Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

23 Jan


Originally posted by AvashiXite

Hey u/trainfender I love E.F.T like anyone else.

I was wondering if you could give us a tiny feature. It's about deleting messages as example the insurance claims from the barters and from other players.

I hope it's not much work to do and that you could help us with this!



raider's head HP was changed pretty long time ago. now its the same as PMCs


Originally posted by Dustructionz

It seems like every raid is full of desync. I've just dropped dead multiple times to players who are slightly teleporting. No muzzle flash or sound whatsoever. It seems to be the most common on labs.

I was really excited and hoping that the servers would go back to being somewhat decent after the trials ended but in the past 3 days it somehow feels even worse. 2 games today have been so full of desync I had no choice but to walk straight to extract because I couldn't loot or open doors. I have recordings of a lot of this through Shadowplay. It's been extremely frusterating.

please for the love of all tushonka in the world- REPORT IT. if you encounter bad server perf - send a bugreport with "lags" or something in name. thank you very much and have a nice day


Originally posted by That_0ne_Ginger

Why is it that there isn't a confirmation screen on the items you want to sell? Its not like you can sell a shit ton of different items at once. Why can't I cancel my item that I put up for sale before it sells? WHY THE f**k CAN'T I??? WHY?

already told that there will be ability to quick cancel your offer, DUDE CALM YOUR TT GRIPS!


Originally posted by [deleted]


someone trying to get rid of vegetation. oh you... :))

22 Jan


Originally posted by RaideX101

Thank you Nikita for always staying positive. The reddit community can be though. They can be very harsh yet very gracious at the same time.

I just want to thank you for creating this awesome game that thousands can enjoy. It brings me adrenaline that few other games can deliver.

I wish you and your development team the best of luck in 2019. May your bugs be fixed and features be added.

thank you!


Originally posted by HaitchKay

I've kept my eye on Tarkov since the original trailer dropped. I remember watching the original gameplay videos over and over, sharing them around with my friends. I watched streamers until I picked up the game when the Closed Beta started (which was on my birthday, no less!) and I've been enjoying it ever since, even more now with how stellar .11 is. Sufficed to say, I am a pretty big fan and I want this game to be the best that it can be.

But I can't stay quiet anymore.

Nikita, you promise us time and time again the most hardcore, realistic shooter, with loads of weapons and gear and mods and armor. Realistic weapon mechanics and modding, realistic armor, a realistic health system, all these promises of hardcore realism and yet you haven't addressed the single most unrealistic, immersion breaking thing in the game.

Nikita, u/trainfender , where's the ...

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damn son, you've got my word - we will add kvas


Originally posted by Cravez0

Yeah I read one his posts a little while ago, still the barter trade could do with the change for the same reasons I stated. I don't think anyone is going to go out of their way to trade away a gas analyser and 5 strike cigarettes, which have immense value otherwise for other trades or cash on the flea market, for a suppressor that requires a specific barrel when a Rotor 9x19 can be bartered with for an easier 6 D-Batteries. I think changing the strikes to Apollos is still a good suggestion.


which trade are you talking about?


Originally posted by Bakimaster91

Hey guys!

I saw some Twitter post from Watts24fps, to which Klean answered inspiring me to post my thoughts here. I hope that u/trainfender sees this and can give us his thoughts as he is more active here than ever :)

We have a weird problem in Tarkov. The meta. In games there are metas generally, true. In this game, which is supposed to be hardcore and so its mechanics - meta should not exist. By meta here I mean building guns for each raid that have possibly the lowest amount of recoil and the biggest magazine, the best grip, the best stock even if the gun looks really bad with it. What is more, anyone who builds weapons differently - what a loser and noob omg, u should put CQR stock and the longest LVOA handguard for lowest recoil and the CQR grip!

Why such situations even take place??

Because of the full auto, lowest recoil (longest gun because they have the lowest recoils ingame), biggest mag META. Here I want to ...

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at first it was unassisted - we didn't like it at all. then we implemented recoil compensation and now we slowly balance it to perfection


what now, my friends? please tell are you getting these barrels often?


Originally posted by Echo_Whiskey2018

If the group leader is from California then yeah, you'll be going to their servers

indeed. also to mention that your buddy from moscow will suffer on that server due to high ping


Originally posted by Swissgrenadier

What a meme :P
However, that was 5 minutes ago, might want to look at the fix again

ok, i will check it again


just for lulz. really, it was fixed today


Originally posted by silverbullet1989

I do Nikita.

Im just reinstalling the game now... just lost connection for a 2nd time then it would not let me back into the raid. Kept saying "server connection lost" Lucky my friend was with me and was able to hide my gear.

disable it and see how it will go


Originally posted by silverbullet1989

Every single raid without fail for the past 2 days I get heavy stuttering followed shortly (30-60 seconds) after by anticheat connection lost.

Seems to be only happening to me, my other friends are not affected.

Would it be best to reinstall the game? Or is the game having some issues at the moment?


At the risk of jinxing it. Since re-install and disable of Memory Cleaner, the game seems to be fine now...


Jinxed it... same issue :(


aaaaand 300,000 ru lost to the transfer error. Think im done with Tarkov tonight =/

do you have ram cleaner ingame enabled?


Originally posted by CrispyOmega

Thanks! Do you know anything about the game locking (at like, 1 FPS) at random? It happens more often with friends if that helps.

god damn freezes. yes its a top priority right now


Originally posted by bagelrod

Yeah, I just kept finding them everywhere in the Arsenal room last night, I even found 3 of them in the same weapon box.

It was so bizarre that I had to take a screenshot, never really though of trying to stack them though.

fixed this too


Originally posted by Nesano

Lately, It seems like I spend half my out-of-raid time navigating the menus and the other half waiting for the game to unfreeze. Whenever I go to repair armor, it takes about 7 seconds for the game to unfreeze after I hit the button. I'm probably going to take a break from Tarkov at this point because, three times in the past two days, Tarkov has completely frozen my computer while navigating out-of-raid menus, forcing me to hard shut it. Apart from the aforementioned incidents, I can't even remember the last time my rig has completely frozen like this.

In-raid performance hasn't fluctuated too much lately, but the out-of-raid lag is so terrible I'm surprised I haven't seen a post about it on here yet. I wouldn't be that surprised if this type of thing were happening in-raid, but in the menus? Come on.

currently working on this