Everspace 2

Everspace 2 Dev Tracker

17 Feb

A Decade In Space: ROCKFISH Games Turns Ten!

Today, ROCKFISH Games celebrates an amazing 10 years as a company. What a decade it’s been! 

In this time, our small team has released two breakout titles, spectacular expansion content, and a sizable number of community-focused updates bringing fixes, tweaks, and features to the EVERSPACE series. We’ve grown to a studio of just over thirty, with team members scattered around the world. We’ve created an amazing global community filled with enthusiastic space game fans who thrive on our transparent communication. And we’ve formed strong bonds with the biggest platforms and hardware makers—partnerships that form the foundations of our future. 

What makes ROCKFISH Games is our team. We could not have done this without the handful of creative developers who followed C...

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16 Feb

06 Feb


Originally posted by 3shotsb4breakfast

Still experiencing this problem on Nintendo Switch. Three containers inside a secure container are inaccessible.

Hey there, sorry to hear this. I will add this to the books, but please keep in mind it is unlikely we will be visiting this for a while since we are focused on EVERSPACE 2 currently. Regardless, having it cataloged will move us forward once we can. Thanks for your report.

02 Feb

01 Feb


Hey there, I posted on your Steam forum thread; thanks for the report. If you haven't checked the Steam post, the short of it is this: We had a similar report about 4 years ago in a Discord conversation. The specifics of the incident weren't entirely sorted, but the user was able to resolve the issue by turning off his overclocking. Might be worth a try?

26 Jan

19 Jan

15 Jan


Originally posted by aggsol

So the console version will stay on the old engine, then?

The console versions are also being migrated to UE5 so we can continue supporting them, too.


Originally posted by VermicelliJazzlike31

The dev console being removed is very frustrating. Having completed the game several times, I now want the ability to spawn in items, play in god mode, unlimited ammo/health and so forth, spawn in enemies as I see fit. It feels like my experience is cut short as if I have a hand on my shoulder telling me I'm playing wrong or as if my hands are tied. Please in future devs always leave the console in. Why do you think skyrim is so popular.

You're asking for added features to change how the game is meant to be experienced, and it simply was not in the vision for the game.

For example, let's look at Pac Man. When beating Pac Man, should the devs provide the player the ability to despawn ghosts, or make 100 ghosts, or make Pac Man invincible, or make all the dots into power pellets, or have fruit appear every second, or be provided a map editor to make their own maze? Because the game doesn't have these things, does that somehow mean the devs are looking over the player's shoulders telling them they're playing wrong or tying their hands?

Cheat codes can inadvertently burnout players by experiencing all the content really fast in a matter that wasn't intended. Even as end-game unlockable content, this can remove any need to replay a game, and replayability is a foundational pillar of EVERSPACE. Sometimes having a sandbox mode or unlockable can be a good thing, but not always. Skyrim obviously doe...

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05 Jan

03 Jan


Originally posted by radar2670

How does this affect us console peasants(XSX/PS5)?

Because the overarching intent is to futureproof to continue supporting, this means for continued support. The difference in engine shouldn't change much (if anything) since we aren't changing assets at all. After all has been migrated, it should be the exact same game, just with a sexier engine under the hood of it with mechanics standing by.


Originally posted by 8_BIT_FOND

Holy HIVE units Madman!! Wouldn't that require a complete codebase rewrite?

Edit: Also, when is the next community stream?

We use Blueprints quite a lot, so the process has currently been mild pertaining to the codebase. Hopefully that doesn't change, because there's a lot of work to do!

Edit: Next stream is this Friday, January 5th.

The Path To Unreal Engine 5 Is Paved With Crushed Bugs

Migrating to Unreal Engine 5 has key quest locations shifted around. 

The title says it all! TL;DR: The team is getting under the hood and giving EVERSPACE 2 an engine update as a maintainability upgrade. We’re ...

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23 Dec

22 Dec

21 Dec

Winter Sale | Artbook Print Edition | Soundtrack Volume 3 & 4 | Incursions Sneak Peek Stream

The Steam Winter Sale is here and we salute all you deal hunters who’ve held out until the end of 2023 to pick up games you’ve had your eye on. With our games in good shape, the ROCKFISH Games team is about to head off for a much-deserved winter break. Before we go, we wanted to share a little news!

This year has had us busy! After more than two years in Early Access, EVERSPACE 2 launched on PC to critical and community acclaim and we followed shortly on consoles. The Armed & Dangerous Update made news and super-fans fell in love with our digital artbook and soundtrack. Development on EVERSPACE 2 isn’t done yet—We’ve got big plans for 2024!

Without support from fans, our journey through the stars would not have been the same. We truly value the feedback and praise the EVERSPACE community has shared over the course of development and we hope our frequent update...

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15 Dec