Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

12 Mar

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


With the upcoming patch endurance and strength skills leveling will be reset to 0 for everybody (with the introduction of new weight system)

11 Mar

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

This last server update actually was focused on fixing character looting exploit, which was used by cheaters (they were also banned).

We are continuing to improve the game in terms of fixing exploits and refining anticheat measures as this is the highest priority for us.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The update is complete.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The update of servers has started: the game won’t stop, however, the raid time of the upgrading servers will be reduced to 10 minutes during the update.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

In a few minutes we plan to install a technical update on all game servers. The game will not stop.

On updating servers, the raid time will be reduced to 10 minutes.

10 Mar

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

sadly if, after the upgrade, you’ve gained benefits partially, you need to reset the game profile.

That's the only way or waiting for the next wipe.

Since the topic was answered, I am locking it.


09 Mar

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

are you still having this issue?

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

please contact our support center through the game launcher, our specialists will do their best to help you!

You can see the instruction how to do that in the topic that I am sharing below:



    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
7 minutes ago, treyallover said:

My friends and I run labs as much as we can. If you want to see hackers, go into the labs twice a night. You're guaranteed to see them there. We literally just got killed by someone with his discord channel in his name. Upon joining his discord server, you can clearly see the services that he sells. Labs runs for $7 each. C'mon guys, do something about these hackers.

Cheaters are actively being banned. You should see my private messages. It is literally a jar full of cheater tears crying for mercy. 

9/10 times, cheater claims are actually not even cheaters. Just new players who are expecting different in Tarkov and getting killed in a very short time due to the way they move, paths they take, being slow, not knowing hot locations, running around like a headless chicken, etc. 


That said, please, do not post the same things multiple ti...

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    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
11 minutes ago, Ricky-LaFleur said:

I'm mostly tired of being killed instantly upon spawn as a scav on factory and then having to wait 20 god damn minutes to play again..people have jobs.. 4~ games in one hour is not cutting it. You should get a reduced cooldown at least if another player scav kills you within 3 minutes of starting 

There is no difference to die by SCAV or something else. What you are suggesting will actually increase the SCAV on SCAV "violence" because everyone will go and farm SCAVs and if they get killed, then great, they get a reduced cool-down which encourages the attack of other SCAVs.


As said before, this is part of the game. Killing SCAVs or working with them is a choice you and the other person must make. It is part of the experience. 

08 Mar

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear women,

we know that you play Escape from Tarkov and love weapons no less than men.  

We heartily congratulate you on the spring holiday, International Women's Day, March 8!

07 Mar

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct
1 hour ago, TheWay said:

At the moment, players may have difficulties entering the game.

We are already working to fix this issue as fast as we can.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The problem has been resolved.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

At the moment, players may have difficulties entering the game.

We are already working to fix this issue as fast as we can.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

06 Mar


Дорогие друзья! Мы рады представить вам предварительный список изменений следующего патча 0.12.4. Данный список не окончательный, возможны изменения. 


  • Переработка локации Развязка.
  • Обновлено освещение на локации.
  • Добавлены новые интерактивные объекты, выходы с локации.
  • Исправлены различные проблемы связанные с куллингом, физическими коллайдерами.
  • Новая механика, перегрузка по весу. При определенном переносимом весе персонаж получает различные дебафы (увеличение шума от снаряжения, ограничение скорости передвижения, увеличение расхода стамины и т.д.).
  • Дополнительно добавлен дебафф эффект усталости, который появляется если персонаж долго держит уровень стамины низким. Приэтом эффекте увеличивается расход энергии.
  • Стамина персонажа разделена на руки и ноги. Стамина рук тратится при прицеливании, бросках гранат и ударах холодным оружием...
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    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

We are glad to present you the preliminary patchnotes for the upcoming 0.12.4 patch!


  • Interchange location has been reworked
  • Interchange location lighting has been updated
  • New interactive objects, new location exfils
  • Various problems with culling, physical colliders have been fixed
  • New mechanics, overweight. The character receives various debuffs while carrying a certain amount of weight (increased equipment noise, movement speed limits, increased stamina consumption, etc.)
  • Fatigue effect debuff has been added, which appears if the character keeps the stamina at a low level for a long time. Energy consumption increases with this effect.
  • Now The character's stamina indicator is divided into arms and legs. The arm's stamina is consumed when aiming, throwing grenades and fighting with melee weapons. The legs stam...
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    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

we are working on the server issues, you can read more about the current situation and our works in the topic that I am sharing below:

Since the topic was answerd, I am locking it.


    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

I recommend you to contact our support center through the game launcher, if sYs and other users won't be able to help you.

You can see the instruction how to do that in the topic that I am sharing below:


05 Mar

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

TarkovTV podcast is live!


04 Mar

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

TarkovTV LIVE!

Watch it live on March 5, on official channel at 19.00 MSK (16:00 GMT, 8:00 PST).

Podcast will be related to current work on the project and to the upcoming features and plans for the next update.

Dont forget to link your twitch account on the project website - drops will be turned on during the podcast.

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TarkovTV LIVE! Смотрите 5 марта на канале в 19.00 МСК. Подкаст будет посвящён текущей работе над проектом, а также новшествам грядущего патча и планам.

Не забудьте привязать свой twitch-аккаунт в профиле на сайте проекта - в течение трансляции Drops будут включены.

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