EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

27 May


The snapshot was made just before midnight UTC on the evening of May 26th. I’ll update the thread tomorrow with the results of tonight’s midnight UTC snapshot.


Bunch of small updates being worked on, I’ll be sure to keep poking them about this one for you!

Edit: It’s on the list, they’ll be done in bulk here soon.


Hello everyone! This thread will serve as a periodically updated repository for the state of the leaderboards for the Stargate Trailblazers event.

Once the new stargates are activated next month, permanent monument structures will be placed at each end of each new connection. Each of these eight monuments will have the names of the capsuleers and capsuleer corporations that contributed the most to the construction of that particular gate, measured by LP gained from the Mining Expedition sites. Each monument will have a list of the top 10 characters and the top 5 capsuleer corporations for that constellation’s expeditions.

The following list is based on data from the start of the event until just before last midnight (May 31st ~23:59 UTC) and we will update this post occasionally between now and the end of the event at downtime on June 3rd.

Caldari State (State Military Stockpile):

Hykkota Gate (Ihilakken constellation)

... Read more

26 May

25 May


Glad that it helps and thanks for the feedback. Feel free to share with us if you have any questions or comments regarding the academy, this is something we’ll continue to evolve.


To clarify, we have removed the restrictions that forced pilots to fly ships from a specific empire in order to enter (So for instance the old Limited State Mining Expedition sites used to allow Merlins but not Rifters). Now any ship of the correct group can enter no matter which faction it belongs to. The ship group restrictions are still in place, so the Skiff can enter the Major and Critical sites but not the smaller ones.


I understand that some of you are unhappy that you aren’t being given the chance to influence whether these gates are being built, but this is a reminder to please keep your responses civil.

You are allowed to express disappointment but inappropriate comments will be removed and warnings / silences issued as necessary.