doing it in waves.

First, we are gathering evidence for such player and when we got enough evidence, we are giving such person a ban.

We also created a special thread for you, where you can submit videos of suspected cheaters, you can find it in the link below:

We are checking every reported video, so if you have any videos of such players, then please submit them there.

We are also planning to add a report funcction in the game, so you will be able to report suspected cheaters there too.


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    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
5 hours ago, quango2k said:

Yeah I know he can come with a full bag of nades...but this dude was throwing them from the other side of the three story dorms, through windows to land them on me! he couldnt have known where I ran to as he was on the flat roof section of dorms..but stood up there continually throwing nades right on me! 

My point above still stands to be honest. 

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
1 hour ago, quango2k said:

Just got killed by a hacker on Customs at night. Deltasmog. Back of dorms near V exit under the trees..starts throwing nades at me from the rooftop, So I ran round the left of the building to the middle of the field and went prone watching the corner of the rear of dorms...he then threw another 7 nades at me from the other side of the building. some of them going through various windows until he got me. He had a backpack full of nades! could see through bushes and trees at night and could throw nades from the other side of the building near where I was prone...yeah right! 

You do know that people come out with full of nades to level up skills and finish quests right? Especially this far into the wipe, that is nothing new. Also, he is throwing a nade. He just need to do it to the genera direction you went. Nothing says he is looking through anything. 

We also have...

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03 Aug

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct
On 8/1/2019 at 3:15 PM, silvasback said:

Ya i ended up buying a map and i had it in my inventory during a mission but when i open it its just a blank white screen....the map displays before the mission starts but after that i cant see it anymore i dont know if its a bug or something

Hmm, it sounds like a bug.

Can you please take a screenshot with it and report directly to our support center through the game launcher, sir?

You can see the instruction how to submit a report in the topic that I am sharing below:

Thank you for every report!

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
On 8/1/2019 at 8:32 PM, KimiFelipe said:

BSG should highlight this fact and announce it more. And all country emissaries should make recognize to player in their native language. Most players in my country don’t read english. Many people misunderstand. They think that ban is in the wave, so that having a cheater even after the ban list has been released says that BSG is not working (I don’t think so)

This has been said so many times for a very long time. In podcasts, posts, social media everywhere. I cannot even count how many times I said it on the forums. 

31 Jul

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

compass is planned and will be added in the future updates.

About maps, they are working, you need to take into into a raid in your character's inventory if you want to use them during raid.

Also you can make marks on the map.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

@vares_ee @SkyCloud

Hello gentlemen,

please report this issue to our support center through the game launcher.

You can see the instruction how to submit a report in the topic that I am sharing below:

Please report this way all the encountered bugs/issues, thank you for every report!


Напоминаем, что свои репорты на подозрение в использование ЗПО, вы можете оставлять в этой теме. Обязательно прочитайте шапку.


30 Jul

40 минут назад, R4sher сказал:

меня вот убивают игроки с никами и точно читеры, играющие еще с волны банов мартовской. это как объяснить?

Не понял Вашего выражения. Вас убивают игроки с никами из прошлого списка? 

В 28.07.2019 в 23:43, Sumeer сказал:

А не, все понятно. Никого не банили, это просто список игроков.

Можете подружиться прям по списку. Кому не лень, проверьте еще по списку.

Вот когда в списке забаненых есть ники, которые можно пригласить в друзья, и они 60+++..


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