Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

22 Jun


Originally posted by AKiDORME

Hello! I can't link my amazon account. After I write the code in the amazon page and its says it was succesfull, it gives me an error in-game saying to try again later.

Our Support team can help with Amazon linking! :) https://support.fallguys.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


Originally posted by CaptOmar98

ma game keeps loading on " waiting for rewards " after every game and then proceeds with error "there was a problem loading your rewards " on Xbox

In fact - this is widespread right now, so I have updated my thread. Please bear with us!


Originally posted by CaptOmar98

ma game keeps loading on " waiting for rewards " after every game and then proceeds with error "there was a problem loading your rewards " on Xbox

Could you please pop a note into Support for me and include your Epic ID? https://support.fallguys.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


Originally posted by Anonymous_league

I have the latest update already, I checked it on ps4 and it says the latest update is installed

What is the "update is required" message you're seeing? It basically doesn't let you play and tells you that you have to update it? Does it give any details?


Originally posted by catchinfeelings

Sure but what should I put on the actual issue?

Also about the daily shop, is it a bug that I get items that I already own or that's how it's supposed to work?

Put exactly what you outlined to me, it will be enough to start investigations and they will ask you some further Qs most likely.

The Daily Shop is as intended for now - apologies as for users with a lot of items you will see that frequently until we continue to add content.


Originally posted by Anonymous_league

After I made an update now, it tells me an update is required. What should I do?

If the game is asking you to download a content update, you should do so!


Originally posted by catchinfeelings

Is it a bug that I get items that I already own on my daily shop or intentional?

Intentional for now.


Originally posted by catchinfeelings

On epic

And yea. Every single round has this problem. I'll try to restart the game. Hope it fixes it but I just wanted to let you know that it can happen

Thank you for letting me know - would you mind if you have a moment today, letting Support Know? Any videos/screenshots helpful (even if taken on your phone!) https://support.fallguys.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


Originally posted by Piersandro

I got disabled account error when I try to play via Xbox Series X. I already played the old version on PlayStation 4 and launched the new version on PlayStation 4. I cannot play on my Xbox. I already written yesterday to support.

Do you have an Error Code shown?


Originally posted by catchinfeelings

For some reason in my last few games the camera doesn't follow other players anymore and it's stack in one place

Also two medals are showing after the round ends, and one of them also carries over to the disqualification screen

That is really unusual, which console are you on regarding the first one, and for the medals do you happen to remember which round - or has it happened in multiple?


Please feel free to post more issues here but if you see one that isn't logged, please contact Support! I will do my best to read and reply but once we get to evening time in the UK I cannot keep up1

Current issue: We will temporarily be removing the Daily section of the store for a few hours whilst we rectify an issue. A bundle was causing the store to fail to load for some users.

12:30 BST - the above is about to take place. This will briefly force-restart your game client. You may take a small while to re-join whilst you all get rebooted at once.

Hi everyone!

Thanks so much for patience through the server turbulence yesterday. Things look good today but we are constantly keeping watch. It is the morning here in the UK and I spent a lot of time going through the sub to catch some of the most common bugs and issues! I will keep this updated through the week!

I have lost my items!

Don't worry, you'll get them back. Here are a few scenarios, starting with the easiest:

  • You haven't played since before December 2021. You used your new device (i.e Switch) to sign up to Epic Games. You logged in...
Read more External link →

21 Jun


Originally posted by MortallyHolyRunaway

I have other stuff missing as well, is it just this pattern people are having problems with or other costumes as well?

This is the only one that has been flagged to me - I recc popping Support a note with any further ones and they can check what's up: https://support.fallguys.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


Originally posted by nick2473got

Hey! I'm missing the Swirly Sleeves as well. So I've also sent you a DM with my support ID if that's alright.

Thank you :D! We are looking into this!


Originally posted by Korobar

So MM still not working?

It is going up and down, so we are still working!


Originally posted by jbstrangetrousers

Thanks for the update, I am gonna give it a go and hope it works

EDIT: I am happy to report that you lot probably got the Playstation Plus issue fixed, cause I don’t get it anymore. So the main issue is the servers now I guess, all I get is “Failed to login, please check your connection”.

EDIT 2: OMG! My game finally started working!!!! And my progress carried from the PC version, too.

Yeys all around!!


Originally posted by SkyrimBelongToNords

does this mean normal lobbies should work now?

It should help the underlying issue that has been causing login/matchmaking issues, but we are still working at the speed of sound to get everything back.