Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

18 May


Originally posted by trainfender

thanks for the info. although we do try to follow the realistic approach, something could be missed, done improperly by mistake or reason (in terms of balancing for example). also we dont have a truly working durability system yet, that why we can't fully use the "robust" and "reliable" principles on weapons. that's why we add "more ergo, less accuracy" where we can't do any other thing. Anyway - thanks! I will definitely make some changes

also i cannot agree that long barrels decrease accuracy in general, as well as m855 being compared to 5.45 igolnik, i think you meant m995 ap round? yes, its compared to 5.45 7n39. m855 is more compared to 5.45 PS (they are both rounds with steel core).
m855 has slightly more pen than 5.45 PS
m855 has less pen than 7.62x39 ps - it could be changed, although we saw some tests - some of them about 7.62 ps better in pen than m855m some of those opposite.
i will continue to check everything


thanks for the info. although we do try to follow the realistic approach, something could be missed, done improperly by mistake or reason (in terms of balancing for example). also we dont have a truly working durability system yet, that why we can't fully use the "robust" and "reliable" principles on weapons. that's why we add "more ergo, less accuracy" where we can't do any other thing. Anyway - thanks! I will definitely make some changes

03 May


looks like they kinda scaled down thats why they look different on the same kind of item. we will look into it

29 Apr


Originally posted by _-Tokijin-_

They did? That is exactly the change I had hoped for. Ty

no we did not


Originally posted by Pircay

If everybody can appeal, isn’t it utterly misleading to have official representatives say “bans are final and permanent and no one can help you

it was an old statement. Right after my message i ordered to change that answer.



  1. Everybody can actually appeal to BattlEye with your ban (you can write to them directly). Also battleye unban ppl from time to time due to their false-positives, although it is really really rare.
  2. Tweak was banned by manual mistake (it's not related to cheat accusation videos or BattlEye) and it literally was a single specific case. Human factor is always a thing and we immediately checked that no one else was banned by that mistake.
  3. OP, please, give us your nickname and please give the links of that videos that you think you was banned for. Again, videos needed for refining the system not for one and only ban reason. We will check again the reason of ban and any additional information, regarding this case.

We do not favoritize anyone. Again, you CAN appeal to BattlEye. If they cannot help you and you still thinking it was a mistake, after you get a response from them - write to our support.

Thank you!

28 Apr


Originally posted by Haarwichs

Hi Nikita, sorry to hijack this comment. But do you know when the new prone lean animations will come to the game? You guys showed them off months ago and they already looked really dope. Thanks!

12.6 i beileve


this is really cool concept and visualization!

27 Apr


Originally posted by absolutegash

"Balanced" will never be realistic.

9x39, 5.7 and 4.6 being able to pen rifle-rated plates is an example of how this game is in fact not particularly realistic, just MORE realistic than other games like CoD.

you didnt get my point


we are aware. dont forget to send bugreport - we need additional logs

24 Apr

21 Apr

20 Apr


no. it is much easier

18 Apr