EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

30 Apr


Doing the lord's work <3

29 Apr

28 Apr

26 Apr

25 Apr


Originally posted by ccp_habakuk

The reason was to be able to better focus on the newer bug reports, which are more likely to be relevant (= more likely to result in an internal defect, which can be fixed), while accepting the fact, that we currently do not have the resources (within CCP, through outsourcers and through our volunteer bug hunters) to go through the full backlog of old reports.

Oh, and if you go to https://www.ccpgames.com/careers, then you will find that we are also hiring QA.


Originally posted by Apollo_Manson

"We had too many tickets so we mass closed them" how is this acceptable? What was the reason you "had" to close them? Missing SLAs? Why not admit you had too many and do your best to work through them? Just another reason I've lost faith in CCP as a corporation.

The reason was to be able to better focus on the newer bug reports, which are more likely to be relevant (= more likely to result in an internal defect, which can be fixed), while accepting the fact, that we currently do not have the resources (within CCP, through outsourcers and through our volunteer bug hunters) to go through the full backlog of old reports.


Originally posted by HOPE_LOVE_AND_SMGs

I work on a support desk for a living.

Having so many support tickets open unable to be attended to, to the point where you need to mass close them without doing any work to remedy is incredibly poor.

You either need more staff or a complete change of management.

It is indeed quite poor, but it is also very important to make the distinction that these are not support tickets, but bug reports, which have the purpose of informing us about problems, so that we can fix the source of the problem, and not about providing support to the reporter (even though in some cases we are able to give a bit of advice).


Originally posted by uhnboy

on a side note: ccp closed 5 of my bug reports on the same day whitout fixing any of them (real game bugs not just "gameplay" stuff like this)

so i might have gone on the "black list" so atlest i dont have to take the time to report bugs anymore


Unfortunately I had to close a rather large amount of bug reports, which we could not process fully for several months. It seems like your bug reports were included in this mass-close. I am very sorry for this, but unfortunately it had to be done.

For your specific TCU issue: If this is indeed only the case for legacy TCUs + faction Fortizars, then this might be something, which needs to be fixed by hand (not sure if Customer Support have the tools for this). Have you already tried to send a support ticket about it?

Regarding the failure of processing enough bug reports: We are planning to increase the size of our bug hunter team, which is helping us with processing of bug reports. We had some problems with the recruitment process in the last year, which caused a backlog of applications. We should have cleared this backlog quite soon, so that new applications can be processed much faster (no promise, it could still take several months) . If you are inte...

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24 Apr


Originally posted by garreth_vlox

it was a publicity stunt to make the public feel they care about botting, I wouldn't hold my breath on a repeat performance.

we're doing it again, not saying a date though... also this was just as much fun for CCP as it was for the players... i find it important to remember to have a little fun

  • Rum.
  • Practice your "R".
  • More rum.
  • Learn to ransom.
  • Move to a lowsec/null chokepoint area.
  • More rum.
  • Don't be afraid to venture into null.
  • Don't fly what you can't afford to lose.
  • More Rum.
  • Make sure you fly something light and fast until you find your feet.
  • Keep your fittings cheap and easy to replace to maximise profit.
  • All the rum.
  • Build a reputation as holding your word.
  • Finish the rum.
  • Sell loot.
  • Profit.

23 Apr


Originally posted by leverloosje

I second this. 90% of the wallpapers seem to be 1080p. And I know eve players like to keep pplaying their game on a toaster. But most people have migrated to 1440p or higher.

While desktop resolutions may have increased, what resolution we're seeing people play EVE is in still very much 1080p.

Data as of yesterday tells us that around 60% of EVE players playing in fullscreen resolution are currently playing at 1920x1080. The majority playing in windowed mode are playing at less than this resolution. A further 22% of players playing in fullscreen are playing at resolutions below 1920x1080.

Gaming at resolutions heading toward 4k in EVE is not as widespread as many people would think, mainly due to the use of multiple clients during one game session and the hardware requirements for EVE not being as demanding as most other current games.

The story is pretty much the same with windowed mode / windowed fullscreen too - around 50% of people are playing at 1920x1080, and a substantial percentage are playing below that resolution too.


This will make a fine addition to my collection! >:)