EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

29 Nov

28 Nov


I don’t know what you’re talking about. :thinking:


Don’t get me started on metres and litres.


Excuse me sir but as an Australian and therefore a subject of Her Majesty Elizabeth II I use the QUEEN’S ENGLISH and appropriately include a “u” in the spelling of not only “behaviour” but also things like “endeavour” and “flavour” amongst many others.


We have deployed a server-side fix. Chat channels should now be gradually recovering. Please continue to report unexpected behaviour.


I’m still hodling my 7 Geckos.


Sarum is Red
Anger is foment
Chat is still screwed
Right at this moment


We’ll provide information about that once the situation is resolved.


Good idea! I’ll remember that next time. (Hopefully there isn’t a next time).


I know how you feel. I was trying to get my web alt talk to my freighter alt to share desto for a journey and they couldn’t speak to each other. Tried relogging and leaving/rejoining channels and private convos but it wasn’t working. Had to evemail the desto station in the end.


UPDATE: 23:44 - The majority of chat issues have been resolved. Some outliers might not see correction until the next downtime. In the meantime please relog if you’re still experiencing issues.

Players who lost ships due to bad local intel caused by the chat outage can visit http://support.eveonline.com and file a ticket under the category Game Play Support -> Reimbursements -> Lost Ships and our GMs will look into it on a case-by-case basis. This is not a guarantee of replacement but rather that investigations will be made.

UPDATE: 23:17 - Although some chat services have been restored we’re aware that there are still issues across the cluster. Work continues.

UPDATE: 20:07 - Chat channels should be gradually recovering. Please continue providing feedback in this thread about unexpected behaviour.

UPDATE: 21:43 - Al...

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27 Nov