Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

24 Jun


what will all of this loud headers? we checked that server - didnt find anything suspicious in terms of speedhacking. if you are sure and all of this info is legit - we will check it again. plz, provide more info on that - server IDs. all loot you showed - its one of the RMT methods to transfer loot to a buyer.

we will definitely check everything again


Originally posted by Danilablond

There was a suggestion of giving players who are stuck in “synchronizing with other players” for a long period of time an option to safely exit to the main menu. I’m thinking this would be a good start.

long period - how much exactly? how much time will other players who are already loaded will wait for this player?


ok. would you be glad for this solution - kick all the players who didnt load in 5 mins? will you be happy? those who dont have ssd for example? how do you think, will there ever be peace finally in this subreddit????


no its not. its not a bug or something - its intended. stop calling everything you don't like a "gamebreaking bug"


Originally posted by Niitroglycerine

but nikita, now 5 man squads can get an entire server to themselves, no? and farm scavs for 20mins, who can spawn any item almost in their bag as fir? making factory the new place to farm money in easy mode??

we are just worried as these quick changes seem to have larger effects than is realised!

I would be happy to be corrected on this but two of my online buddies have already messaged me saying 24/7 factory until level 40 lmao



was upped yesterday for 165


we didnt say that we fixed it


for gods sake - its not a bad game design - its just a bug that we can't reproduce for a long time


Originally posted by Captain_Matburn

Russian game my guy, they dont care about usernames.

thats not true - he is already banned. but you go on - continue talking sh*t about us


Originally posted by Fflopi

Indeed, can't understand why won't they just limit factory to trios.

cause we dont have such functionality yet. It's sounds crazy but not everything you want we can do just with a press of a button!


wtf? i just lowered the maximum PMC count on this map. it was 6, I made 5 to make it less populated with PMC!


we checked this server - and its not a cheater. server was lagging hard, sending a lot of packets by packs at once and client (your point of view) was trying to process it fast, thats why it interpolated like its speedhack or something.

23 Jun


i didn't say that. If you see any statement - look for my nickname or name, if it's not - than don't take it seriously. Again, sorry for that situation.


Hey, I guess it was too harsh to do a live changes like that. I will not say anything else - cases are changed back. I definitely didn't predict THAT impact.

External link →

22 Jun

20 Jun


thanks man. sorry for inconvenience caused. but i can assure that some of this changes are just temporary


Originally posted by __dying__

u/trainfender Make it a worthwhile craft, sir?

already did 3 mag cases

19 Jun


Originally posted by heliosfa

Unfortunately that change would be far too easy to abuse - getting multiple parties into the same raid on some maps is incredibly easy.

Your proposed change also ignores one of BSG’s stated aims: that high-end gear should be scarce and that not every player should be running the best every raid. Your change does nothing to abate supply as things will still be constantly recycled rather than fed out to traders.

Sell crap to traders - it is still rather profitable.


16 Jun


we plan to add more servers in SA soon. working on it