Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

17 Mar

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct
17 minutes ago, mrdoodlebug said:

Any hopes of the recoil system being put back to the way it was with no screen shake? 

It it was a bug, but we saw that you liked how it was, so we will think about how to implement it in a perfect way ;)

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello, rebziki!

So, after the dust has settled, We decided to give you current status - what is going on and what's planned for the patch 12.5.

First of all, no matter what, thank you for your feedback related to new features - we did a lot of balancing changes to weight system, we fought headbobbing problem and currently working on hotfixes related to all the major problems you described recently.

Also we are continuing to modify servers, currently testing new load balancing system to increase the amount of free rooms to play, adding new servers in different regions. Actively working with BattlEye.

So, the next 0.12.5 patch will be 95% fixes and optimizations. It will include a couple of features like quick after raid healing, post-effects filters, no additional content.

That's it! As we said before - we plan to do patches every month. So it will be not so long till 0.12.5.

Thank you for support! The game wil...

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16 Mar

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The technical update of the servers is complete.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The technical update of the servers is complete.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The technical update of the servers has started.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The technical update of the servers has started.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We plan to install a technical update on all game servers to fix AI behavior in a few minutes.

The game will not stop.

The raid time will be reduced to 10 minutes on the servers which are updating.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We plan to install a technical update on all game servers to fix AI behavior in a few minutes.

The game will not stop.

The raid time will be reduced to 10 minutes on the servers which are updating.

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hmmm...anyone else also having similar experience after the recent patch?

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Karma system (including for SCAVs) is planned. It will be discussed how exactly it will work once it is ready to come out. 

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

I am really lost to what you are saying exactly but going from the title, I want to post this directly from the main website:

"Escape from Tarkov is a hardcore and realistic online first-person action RPG/Simulator with MMO features and a story-driven walkthrough."

15 Mar

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

as we wrote, we are thinking about compensation for those who lost money.

If we will have any information about it, we will share it, so please make sure to keep an eye on our announcements.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

when you are making an account upgrade, the system sends the difference between pre-order benefits via in-game messenger. Please check it.

If you have not received the benefits completely (neither loot nor a secure case has arrived) - please contact our support center through the game launcher, you can see the instruction how to do that in the topic that I am sharing below:


If, after the upgrade, you’ve gained benefits partially, then you need to reset the game profile. You can make it every 3 weeks. Beware, your current game progress will be lost!

The profile reset link - ...

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    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

please contact our support center through the game launcher about this issue.

You can see the instruction how to do that in the topic that I am sharing below:

Our specialists will do their best to help you as soon as they will reach your ticket.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Current status:

- Did more balancing changes to weight system (stamina depletion rates, overweight range etc)

- Increased heavy armor durability

- Changing endurance and strength leveling principle (you will be able to level them with medium overweight (not max overweight as now)

- Fixing different issues related to new patch (AI not seeing doors, sound and light issues on Interchange, invisible rocks etc)

Some of the fixes we do live, some of them will be in the upcoming hotfixes

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Current status:

- Did more balancing changes to weight system (stamina depletion rates, overweight range etc)

- Increased heavy armor durability

- Changing endurance and strength leveling principle (you will be able to level them with medium overweight (not max overweight as now)

- Fixing different issues related to new patch (AI not seeing doors, sound and light issues on Interchange, invisible rocks etc)

Some of the fixes we do live, some of them will be in the upcoming hotfixes


Текущий статус:

  • Применили еще различные балансировочные изменения в систему перегруза (степени траты стамины при различных условиях, диапазон перегруза и т.п.).
  • Увеличили очки брони для тяжелых бронежилетов.
  • Делаем изменения в принцип прокачки выносливости и силы (сейчас она качается при макс перегрузе, а будет качаться начиная со среднего перегруза).
  • Исправляем различные проблемы, которые пришли с новым патчем ( ИИ которые не видит двери, звуковые и световые проблемы на развязке, невидимые камни и т.п.).

Какие-то исправления мы можем делать прям на лету. Какие-то будут в ближайших хотфиксах.


Текущий статус:

  • Применили еще различные балансировочные изменения в систему перегруза (степени траты стамины при различных условиях, диапазон перегруза и т.п.).
  • Увеличили очки брони для тяжелых бронежилетов.
  • Делаем изменения в принцип прокачки выносливости и силы (сейчас она качается при макс перегрузе, а будет качаться начиная со среднего перегруза).
  • Исправляем различные проблемы, которые пришли с новым патчем ( ИИ которые не видит двери, звуковые и световые проблемы на развязке, невидимые камни и т.п.).

Какие-то исправления мы можем делать прям на лету. Какие-то будут в ближайших хотфиксах.

14 Mar

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We've installed a technical update of the client with fix of the bug, when head bobbing adjustment doesn't work.

Everyone needs to download the update through the launcher.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We've installed a technical update of the client with fix of the bug, when head bobbing adjustment doesn't work.

Everyone needs to download the update through the launcher.